Blind source separation: advances in theory, algorithms and applications (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBlind source separation: advances in theory, algorithms and applications / eds.: G.R.Naik, W.Wang. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2014. - ix, 551 p.: ill., tab. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - ISBN 978-3-642-55015-7
Шифр: (И/З.81-B66) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Part I  Theory, Algorithms, and Extensions
1  Quantum-Source Independent Component Analysis and Related
   Statistical Blind Qubit Uncoupling Methods ................... 3
   Yannick Deville and Alain Deville
2  Blind Source Separation Based on Dictionary Learning:
   A Singularity-Aware Approach ................................ 39
   Xiaochen Zhao, Guangyu Zhou, Wei Dai and Wenwu Wang
3  Performance Study for Complex Independent Component
   Analysis .................................................... 61
   Benedikt Loesch and Bin Yang
4  Subband-Based Blind Source Separation and Permutation
   Alignment ................................................... 97
   Bo Peng and Wei Liu
5  Frequency Domain Blind Source Separation Based on
   Independent Vector Analysis with a Multivariate
   Generalized Gaussian Source Prior .......................... 131
   Yanfeng Liang, Syed Mohsen Naqvi, Wenwu Wang and Jonathon
   A. Chambers
6  Sparse Component Analysis: A General Framework for
   Linear and Nonlinear Blind Source Separation and Mixture
   Identification ............................................. 151
   Yannick Deville
7  Underdetermined Audio Source Separation Using Laplacian
   Mixture Modelling .......................................... 197
   Nikolaos Mitianoudis
8  Itakura-Saito Nonnegative Matrix Two-Dimensional
   Factorizations for Blind Single Channel Audio Separation ... 231
   Bin Gao and Wai Lok Woo
9  Source Localization and Tracking: A Sparsity-Exploiting
   Maximum a Posteriori Based Approach ........................ 259
   Md Mashud Hyder and Kaushik Mahata

Part II Applications
10 Statistical Analysis and Evaluation of Blind Speech
   Extraction Algorithms ...................................... 291
   Hiroshi Saruwatari and Ryoichi Miyazaki
11 Speech Separation and Extraction by Combining
   Superdirective Beamforming and Blind Source Separation ..... 323
   Lin Wang, Heping Ding and Fuliang Yin
12 On the Ideal Ratio Mask as the Goal of Computational
   Auditory Scene Analysis .................................... 349
   Christopher Hummersone, Toby Stokes and Tim Brookes
13 Monaural Speech Enhancement Based on Multi-threshold
   Masking .................................................... 369
   Masoud Geravanchizadeh and Reza Ahmadnia
14 REPET for Background/Foreground Separation in Audio ........ 395
   Zafar Rafii, Antoine Liutkus and Bryan Pardo
15 Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Sparse Coding Strategy
   for Cochlear Implants ...................................... 413
   Hongmei Hu, Guoping Li, Mark E. Lutman and Stefan Bleeck
16 Exploratory Analysis of Brain with ICA ..................... 435
   Rubén Martín-Clemente
17 Supervised Normalization of Large-Scale Omic Datasets
   Using Blind Source Separation .............................. 465
   Andrew E. Teschendorff, Emilie Renard and Pierre A. Absil
18 FebICA: Feedback Independent Component Analysis for
   Complex Domain Source Separation of Communication Signals .. 499
   A.K. Kattepur and F. Sattar
19 Semi-blind Functional Source Separation Algorithm from
   Non-invasive Electrophysiology to Neuroimaging ............. 521
   Camillo Porcaro and Franca Tecchio

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