Effective technology transfer in biotechnology: best practice case studies in Europe (London, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаEffective technology transfer in biotechnology: best practice case studies in Europe / eds.: O.Uecke et al. - London: Imperial college press, 2014. - xxv, 254 p.: ill., tab. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - ISBN 978-1-78326-680-7
Шифр: (И/Л8-E27) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
List of Figures ............................................... xix
List of Tables ................................................ xxi
List of Contributors ........................................ xxiii
Introduction ................................................ xxvii
References .................................................. xxxiv

Introduction .................................................... 1
References ...................................................... 4

1    CASE STUDY 1: A Look Inside Imperial College's TTO ......... 5
1.1  Setting the scene .......................................... 5
1.2  Identifying best practices ................................. 7
     1.2.1  TTO team and structure .............................. 7
     1.2.2  Screening/assessment ............................... 11
     1.2.3  IP management ...................................... 13
     1.2.4  Commercialization .................................. 14
1.3  Implementing best practices in your region ................ 16
1.4  Future opportunities ...................................... 17
1.5  Best practices ............................................ 18
1.6  References ................................................ 18

2    CASE STUDY 2: Technology Transfer at VIB .................. 19
2.1  Setting the scene ......................................... 19
     2.1.1  VIB TTO ............................................ 21
2.2  Identifying best practices ................................ 22
     2.2.1  The early beginnings and the catalyzing role of
            the Flemish government ............................. 22
     2.2.2  Screening and assessment process at VTB TTO ........ 24
     2.2.3  IP management ...................................... 27
     2.2.4  TTO support of entrepreneurs ....................... 28
     2.2.5  Results and achievements in terms of valorization .. 29  Basic tech transfer statistics ................. 29
2.3  Implementing best practices in your region ................ 30
     2.3.1  Implications for TTO ............................... 30
     2.3.2  Implications for universities/research
            organizations ...................................... 30
     2.3.3  Implications for policy makers ..................... 30
2.4  Future opportunities ...................................... 30
2.5  Best practices ............................................ 31
2.6  References ................................................ 32

3    CASE STUDY 3: The Creation of a New Technology
     Transfer Office ........................................... 33
3.1  Setting the scene ......................................... 33
     3.1.1  Introduction to IIMCB and Ochota Biocentre ......... 33
     3.1.2  General information about the BioTech-IP ........... 34
     3.1.3  History of technology transfer in Poland ........... 34
3.2  Identifying best practices ................................ 35
     3.2.1  BioTech-IP's history ............................... 35
     3.2.2  TTO team and structure ............................. 37
     3.2.3  TTO tasks and responsibilities ..................... 37
     3.2.4  Financing .......................................... 38
     3.2.5  Achievements ....................................... 38
     3.2.6  Future plans ....................................... 39
3.3  Implementing best practices in your region ................ 39
     3.3.1  Implications for TTO ............................... 40
     3.3.2  Implications for research organizations ............ 40
     3.3.3  Implications for policy makers ..................... 40
3.4  Future opportunities ...................................... 41
3.5  Best practices ............................................ 41
3.6  References ................................................ 42

4    CASE STUDY 4: A Model for IP Transfer and Shareholding
     for University Spin-Offs: The "Dresden Model" ............. 43
4.1  Setting the scene ......................................... 43
4.2  Identifying best practices ................................ 46
     4.2.1  Evolution of the "Dresden Model" ................... 48
     4.2.2  The Dresden Model today ............................ 48
4.3  Implementing best practices in your region ................ 49
4.4  Future opportunities ...................................... 49
4.5  Best practices ............................................ 49
4.6  References ................................................ 50

SECTION 2: FUNDING ............................................. 51
Introduction ................................................... 51
References ..................................................... 54

5     CASE STUDY 5: Environmental Success Factors of Imperial
     College's TTO ............................................. 55
5.1  Setting the scene ......................................... 55
5.2  Identifying best practices ................................ 57
     5.2.1  University level ................................... 58
     5.2.2  Regional level: Financial community ................ 60
     5.2.3  Regional level: Government ......................... 63
5.3  Implementing best practices in your region ................ 66
5.4  Future improvements ....................................... 68
5.5  Best practices ............................................ 68
5.6  References ................................................ 68

6    CASE STUDY 6: The Industrial Research Fund ................ 70
6.1  Setting the scene ......................................... 70
     6.1.1  Flanders ........................................... 71
     6.1.2  The Flemish Department of Economy, Science and
            Innovation (EWI) ................................... 72
     6.1.3  IWT ................................................ 73
     6.1.4  Vrije Universiteit Brussel ......................... 73
     6.1.5  Interactions between universities and industry ..... 73
6.2  Identifying best practices ................................ 74
6.3  The history and evolution of the IOF is closely
     linked to the Interface Offices at the Flemish
     universities .............................................. 75
     6.3.1  The workings of the Industrial Research Fund ....... 76
     6.3.2  Allocation key ..................................... 77
     6.3.3  Review and follow-up ............................... 78  Strategic plan ................................. 78  Information duty ............................... 79  Monitoring and evaluation ...................... 79  Review of progress ............................. 79  The approach of VUB ............................ 79  IOF Council .................................... 80  VUB internal IOF regulation .................... 81  2004-2011: Program funding ..................... 82  2011-...: Project funding ...................... 83 Proof-of-concept funding ....................... 84 Reporting ...................................... 84 Impact of IOF at VUB ........................... 84
6.4  Implementing best practices in your region ................ 86
     6.4.1  Implications for TTO ............................... 86
     6.4.2  Implications for university/research
            organizations ...................................... 86
     6.4.3  Implications for policy makers ..................... 86
6.5  Future opportunities ...................................... 86
6.6  Best practices ............................................ 88
6.7  References ................................................ 89

7    CASE STUDY 7: Regional Innovation Vouchers as an
     Effective Tool for Supporting Technology Transfer ......... 90
7.1  Setting the scene ......................................... 90
7.2  Identifying good practices ................................ 92
     7.2.1  Specific description ............................... 92
     7.2.2  Evolution of the innovation voucher ................ 94
     7.2.3  The innovation voucher today ....................... 95
     7.2.4  The innovation voucher in the future ............... 97
7.3  Implementing best practice ............................... 100
7.4  Implementing best practices in your region ............... 101
     7.4.1  Implications for the implementation body
            (e.g. Agency, TTO) ................................ 101
     7.4.2  Implications for universities/research
            organizations ..................................... 104
     7.4.3  Implications for policy makers .................... 104
7.5  Future opportunities ..................................... 105
7.6  Best practices ........................................... 106
7.7  References ............................................... 106

8    CASE STUDY 8: Public Funds for Patenting,
     Valorization and Science-Industry Collaboration .......... 108
8.1  Setting the scene ........................................ 108
8.2  Identifying best practices ............................... 110
     8.2.1  Programs offered by National Centre for Research
            and Development ................................... 110  Innovativeness creator ........................ 110  Patent plus ................................... 111  Applied research program ...................... 112  SPIN-TECH Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) ....... 112  Operational Programme Innovative Economy
                (OP IE) ....................................... 113
8.3  Implementing best practices in your region ............... 115
     8.3.1  Application process ............................... 115
     8.3.2  Monitoring of projects ............................ 116
8.4  Best practices ........................................... 116
8.5  Future opportunities ..................................... 116
8.6  References ............................................... 117

SECTION 3: INCUBATORS ......................................... 118
Introduction .................................................. 118
References .................................................... 121

9    CASE STUDY 9: The Imperial Bioincubator .................. 123
9.1  Setting the scene ........................................ 123
9.2  Identifying best practices ............................... 125
     9.2.1  Incubators at Imperial College .................... 126
     9.2.2  Bioincubators in London ........................... 129
9.3  Implementing best practices in your region ............... 132
9.4  Best practices ........................................... 134
9.5  Future improvements ...................................... 134
9.6  References ............................................... 134

10   CASE STUDY 10: Idea Lab - A Platform for Students to
     Develop New Ideas ........................................ 136
10.1 Setting the scene ........................................ 136
10.2 Identifying best practices ............................... 137
     10.2.1 Idea Lab .......................................... 137
     10.2.2 Earlier initiatives and role models ............... 138
     10.2.3 Foundation of the Idea Lab ........................ 139
     10.2.4 The working principles of the Idea Lab ............ 140
     10.2.5 Outcomes .......................................... 142
10.3 Implementing best practices in your region ............... 143
10.4 Best practices ........................................... 144
10.5 Further opportunities .................................... 145
10.6 References ............................................... 145

SECTION 4: EDUCATION .......................................... 147
Introduction .................................................. 147
References .................................................... 150

11   CASE STUDY 11: Entrepreneurship and Technology
     Transfer Education at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel ..... 151
11.1 Setting the scene ........................................ 151
     11.1.1 Flanders .......................................... 151
     11.1.2 Vrije Universiteit Brussel ........................ 152
     11.1.3 VUB TTO ........................................... 153
     11.1.4 Technology entrepreneurship at VUB ................ 156
     11.2 Identifying best practices .......................... 156
     11.2.1 Technology transfer interface ..................... 156 Booklet ....................................... 157 Awareness creation, education and events ...... 157 Technology days ............................... 158 Contract seminars ............................. 159 Posters, calendars and brochures .............. 159
     11.2.2 Technology entrepreneurship at VUB ................ 159 Partners ...................................... 160 Target group .................................. 161 Educational program ........................... 162
11.3 Implementing best practices in your region ............... 164
     11.3.1 Implications for TTO .............................. 164
     11.3.2 Implications for universities/research
            organizations ..................................... 164
     11.3.3 Implications for policy makers .................... 164
11.4 Future opportunities ..................................... 165
11.5 Best practices ........................................... 165
11.6 References ............................................... 166

12   CASE STUDY 12: BioEmprenedorXXI: Guidance Program for
     Starting up and Growing Companies in the Life Sciences
     Arena .................................................... 168
12.1 Setting the scene ........................................ 168
12.2 Identifying best practices ............................... 170
     12.2.1 Organizational structure .......................... 171
     12.2.2 Program contents .................................. 171
     12.2.3 Phase I: Seizing opportunities .................... 171
     12.2.4 Phase II: Training entrepreneurs .................. 172 Online training: Creating a business plan ..... 173 Group face-to-face training: Creating
                a business plan and acquiring entrepreneurial
                skills ........................................ 173 Individual face-to-face training
                (mentoring): Creating the business plan ....... 174
     12.2.5 Phase III: Creating a network of contacts ......... 174 Networking lunches ............................ 174 Visits to technology parks and research
                centers ....................................... 175
     12.2.6 Phase IV: Preparing for investment and start-up ... 175 Ready for growth seminar ...................... 175 Healthcare Barcelona investment forum ......... 176 BioEmprenedor XXI award: Presentation of
                business plans ................................ 176
     12.2.7  Results of the program ........................... 177
12.3 Implementing best practices in your region ............... 178
12.4 Future opportunities ..................................... 179
12.5 Best practices ........................................... 179
12.6 References ............................................... 180
12.7 Acknowledgements ......................................... 180

13   CASE STUDY 13: Education for Scientists .................. 182
13.1 Setting the scene ........................................ 182
13.2 Identifying best practices ............................... 184
     13.2.1 Educational courses for scientists provided by
            TTO ............................................... 185 Course: "Workshop on scientific
                communication - interdisciplinary grants" ..... 185 Course: "Everything you don't know about
                patents" ...................................... 185 Course: "Research funding" .................... 186 Course: "Effective communication
                and self-presentation" ........................ 186 Course: "Team management" ..................... 186 Course: "Negotiations with business
                partners" ..................................... 186 Course: "Time management and personal
                effectiveness" ................................ 187 Course: "From the invention to the product -
                commercialization strategies in practice" ..... 187
     13.2.2 Science-to-business brunches ...................... 187
     13.2.3 Scholarships for PhD students ..................... 188
     13.2.4 Paid internships for PhD students and scientists
            in enterprises .................................... 188
13.3 Output/results/achievements .............................. 189
13.4 Implementing best practices in your region ............... 190
13.5 Future opportunities ..................................... 191
13.6 Best practices ........................................... 191
13.7 References ............................................... 191

SECTION 5: CLUSTERS ........................................... 193
Introduction .................................................. 193
References .................................................... 195

14   CASE STUDY 14: The Biocat Model: Managing the Bioregion
     of Catalonia ............................................. 197
14.1 Setting the scene ........................................ 197
     14.1.1 Biocat ............................................ 197
     14.1.2 The BioRegion of Catalonia ........................ 198
     14.1.3 Antecedents of Biocat ............................. 199
     14.1.4 Biocat's creation ................................. 201
     14.1.5 The first strategic plan .......................... 202
     14.1.6 The second strategic plan ......................... 203
14.2 Identifying best practices ............................... 203
     14.2.1 Biocat's clear vision and mission ................. 203 Vision ........................................ 203 Mission ....................................... 204
     14.2.2 Governance ........................................ 204
     14.2.3 Core business ..................................... 204 Visibility/promotion .......................... 204 Support in .................................... 205
     14.2.4 Main activities ................................... 205 Cluster consolidation ......................... 206 Business competitiveness and talent ........... 207 Internationalization .......................... 209 Social perception of biotechnology ............ 209 KIC-IET ....................................... 210 BDEBATE ....................................... 210
14.3 Implementing best practices in your region ............... 210
14.4 Future opportunities ..................................... 211
14.5 Best practices ........................................... 212
14.6 References ............................................... 212

15   CASE STUDY 15: The Effects of a Cluster on a Spin-Off -
     The Foundation of Ablynx ................................. 213
15.1 Setting the scene ........................................ 213
15.2 Identifying best practices ............................... 215
     15.2.1 Trigger ........................................... 215
     15.2.2 On patents and publications ....................... 216
     15.2.3 The top publication ............................... 218
     15.2.4 Government intervention ........................... 218
     15.2.5 The nanobody story continues ...................... 220
     15.2.6 Establishment of the company ...................... 221
     15.2.7 A story of people ................................. 222
15.3 Implementing best practices in your region ............... 223
     15.3.1 Implications for TTO .............................. 223
     15.3.2 Implications for universities/research
            organizations ..................................... 223
     15.3.3 Implications for policy makers .................... 223
     15.3.4 Implications for scientists ....................... 224
15.4 Future opportunities ..................................... 224
15.5 Best practices ........................................... 224
15.6 References ............................................... 225

16   CASE STUDY 16: Brokerage Event: Matching
     International R&D Projects ............................... 227
16.1 Setting the scene ........................................ 227
16.2 Identifying good practices ............................... 229
     16.2.1 Evolution of the Brokerage Event .................. 230 The Brokerage Event 2011 ...................... 230 The Brokerage Event 2012 ...................... 231 The Brokerage Event today ..................... 232 The Brokerage Event in the future ............. 232
16.3 Implementing best practices in your region ............... 233
     16.3.1 Implications for organizer (e.g. TTO) ............. 233 Event organization ............................ 234 Other partners ................................ 234 Involvement and contribution of the
                University Hospital Ostrava (strategic
                partner) ...................................... 234 Funding ....................................... 234
     16.3.4 Implications for policy makers .................... 236
16.4 Future opportunities ..................................... 237
16.5 Best practices ........................................... 238
16.6 References ............................................... 238

17   CASE STUDY 17: The DRESDEN-concept: A Focus on Shared
     Services and Facilities .................................. 239
17.1 Setting the scene ........................................ 239
17.2 Identifying best practices ............................... 240
     17.2.1 Specific description of shared facilities
            ("Technology Platform") ........................... 242
     17.2.2 Evolution of the DRESDEN-concept for shared
            facilities ........................................ 243
     17.2.3 The "Dresden Model: Shared facilities" today ...... 243
     17.2.4 The DRESDEN-concept with shared facilities in
            future ............................................ 245
17.3 Implementing best practices in your region ............... 246
17.4 Future opportunities ..................................... 248
17.5 Best practices ........................................... 248
17.6 References ............................................... 248

Conclusion .................................................... 250
Technology transfer offices ................................... 250
Funding ....................................................... 251
Incubators .................................................... 251
Entrepreneurship education .................................... 252
Clusters ...................................................... 253
General conclusion ............................................ 253

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