Perspectives on string phenomenology (Singapore, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPerspectives on string phenomenology / eds.: B.Acharya et al. - Singapore: World scientific, 2015. - ix, 433 p.: ill. - (Advanced series on directions in high energy physics; vol.22). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-981-4602-66-2; ISSN 1793-1339
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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... vii

Acknowledgments ................................................ xi
1  What is an Electron? ......................................... 1
   M.J. Perry
2  The What and Why of Moduli .................................. 11
   J. Conlon
3  Perspective on the Weakly Coupled Heterotic String .......... 23
   M.K. Gaillard
4  Geography of Fields in Extra Dimensions: String Theory
   Lessons for Particle Physics ................................ 49
   H.P. Nilles and P.K.S. Vaudrevange
5  The String Landscape: A Personal Perspective ................ 81
   K.R. Dienes
6  Mathematics for String Phenomenology ....................... 117
   M.R. Douglas
7  The String Theory Landscape ................................ 155
   A.N. Schellekens
8  Local String Models and Moduli Stabilisation ............... 219
   F. Quevedo
9  F-theory: From Geometry to Phenomenology ................... 245
   S. Schäfer-Nameki
10 Compactified String Theories - Generic Predictions for
   Particle Physics ........................................... 277
   P. Kumar
11 How Could (Should) We Make Contact Between String/
   M Theory and Our Four-Dimensional World? ................... 325
   G. Kane
12 String Cosmology — Large-Field Inflation in String Theory .. 351
   A. Westphal
13 Dark Energy in String Theory ............................... 385
   B. Greene and G. Shiu
14 Cosmological SUSY Breaking and the Pyramid Scheme .......... 411
   T. Banks

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