| Philosophy, science, and history: a guide and reader / ed. by L.Patton. - New York; London: Routledge/Taylor & Group, 2014. - xii, 469 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.462-469. - ISBN 978-0-415-89830-0 Шифр: (И/Ю25-P57) 02
List of Figures .............................................. viii
Acknowledgments ................................................. x
1 Editor's Introduction ........................................ 1
Part I. Approaches to the History and Philosophy of Science ..... 7
2 Introduction to "Approaches to the History and Philosophy
of Science ................................................... 9
3 Reason in Science ........................................... 43
George (Jorge) Santayana
4 The Function of General Laws in History ..................... 48
Carl Hempel
5 The Three Tasks of Epistemology ............................. 62
Hans Reichenbach
6 What Are Scientific Revolutions? ............................ 71
Thomas Kuhn
7 Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research
Programmes .................................................. 89
Imre Lakatos
8 The Relations between the History and the Philosophy of
Science ..................................................... 95
Thomas Kuhn
9 The History of Science ..................................... 106
Thomas Kuhn
10 Scientific Research under a Historical Microscope .......... 122
Martin Rudwick
11 The Polity of Science ...................................... 138
Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer
Part II. Debates in History and Philosophy of Science ......... 151
A. Hypotheses in Scientific Discovery ......................... 153
12 Introduction to "Hypotheses in Scientific Discovery" ....... 155
13 Of Inductions Improperly So Called ......................... 163
John Stuart Mill
14 Mr. Mill's Logic ........................................... 182
William Whewell
15 Physical Theory and Experiment ............................. 200
Pierre Duhem
16 Is There a Logic of Scientific Discovery? .................. 220
Norwood Russell Hanson
B. Force in Natural Philosophy ................................ 235
17 Introduction to "Force in Natural Philosophy" .............. 237
18 Principles of Philosophy (selections) ...................... 254
Rene Descartes
19 Critical Thoughts on the General Part of the Principles
of Descartes ............................................... 282
Gottfried Leibniz
20 On the Gravity and Equilibrium of Fluids ................... 307
Isaac Newton
21 On the Divisibility and Subtlety of Matter ................. 332
Emilie du Chatelet
22 Of the Idea of Necessary Connexion ......................... 343
David Hume
23 How Is Pure Natural Science Possible? ...................... 356
Immanuel Kant
C. Natural History: Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism ....... 375
24 Introduction to "Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism" ...... 377
25 Initial Discourse .......................................... 386
George-Louis de Button
26 Preliminary Observations to the Essay on the Theory of
the Earth .................................................. 402
Georges Cuvier
27 Prejudices Relating to the Theory of the Earth ............. 417
John Playfair
28 On the Geological Succession of Organic Beings ............. 426
Charles Darwin
29 Of the Doctrine of Catastrophes and the Doctrine of
Uniformity ................................................. 452
William Whewell
Index ......................................................... 462