Applied cyber-physical systems (New York, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаApplied cyber-physical systems / ed.: S.C.Suh et al.; forew. by B.Thurasingham. - New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 2014. - xii, 253 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - ISBN 978-1-4614-7335-0
Шифр: (И/З.973.2-A67) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
1  Evolution of Cyber-Physical Systems: A Brief Review .......... 1
   Bemd J. Krämer
2  The Need for a Transdisciplinary Approach to Security
   of Cyber Physical Infrastructure ............................. 5
   Jim Brodie Brazell
3  A Regional and Transdisciplinary Approach to Educating
   Secondary and College Students in Cyber-Physical Systems .... 15
   Cliff Zintgraff, Carolyn Wilson Green and John N. Carbone
4  Cyber-Physical Systems and STEM Development: NASA
   Digital Astronaut Project ................................... 33
   U. John Tanik and Selay Arkun-Kocadere
5  Radically Simplifying Cyber Security ........................ 51
   Dan Kruger and John N. Carbone
6  Cyber-Physical System Architectures for Dynamic, Real-Time
   "Need-to-Know" Authorization ................................ 63
   James A. Crowder and John N. Carbone
7  Cyber-physical Systems Security ............................. 75
   Md E. Karim and Vir V. Phoha
8  Axiomatic Design Theory for Cyber-Physical System ........... 85
   Cengiz Togay
9  The Importance of Grain Size in Communication Within
   Cyber-Physical Systems ..................................... 101
   Julia M. Taylor
10 Focus, Salience, and Priming in Cyber-Physical
   Intelligence ............................................... 111
   Victor Raskin
11 An Adaptive Cyber-Physical System Framework for Cyber-
   Physical Systems Design Automation ......................... 125
   U. John Tanik and Angelyn Begley
12 Cyber-Physical Ecosystems: App-Centric Software Ecosystems
   in Cyber-Physical Environments ............................. 141
   David E. Robbins and Murat M. Tanik
13 Risk Assessment and Management to Estimate and Improve
   Hospital Credibility Score of Patient Health Care Quality .. 149
   Mehmet Sahinoglu and Kenneth Wool
14 Use of Session Initiation Protocol in Multimedia
   Communications: Evaluation of Server Performance Based on
   Software Profiling ......................................... 169
   Mansour H. Assaf, Maquada Williams, Sunil R. Das,
   Satyendra N. Biswas and Scott Morton
15 Principle of Active Condition Control: Impact Analysis ..... 185
   Igor Schagaev and John N. Carbone
16 Long Range Wireless Data Acquisition Sensor System
   for Health Care Applications ............................... 209
   Abdullah Eroglu
17 Performance Improvement of RFID Systems .................... 229
   Abdullah Eroglu
18 Thinking Embedded, Designing Cyber-Physical: Is it
   Possible? .................................................. 241
   Deniz Koçak

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