Taylor G. A student's writing guide: how to plan and write successful essays (Cambridge, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTaylor G. A student's writing guide: how to plan and write successful essays. - Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2014. - xvi, 266 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.xv-xvi. - Ind.: p.357-266. - ISBN 978-0-521-72979-6
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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xi
Sources of extracts used in the text ........................... xv

1  Introduction ................................................. 1
1  The main elements in academic writing ........................ 2
2  You and your writing task .................................... 4
3  You and your subject matter .................................. 7
4  You and your reader ......................................... 12
5  Your language: form and structure ........................... 15

Part I Reflection and Research ................................. 19

2  Reflection: asking questions and proposing answers
1  Speculative thinking and writing ............................ 22
2  Choosing a topic ............................................ 24
3  Kinds of question ........................................... 27
4  Coming to terms with an essay topic ......................... 35
5  Summary ..................................................... 51

3  Interpretation: reading and taking notes .................... 53
1  The 'problem' of reading .................................... 54
2  Evidence, interpretation and fact ........................... 57
3  What an author does ......................................... 65
4  An author's major motives ................................... 69
5  Modes of analysis ........................................... 77
6  An author's structural intentions ........................... 79
7  Interpreting a difficult text................................ 82

Part II The Dynamics of an Essay ............................... 89

4  Introductions ............................................... 91
1  The constituents of an essay ................................ 92
2  The constituents of an introduction ......................... 94
3  The use and misuse of introductory material ................. 95
4  Setting out your case ....................................... 98
5  Writing an introduction to a research paper ................ 107

5  Middles .................................................... 111
1  Some common problems ....................................... 112
2  The uses of outlines ....................................... 116
3  Expanding a case ........................................... 117
4  Summary .................................................... 133

6  Endings .................................................... 134
1  Recapitulation ............................................. 134
2  Mood: suggestion and implication ........................... 136
3  Variations on a theme ...................................... 140

Part III Language ............................................. 145

7  You, your language and your material ....................... 147
1  Subjective and objective: the uses of T and 'we' ........... 148
2  Confusing yourself with your material ...................... 151
3  Quoting - and not quoting .................................. 161
4  Some verbs of enquiry: how to use them ..................... 163

8  Analytical language 1: sentences ........................... 167
1  Discrimination and confusion ............................... 168
2  Elements of sentence structure ............................. 169
3  Participants, processes and circumstances .................. 177

9  Analytical language 2: rhetorical strategies ............... 194
1  Analysing versus describing ................................ 194
2  Denning .................................................... 199
3  Comparing and contrasting .................................. 207

10 Cohesion and texture ....................................... 215
1  Determinants of cohesion and texture ....................... 215
2  Revising and improving text ................................ 221

11 Conventions of academic writing ............................ 230
1  Academic culture ........................................... 230
2  A skeleton key to stylistic conventions .................... 232

1  Writing book reviews ....................................... 240
2  Sample analyses of essay topics ............................ 243
3  A revised manuscript ....................................... 252

Index ......................................................... 257

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