Preface ......................................................... v
Table for physical constants ................................... ix
1 Introduction ................................................. 1
1.1 Characteristic of electron microscopy ................... 1
1.2 What information can be obtained by electron
microscopy? ............................................. 2
1.3 Various types of electron microscopy .................... 5
2 Structure and principle of electron microscopes .............. 8
2.1 Structure of transmission electron microscope ........... 8
2.2 Observation mechanism of atoms by electrons ............ 10
2.3 Information from electron diffraction pattern .......... 13
2.4 High-resolution electron microscopy .................... 15
2.5 Scanning electron microscope ........................... 17
2.6 Electron energy-loss spectroscopy ...................... 19
2.7 Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy ................... 22
2.8 High-angle annular dark-field scanning ТЕМ ............. 23
2.9 Electron holography and Lorentz microscopy ............. 24
2.10 Image simulation ....................................... 26
3 Practice of HREM ............................................ 28
3.1 Sample preparation ..................................... 28
3.2 Specimen preparation methods ........................... 28
3.3 Structure analysis by X-ray diffraction ................ 31
3.4 ТЕМ observation ........................................ 33
3.5 HREM observation ....................................... 38
3.6 Fourier filtering ...................................... 41
3.7 Resolution of HREM images .............................. 42
3.8 Prevention of damage and contamination ................. 43
3.9 Taking images and reading data ......................... 44
3.10 Mental attitude for ТЕМ ................................ 45
4 Characterization by HREM .................................... 46
4.1 What information can be obtained? ...................... 46
4.2 Direct atomic observation .............................. 46
4.3 Crystallographic image processing ...................... 51
4.4 Comparison of HREM image with calculated images ........ 53
4.5 Atomic coordinates from HREM image ..................... 54
4.6 Combination of HREM and electron diffraction ........... 56
4.7 Quantitative HREM analysis with residual indices ....... 61
4.8 Detection of atomic disordering by difference image .... 64
4.9 Combination of diffraction amplitudes and phases ....... 70
4.10 Structural optimization by molecular orbital
calculation ............................................ 72
4.11 Three-dimensional high-resolution imaging .............. 74
4.12 Detection of doping atoms in C60 solid clusters ........ 77
5 Electron diffraction analysis of nanostructured materials ... 87
5.1 Modulated superstructures of Tl-based copper oxides .... 87
5.2 Modulate structures of lanthanoid-based copper oxides .. 91
5.3 Oxygen ordering in УВа2Сu3O7-х ......................... 94
5.4 Structures of Bi-based copper oxides ................... 98
5.5 Twin structures in BN nanoparticles ................... 100
6 HREM analysis of nanostructured materials .................. 110
6.1 Defect structures ..................................... 110
6.2 Interfaces and surface structures ..................... 113
6.3 GaAs-based semiconductor devices ...................... 116
6.4 Zeolite materials ..................................... 119
6.5 Solid clusters and doping atoms ....................... 120
6.6 Surface structure with light elements ................. 122
6.7 Crystal structures of Pb-based copper oxides .......... 124
6.8 Structures of Sm-based copper oxides .................. 129
6.9 Y-based copper oxides with high Jc .................... 131
6.10 BN nanotubes .......................................... 134
6.11 BN nanotubes with cup-stacked structures .............. 140
6.12 BN nanotubes encaging Fe nanowires .................... 145
6.13 Nanoparticles with 5-fold symmetry .................... 149
A Appendix ................................................... 158
A.l 7 crystal systems and 14 Bravais lattices in three
dimensions ............................................ 158
A.2 Miller indices and direction in the crystals .......... 159
A.3 Distances dhkl and angles ø of lattice planes ......... 160
Index ......................................................... 163