Modern real analysis / eds.: J.Hejduk et al. (Lodz, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаModern real analysis / eds.: J.Hejduk et al. - Lodz: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Lodzkiego, 2015. - 224 p.: ill. - ISBN 978-83-7969-663-5
Шифр: (И/В16-M78) 02


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Оглавление / Contents

Chapter 1 ............................................................ 7
Jacek Hejduk, Stanislaw Kowalczyk, Ryszard J. Pawlak and Malgorzata

Chapter 2 ........................................................... 11
Quasicontinuous functions with small set of discontinuity points
Ján Borsík

Chapter 3 ........................................................... 27
Convolution operators on some spaces of functions and distributions
in the theory of circuits
Andrzej Borys, Andrzej Kamiński and Sławomir Sorek

Chapter 4 ........................................................... 45
Continuity connected with ψ-density
Małgorzata Filipczak and Małgorzata Terepeta

Chapter 5 ........................................................... 61
On equivalence of topological and restrictional continuity
Katarzyna Flak and Jacek Hejduk

Chapter 6 ........................................................... 69
On fields inspired with the polar HSV - RGB theory of Colour
Ján Haluŝka

Chapter 7 ........................................................... 89
Generalized (topological) metric space. From nowhere density to
infinite games
Ewa Korczak-Kubiak, Anna Loranty and Ryszard J. Pawlak

Chapter 8 .......................................................... 105
Path continuity connected with density and porosity
Stanisław Kowalczyk and Małgorzata Turowska

Chapter 9 .......................................................... 127
Topological similarity of functions
Ivan Kupka

Chapter 10 ......................................................... 147
On the Darboux property of derivative multifunction
Grazyna Kwiecińska

Chapter 11 ......................................................... 161
On extensions of quasi-continuous functions
Oleksandr V. Maslyuchenko and Vasyl V. Nesterenko

Chapter 12 ......................................................... 185
Weak convergence with respect to category
Władysław Wilczyński

Chapter 13 ......................................................... 193
New properties of the families of convergent and divergent
permutations - Part I
Roman Wituła, Edyta Hetmaniok and Damian Słota

Chapter 14 ......................................................... 213
New properties of the families of convergent and divergent
permutations - Part II
Roman Wituła

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