Krieger M.H. Doing mathematics: convention, subject, calculation, analogy (Singapore, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаKrieger M.H. Doing mathematics: convention, subject, calculation, analogy. - 2nd ed. - Singapore: World scientific, 2015. - xxiv, 467 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.431-462. - Thematic ind.: p.463-467. - ISBN 978-981-4571-83-8
Шифр: (И/В1-K83) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
       List of Figures ......................................... ix
       Preface ............................................... xiii
       Prolog ................................................. xxi

One    Introduction ............................................. 1
Two    Convention: How Means and Variances are Entrenched as 
       Statistics .............................................. 27
Three  Subject: The Fields of Topology ......................... 54
       Appendix: The Two-Dimensional Ising Model of 
       a Ferromagnet .......................................... 108
Four   Calculation: Strategy, Structure, and Tactics in 
       Applying Classical Analysis ............................ 120
Five   Analogy: A Syzygy Between a Research Program in 
       Mathematics and a Research Program in Physics .......... 211
Six    In Concreto: The City of Mathematics ................... 256
       Epilog ................................................. 296

A.    C.N. Yang, "The Spontaneous Magnetization of 
      a Two-Dimensional Ising Model" (1952) ................... 298

В.    C. Fefferman and L.A. Seco, "On the Dirac and 
      Schwinger Corrections to the Ground-State Energy
      of an Atom" (1994, pp. 1-14) ............................ 307

С.    J. Leray, "Sur la forme des espaces topologiques et 
      sur les points fixes des representations" (1945, 
      pp. 96-99) .............................................. 322

D     A. Weil, "Une lettre à Simone Weil" (1940) .............. 325

      Notes ................................................... 339
      Bibliography ............................................ 431
      Thematic Index .......................................... 463

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