Fire- resistant fluids (West Conshohocken, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFire- resistant fluids / ed.: J.Sherman. - West Conshohocken: ASTM International, 2014. - vii, 198 p.: ill., tab. - (Selected technical papers / American society for testing and materials (Philadelphia); STP1573). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-0-8031-7591-4
Шифр: (И/Л5-F56) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Overview ...................................................... vii

Use of Thickened High Water Hydraulic Fluid in Flat Rolled
Steel Production ................................................ 1
   J. Sherman, J. Maloy, E. Martino, P. Cusatis, and
   P. Fasano
Fire Resistant Fuel for Military Compression Ignition Engines .. 24
   S.R. Westbrook, B.R. Wright, S.D. Marty, and J. Schmitigal
Ion Exchange and Mechanical Purification of Fire-Resistant
Phosphate Ester Fluids Used in Steam-Turbine Control Systems ... 38
   W.D. Phillips, J.W.G. Staniewski, and S. Suryanarayan
Phosphate Ester-based Fluid Specific Resistance: Effects of
Outside Contamination and Improvement Using Novel Media ........ 75
   M.G. Hobbs and P.T. Dufresne Jr.
Thirty-Seven Years of Fleet Operating and Maintenance
Experience Using Phosphate Ester Fluids for Bearing
Lubrication in Gas-Turbine/Turbo-Compressor Applications ....... 93
   P.T. Dufresne
Property and Performance Evaluation of Water Glycol Hydraulic
Fluids ........................................................ 109
   P. Cusatis, J. Sherman, P. Fasano, and R. Bishop
Anhydrous Fire-Resistant Hydraulic Fluids Using Polyalkylene
Glycols ....................................................... 126
   M.R. Greaves and A. Larson
Polyalkylene Glycol Hydraulic Fluids, 20 Years of Fire
Resistance .................................................... 143
   K.P. Kovanda and M. Latunski
Performance Comparison of Non-Aqueous Fire-Resistant
Hydraulic Fluids .............................................. 155
   S. Rea and D. Barker
Assessing and Classifying the Fire-Resistance of Industrial
Hydraulic Fluids: The Way Ahead? .............................. 181
   W.D. Phillips

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