Doveton J.H. Principles of mathematical petrophysics (Oxford, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDoveton J.H. Principles of mathematical petrophysics / J.H.Doveton. - Oxford; New York: Oxford university press, 2014. - xiv, 248 p.: ill. - (Studies in mathematical geosciences; N 9). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.245-248. - ISBN 978-0-19-997804-5
Шифр: (И/Д34-D77) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Foreword to the Series ......................................... xi
Preface ...................................................... xiii 
Acknowlegements ................................................ xv
1  Fluid Saturation Evaluation .................................. 1
   The Archie equations ......................................... 1
   The Humble equation and its variants ......................... 4
   Sensitivity analysis of Archie equation parameters ........... 8
   Non-Archie sandstones ....................................... 10
   Shaly sandstone analysis .................................... 13
   Double-layer shaly sandstone models ......................... 15
   Dual-water shaly sandstone models ........................... 20
   The Archie equation in carbonate rocks ...................... 23
   Porosity partitioning in dual-porosity systems .............. 26
   The porosity exponent in a triple-porosity system ........... 31
   Dielectric logging measurement of the porosity exponent ..... 31
   Petrographic evaluations of the porosity exponent in 
   carbonates The saturation exponent, n ....................... 33
   Wettability effects on the saturation exponent .............. 36
   Archie redux ................................................ 38
2  Porosity Volumetrics and Pore Typing ........................ 44
   Porosity of spherical packs ................................. 44
   Clastic "effective" porosity ................................ 44
   Neutron-density shale volumetrics ........................... 45 
   Gamma-ray estimations of shale volume ....................... 47
   Correction of total porosity for shale contents ............. 50
   Allocation between shale morphology types ................... 51 
   Carbonate porosity .......................................... 55
   Vug porosity evaluation from acoustic and resistivity logs .. 56
   NMR logging of vuggy porosity ............................... 62
3  Permeability Estimation ..................................... 67
   Permeability is a vector .................................... 67
   Prediction of permeability from porosity .................... 67
   Flow-zone indicator (FZI) discrimination of hydraulic 
   units ....................................................... 69
   Application of FZI to permeability prediction ............... 73
   Permeability predictions from porosity and "irreducible" 
   water saturation ............................................ 77
   NMR estimation of permeability in clastic pore systems ...... 79
   Permeability estimation in carbonates dominated by 
   interparticle porosity ...................................... 81
   Evaluation of permeability in dual- and triple-porosity
   systems ..................................................... 82
   A Wilderness of mirrors ..................................... 88
4  Compositional Analysis of Mineralogy ........................ 94
   Some matrix algebra ......................................... 94
   Compositional-solution evaluation ........................... 97
   Underdetermined systems ..................................... 99
   Оverdetermined systems ..................................... 202
   Optimization models for compositional solutions ............ 103
   Multiple-model solutions of rock composition ............... 105
   Elucidation of clay minerals ............................... 106 
   Compositional analysis from geochemical logs ............... 113
   Inversion mapping of compositions .......................... 117
5  Petrophysical Rocks: Electrofacies and Lithofacies ......... 122
   Fades and electrofacies .................................... 122
   Dunham textures and electrofacies .......................... 123
   Petrophysical recognition of lithofacies ................... 124
   Zonation by cluster analysis ............................... 128
   Theoretical, empirical, and interpretive electrofacies 
   methods .................................................... 132
   Principal component analysis (PCA) of electrofacies ........ 134
   Classification by a parametric electrofacies database ...... 146
   Supervised electrofacies analysis methods .................. 147
   Electrofacies classification by discriminant function 
   analysis (DFA) 248 Nonparametric discriminant analysis ..... 152
   Neural-network prediction of lithofacies from logs ......... 157
   Beyond product fades to the petrophysical prediction of 
   process facies ............................................. 162
6  Pore-System Facies: Pore Throats and Pore Bodies ........... 272
   The petrofacies concept .................................... 172
   Equivalent hydraulic radius of tubes ....................... 172
   Capillary pressure evaluation of pore-throat sizes ......... 172
   The Winland equation ....................................... 176
   The flow-unit concept ...................................... 178
   Petrofacies case-study applications of the Winland 
   equation ................................................... 179
   Carbonate petrofacies pore-throat size distributions ....... 185
   Pore-body size distributions from NMR measurements ......... 198
   NMR facies in sandstones ................................... 200
   NMR pore-size interpretation in carbonates ................. 204
   NMR-partitioned porosity and Dunham textural classes ....... 205
   NMR facies in carbonates ................................... 209
7  Saturation-Height Functions ................................ 217
   Integration: the saturation-height model ................... 217
   The basics of reservoir saturation profiles ................ 218
   Saturation-height modeling in sandstones from capillary
   pressure measurements ...................................... 221
   Height functions for bulk-volume water ..................... 225
   Permeability-height functions .............................. 230
   Saturation-height modeling in carbonates ................... 233
   Saturation-height modeling based on magnetic resonance 
   logs ....................................................... 238
   Putting it all together: the static reservoir model ........ 241
Index ......................................................... 245

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