Snieder R. A guided tour of mathematical methods for the physical sciences (New York, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSnieder R. A guided tour of mathematical methods for the physical sciences / R.Snieder, Kasper van Wijk. - 3rd ed. - New York: Cambridge university press, 2015. - xxi, 560 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.547-554. - Ind.: p.555-560. - ISBN 978-1-107-64160-0
Шифр: (И/В31-S69) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
List of figures ............................................... vii
List of tables ............................................... xvii
About the authors ............................................. xix
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
2  Dimensional analysis ......................................... 4
3  Power series ................................................ 18
4  Spherical and cylindrical coordinates ....................... 34
5  Gradient .................................................... 50
6  Divergence of a vector field ................................ 68
7  Curl of a vector field ...................................... 85
8  Theorem of Gauss ............................................ 99
9  Theorem of Stokes .......................................... 108
10 The Laplacian .............................................. 125
11 Scale analysis ............................................. 145
12 Linear algebra ............................................. 166
13 Dirac delta function ....................................... 188
14 Fourier analysis ........................................... 203
15 Analytic functions ......................................... 234
16 Complex integration ........................................ 244
17 Green's functions: principles .............................. 257
18 Green's functions: examples ................................ 278
19 Normal modes ............................................... 303
20 Potential field theory ..................................... 345
21 Probability and statistics ................................. 372
22 Inverse problems ........................................... 398
23 Perturbation theory ........................................ 416
24 Asymptotic evaluation of integrals ......................... 442
25 Conservation laws .......................................... 466
26 Cartesian tensors .......................................... 485
27 Variational calculus ....................................... 518
28 Epilogue, on power and knowledge ........................... 545
References .................................................... 547
Index ......................................................... 555

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