Membrane proteins production for structural analysis (New York, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMembrane proteins production for structural analysis / ed.: I.Mus-Veteau. - New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 2014. - xxiii, 425 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.423-425. - ISBN 978-1-4939-0661-1
Шифр: (И/Е0-M54) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
1  Membrane Protein Production for Structural Analysis .......... 1
   Isabelle Mus-Veteau, Pascal Demange and Francesca Zito
2  Membrane Protein Quality Control in Cell-Free Expression
   Systems: Tools, Strategies and Case Studies ................. 45
   Davide Proverbio, Erik Henrich, Erika Orbán, Volker
   Dötsch and Frank Bernhard
3  Bacterial Expression and Stabilization of GPCRs ............. 71
   Jean-Louis Banères
4  Membrane Protein Production in Escherichia coli: Overview
   and Protocols ............................................... 87
   Georges Hattab, Annabelle Y.T. Suisse, Oana Ilioaia, 
   Marina Casiraghi, Manuela Dezi, Xavier L. Warnet, Dror 
   E. Warschawski, Karine Moncoq, Manuela Zoonens and Bruno 
5  Lactococcus lactis: Recent Developments in Functional
   Expression of Membrane Proteins ............................ 107
   Sana Bakari, François André, Daphné Seigneurin-Berny, 
   Marcel Delaforge, Norbert Rolland and Annie Frelet-
6  Overexpression of Membrane Proteins in Saccharomyces
   cerevisiae for Structural and Functional Studies: A Focus
   on the Rabbit Ca2+-ATPase Sercala and on the Yeast Lipid
   "Flippase" Complex Drs2p/Cdc50p ............................ 133
   Cédric Montigny, Hassina Azouaoui, Aurore Jacquot, Marc 
   le Maire, Christine Jaxel, Philippe Champeil and 
   Guillaume Lenoir
7  Amphipols: A General Introduction and Some Protocols ....... 173
   Manuela Zoonens, Francesca Zito, Karen L. Martinez and 
   Jean-Luc Popot
8  New Amphiphiies to Handle Membrane Proteins: "Ménage à
   Trois" Between Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, and 
   Biochemistry ............................................... 205
   Grégory Durand, Maher Abla, Christine Ebel and Cécile 
9  Building Model Membranes with Lipids and Proteins: Dangers
   and Challenges ............................................. 253
   James N. Sturgis
10 Analytical Ultracentrifugation and Size-Exclusion 
   Chromatography Coupled with Light Scattering for the 
   Characterization of Membrane Proteins in Solution .......... 267
   Aline Le Roy, Cécile Breyton and Christine Ebel
11 Lipidic Cubic Phase Technologies for Structural Studies
   of Membrane Proteins ....................................... 289
   Andrii Ishchenko, Enrique Abola and Vadim Cherezov
12 Micelles, Bicelles, Amphipols, Nanodiscs, Liposomes, or 
   Intact Cells: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Study of 
   Membrane Proteins by NMR ................................... 315
   Laurent J. Catoire, Xavier L. Warnet and Dror E. 
13 Foundations of Biomolecular Simulations: A Critical 
   Introduction to Homology Modeling, Molecular Dynamics
   Simulations, and Free Energy Calculations of Membrane
   Proteins ................................................... 347
   Marc Baaden, Jérôme Hénin and Antoine Taly
14 Structural Studies of TSPO, a Mitochondrial Membrane
   Protein .................................................... 393
   Jean-Jacques Lacapere, Soria Iatmanen-Harbi, Lucile
   Senicourt, Olivier Lequin, Piotr Tekely, Rudra N. 
   Purasottam, Petra Hellwig, Sebastien Kriegel, Stephanie
   Ravaud, Celine Juillan-Binard, Eva Pebay Peyroula and
   Vassilios Papadopoulos

Index ......................................................... 423

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