Recent advances in ambient intelligence and context - aware computing (Hersey, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRecent advances in ambient intelligence and context - aware computing / [ed.]: K.Curran. - Hersey: Information science reference, 2015. - xxv, 375 p.: ill. - (Advances in computational intelligence and robotics (ACIR) book series) (Premier reference source). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.373-375. - ISBN 978-1-4666-7284-0; ISSN 2327-0411
Шифр: (И/З.973.2-R31) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ..................................................... xviii

Chapter 1. Combined Ambient and Wearable Sensors for 
Gesture-Based Environmental Control in the Home ................. l
   Aodhán L. Coffey, National University of Ireland Maynooth,
   Tomás E. Ward, National University of Ireland Maynooth,
Chapter 2. Services and Monitors for Dependability Assessment
of Mobile Health Monitoring Systems ............................ 22
   Alessandro Testa, Institute of High Performance Computing 
   and Networking (ICAR), Italy
   Antonio Coronato, Institute of High Performance Computing
   and Networking (ICAR), Italy
   Marcello Cinque, Universitд di Napoli Federico II, Italy
   Giuseppe De Pietro, Institute of High Performance 
   Computing and Networking (ICAR), Italy 
Chapter 3. A Camera-Based System for Determining Hand Range
of Movement Measurements in Rheumatoid Arthritis ............... 39
   Aaron Bond, University of Ulster, UK
   Kevin Curran, University of Ulster, UK
Chapter 4. Rehabilitation Systems in Ambient Assisted Living
Environments ................................................... 60
   A.M. Middleton, National University of Ireland Maynooth,
   R.P. Harte, National University of Ireland Galway, 
   Т.E. Ward, National University of Ireland Maynooth,
Chapter 5. Developing Team Work in IT Education to Foster 
Student Engagement ............................................. 79
   Nigel McKelvey, University of Ulster, UK
   Kevin Curran, University of Ulster, UK
Chapter 6. Common Problems Faced When Developing Applications
for Mobile Devices ............................................. 90
   Kevin Curran, University of Ulster, UK
   Sean Carlin, University of Ulster, UK
   Joseph McMahon, University of Ulster, UK
Chapter 7. Human Behaviour Recognition in Ambient 
Intelligent Environments ...................................... 107
   Hans W. Guesgen, Massey University, New Zealand
   Stephen Marsland, Massey University, New Zealand
Chapter 8. Ambient Intelligence in the Bedroom ................ 122
   Dorien Van Deun, KU Leuven, Belgium
   Tim Willemen, KU Leuven, Belgium & iMinds Research 
   Institute, Belgium
   Vincent Verhaert, KU Leuven, Belgium
   Bart Haex, KU Leuven, Belgium & IMEC, Belgium
   Sabine Van Huffel, KU Leuven, Belgium & iMinds Research 
   Institute, Belgium
   Jos Vander Sloten, KU Leuven, Belgium
Chapter 9. Holophonor: Designing the Visual Music 
Instruments of the Future ..................................... 143
   Jonathan Weinel, Glyndŵr University, UK 
   Stuart Cunningham, Glyndŵr University, UK
   Richard Picking, Glyndŵr University, UK 
   Lyall Williams, Glyndŵr University, UK
Chapter 10. Smart Home Energy Management ...................... 155
   David Lillis, University College Dublin, Ireland
   Tadhg О 'Sullivan, University College Dublin, Ireland
   Thomas Holz, University College Dublin, Ireland
   Conor Muldoon, University College Dublin, Ireland
   Michael J.О'Grady, University College Dublin, Ireland
   Gregory M.P. О'Hare, University College Dublin, Ireland
Chapter 11. Application Mobility: Concept and Design .......... 169
   Dan Johansson, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden 
   Mikael Wiberg, Urnea University, Sweden
Chapter 12. CAFCLA: A Framework to Design, Develop, and 
Deploy Ami-Based Collaborative Learning Applications .......... 187
   Óscar García, University of Salamanca, Spain
   Ricardo S. Alonso, University of Salamanca, Spain
   Dante I. Tapia, University of Salamanca, Spain
   Juan M. Corchado, University of Salamanca, Spain
Chapter 13. Contemporary Gold Rush or Scientific 
Advancement: A Review of Social Network Analysis Approaches
and Their Impact .............................................. 210
   Darren Quinn, University of Ulster, UK
   Liming Chen, De Montfort University, UK
   Maurice Mulvenna, University of Ulster, UK
Chapter 14. Current Trends in Interoperability, Scalability,
and Security of Pervasive Healthcare Systems .................. 227
   Albert Brugués, University of Applied Sciences Western 
   Switzerland (HES-SO), Switzerland & Universitat
   Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC), Spain
   Josep Pegueroles, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya -
   BarcelonaTech (UPC), Spain
   Stefano Bromuri, University of Applied Sciences Western
   Switzerland (HES-SO), Switzerland
   Michael Schumacher, University of Applied Sciences 
   Western Switzerland (HES-SO), Switzerland
Chapter 15. Holophonor: On the Future Technology of Visual
Music ......................................................... 248
   Jonathan Weinel, Glyndŵr University, UK
   Stuart Cunningham, Glyndŵr University, UK
   Richard Picking, Glyndŵr University, UK
   Lyall Williams, Glyndŵr University, UK
Chapter 16. Smart Displays in Ambient Intelligence
Environments .................................................. 262
   Fernando Reinaldo Ribeiro, Algoritmi Research Centre, 
   University of Minho, Portugal
   Rui José, Algoritmi Research Centre, University of Minho,
Chapter 17. A Literacy and Numeracy E-Learning Mobile 
Application for Pre-Schoolers ................................. 279
   Niall McCarroll, University of Ulster, UK
   Kevin Curran, University of Ulster, UK
Chapter 18. Light Therapy in Smart Healthcare Facilities for
Older Adults: An Overview ..................................... 300
   Joost van Hoof, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, 
   The Netherlands & ISSO, The Netherlands
   Mariëlle P.J. Aarts, Eindhoven University of Technology,
   The Netherlands
   Adriana C. Westeriaken, TNO, The Netherlands
   Björn Schrader, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and 
   Arts, Switzerland
   Eveline J.M. Wouters, Fontys University of Applied 
   Sciences, The Netherlands
   Harold T.G. Weffers, Eindhoven University of Technology, 
   The Netherlands
   Myriam В.C. Aries, Eindhoven University of Technology,
   The Netherlands
Chapter 19. Context-Aware Mobile and Wearable Device 
Interfaces .................................................... 308
   Claas Ahlrichs, University of Bremen, Germany
   Hendrik Iben, University of Bremen, Germany
   Michael Lawo, University of Bremen, Germany

Compilation of References ..................................... 322
About the Contributors ........................................ 362
Index ......................................................... 373

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