Transport and fate of chemicals in the environment: selected entries from the encyclopedia of sustainability science and technology (New York, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTransport and fate of chemicals in the environment: selected entries from the encyclopedia of sustainability science and technology / ed.: J.S.Gulliver. - New York: Springer Science + Business Media, 2012. - vi, 375 p.: ill., tab. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.369-375. - ISBN 978-1-4614-5730-5
Шифр: (И/Е08-T82) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
1  Transport and Fate of Chemicals in the Environment,
   Introduction ................................................. 1
   John S. Gulliver
2  Chemicals in the Environment, Diffusive Transport ........... 13
   Edward Cussler
3  Toxic Organic Chemicals ..................................... 41
   Simanga Gama, Jon A. Arnot, and Don Mackay
4  Transport in the Environment ................................ 65
   John S. Gulliver
5  Chemicals in the Environment, Turbulent Transport ........... 89
   John S. Gulliver
6  Chemicals in the Environment, Dispersive Transport ......... 113
   John S. Gulliver
7  Transport with Jets and Plumes of Chemicals in the
   Environment ................................................ 141
   Wenming Zhang, Nallamuthu Rajaratnam, and David Z. Zhu
8  Atmosphere-Water Exchange .................................. 175
   Bernd Jähne
9  Sediment-Water Interfaces, Chemical Flux at ................ 195
   Louis J. Thibodeaux and Joseph Germano
10 River Fate and Transport ................................... 219
   Zhen-Gang Ji
11 Lake and Reservoir Fate and Transport of Chemicals ......... 241
   Heinz G. Stefan, Xing Fang, and John S. Gulliver
12 Oceanic Fate and Transport of Chemicals .................... 287
   Robert P. Mason
13 Subsurface Fate and Transport of Chemicals ................. 335
   Frank T. Barranco Jr., Samantha L. Saalfield, Frederick 
   J. Tenbus, and Brian P. Shedd
Index ......................................................... 369

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