The biophysics of photosynthesis (New York, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe biophysics of photosynthesis / eds.: J.Golbeck, A. van der Est. - New York: Springer, 2014. - xi, 462 p.: ill. - (Biophysics for the life sciences). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.451-462. - ISBN 978-1-4939-1147-9
Шифр: (И/Е5-B60) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Part I  Light Energy Capture and Energy Transfer
1  Structure-Based Calculation of Pigment-Protein and 
   Excitonic Pigment-Pigment Coupling in Photosynthetic
   Light-Harvesting Complexes ................................... 3
   Frank Müh and Thomas Renger
2  Electron-Phonon and Exciton-Phonon Coupling in Light
   Harvesting, Insights from Line-Narrowing Spectroscopies ..... 45
   Jörg Pieper and Arvi Freiberg
3  Photosynthetic Energy Transfer and Charge Separation
   in Higher Plants ............................................ 79
   Tjaart P.J. Krüger, Vladimir I. Novoderezhkin, Elisabet
   Romero, and Rienk van Grondelle

Part II  Underlying Principles of Electron Transport
4  Tunneling in Electron Transport ............................ 121
   Christopher C. Moser
5  Spin in Photosynthetic Electron Transport .................. 141
   Isaac F. Céspedes-Camacho and Jörg Matysik
6  Energy Changes in Photosynthetic Electron Transport:
   Probing Photosynthesis by Pulsed Photoacoustics ............ 171
   David Mauzerall and Steven P. Mielke

Part III  Separation and Stabilization of Charge
7  Mechanism of Primary Charge Separation in Photosynthetic 
   Reaction Centers ........................................... 193
   Sergei Savikhin and Ryszard Jankowiak

8  Effects of Quast-equilibrium states on the Cinetics
   Electron Transfer and Radical Pair Stabilisation in 
   Photosystem 1 .............................................. 241
   Stefano Santabarbara, Robert Jennings, and Giuseppe
9  Energetics of Cofactors in Photosynthetic Complexes:
   Relationship Between Protein-Cofactor Interactions
   and Midpoint Potentials .................................... 275
   James P. Allen and JoAnn C. Williams

Part IV  Donor Side Intermediates and Water Splitting
10 The Radical Intermediates of Photosystem II ................ 299
   K.V. Lakshmi, Christopher S. Coates, Stuart Smith,
   and Ruchira Chatterjee
11 Structure-Function Relationships in the Mn4CaO5 Water-
   Splitting Cluster .......................................... 321
   Jian-Ren Shen
12 Water and Oxygen Diffusion Pathways Within Photosystem II. 
   Computational Studies of Controlled Substrate Access
   and Product Release ........................................ 351
   Serguei Vassiliev and Doug Bruce

Part V  Evolution of the Photosynthetic Apparatus
13 From Ionizing Radiation to Photosynthesis .................. 383
   Alexander N. Melkozernov
14 Origin of Oxygenic Photosynthesis from Anoxygenic
   Type I and Type II Reaction Centers ........................ 433
   John F. Allen

Index ......................................................... 451

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