Theory and practice of computation (Singapore, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTheory and practice of computation: proc. of Workshop on computation: theory and practice WCTP 2013, Univ. of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines, 30 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2013 / eds.: Shin-ya Nishizaki et al. - Singapore: World scientific, 2015. - xii, 253 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-981-4612-87-6
Шифр: (И/В19-T44) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix

Organizing Committee ........................................... xi
Call-by-Name Evaluation of RPC and RMI Calculi .................. 1
   S. Araki and S. Nishizaki
Notes in Delays and Bisimulations of Spiking Neural
P Systems Using SNP Algebra .................................... 15
   H.N. Adorña, К.C. Buno and F.G.C. Cabarle
Probing the Hardness of the Approximate Gene Cluster
Discovery Problem (AGCDP) ...................................... 35
   G.S. Cabunducan, J.B. Clemente, H.N. Adorna and R.T. Relator
Weak Bisimulation Between Two Biogeochemical Cycles ............ 49
   J.B. Clemente, H.N. Adorna and J.J.S. Villar
A Simulation of Transition P Systems in Weighted Spiking
Neural P Systems ............................................... 62
   R.A.B. Juayong, N.H.S. Hernandez, F.G.C. Cabarle and
   H.N. Adorna
Robustness Analysis on Human-made Faults in Procedural
Manuals ........................................................ 79
   N. Nagatou and T. Watanabe
Compositional Construction of Group-wide Meta-level
Architectures .................................................. 95
   T. Watanabe
An Application Programming Interface for the Communication
and Storage Protocol for the TALA Empathic Space .............. 108
   G. Сu, J.M.R. Cipriano, M.J. Gonzales, К.M. Tanalgo,
   С.К.B. Magdaong, M.P. Tiu and J.R.U. Longalong
An Object-oriented Language for Parameterised Reactive
System Specification based on Linear Temporal Logic ........... 121
   K. Osari, Т. Murooka, K. Hagiwara, T. Ando, M. Shimakawa,
   S. Ito, S. Hagihara and N. Yonezaki
Building Policies for Supportive Feedback in Self-Directed
Learning Scenarios ............................................ 144
   P.S. Inventado, R. Legaspi, K. Moriyama, K. Fukui and
   M. Numao
Data Collection with Prioritization for Wireless Sensor
Networks ...................................................... 156
   A.V. Ong and G. Сu
Health Information Search Personalization with Semantic
Network User Model ............................................ 168
   I. Puspitasari, К.I. Fukui, K. Moriyama and M. Numao
Learning English Words via Animations and Making Sentences
using an Etymological Memorization Method ..................... 178
   K. Sumi and A. Kazuhara
A Serious Game Stimulating Children's Interest in Chemical
Bonding ....................................................... 195
   K. Sumi and K. Kudo
Development of a Visual Debugger for С Implemented in
JavaScript .................................................... 208
   A. Nagae and K. Kagawa
Flash Code with Dual Modes of Encoding ........................ 218
   M.J. Tan, P. Fernandez, N.A. Salazar, J. Ту and Y. Kaji
Ranking Analysis of Battle Result of Board Game Strategy in
Java Programming Exercise ..................................... 232
   K. Yamada and H. Tominaga
Distributed Inference to Support Inter-Subjective Empathic
Computing ..................................................... 246
   M. Numao

Author Index .................................................. 253

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