Biology and pathogenesis of rhabdo- and filoviruses (Singapore, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBiology and pathogenesis of rhabdo- and filoviruses / eds.: A.K.Pattnaik, M.A.Whitt. - Singapore: World scientific, 2015. - x, 627 p.: ill., tab. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.621-627. - ISBN 978-981-4635-33-2
Шифр: (И/Е-B60) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ...................................................... v
1  Overview of Rhabdo- and Filoviruses ........................ 1
   Asit K. Pattnaik and Michael A. Whitt
2  Rhabdovirus Structure ..................................... 15
   Ming Luo
3  The Pathway of VSV Entry into Cells ....................... 33
   Shem Johnson and Jean Gruenberg
4  Rhabdovirus Glycoproteins ................................. 49
   Yves Gaudin and Michael A. Whitt
5  VSV RNA Transcription and Replication ..................... 75
   Jacques Perrault
6  Host Cell Functions in Vesicular Stomatitis
   Virus Replication ........................................ 107
   Phat X. Dinh, Anshuman Das, and Asit K. Pattnaik
7  Cytopathogenesis of Rhabdoviruses ........................ 141
   Douglas S. Lyles
8  Assembly and Budding of Rhabdo- and Filoviruses .......... 171
   Ziying Han and Ronald N. Harty
9  Rhabdoviruses as Vaccine Vectors: From Initial
   Development to Clinical Trials ........................... 199
   John K. Rose and David K. Clarke
10 Oncolytic Rhabdoviruses .................................. 231
   Nicole E. Forbes and John C. Bell
11 Use of Rhabdoviruses to Study Neural Circuitry ........... 263
   Melanie Ginger, Guillaume Bony, Matthias Haberl,
   and Andreas Frick
12 Evolution of Rhabdo- and Filoviruses ..................... 289
   Isabel S. Novella, John B. Presloid, and R. Travis
13 Emerging Rhabdoviruses ................................... 311
   Imke Steffen and Graham Simmons
14 Rabies Virus Replication and Pathogenesis ................ 335
   Andrew W. Hudacek and Matthias J. Schnell
15 Activation and Evasion of Innate Immune Response by
   Rhabdoviruses ............................................ 353
   Karl-Klaus Conzelmann
16 Rabies Virus Vaccines .................................... 387
   Ying Huang, Clement W. Gnanadurai, and Zhen F. Fu
17 Filovirus Structure and Morphogenesis .................... 427
   Timothy F. Booth, Daniel R. Beniac, Melissa J. Rabb,
   and Lindsey L. Lamboo
18 Epidemiology and Pathogenesis of Filovirus Infections .... 453
   Logan Banadyga and Hideki Ebihara
19 Filovirus Entry into Susceptible Cells ................... 487
   Rohit K. Jangra, Eva Mittler, and Kartik Chandran
20 Filovirus Transcription & Replication .................... 515
   Kristina Brauburger, Laure R. Deflubé, and Elke
21 Innate Immune Evasion Mechanisms of Filoviruses .......... 557
   Christopher F. Basler, Gaya K. Amarasinghe, and
   Daisy W. Leung
22 Vaccines and Antivirals for Filoviruses .................. 587
   Chad E. Mire & Thomas W. Geisbert
22 Index .................................................... 621

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