Satellite technologies in geoinformation science / ed. by T.Niedzielski (Basel, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSatellite technologies in geoinformation science / ed. by T.Niedzielski. - Basel: Springer Basel: Birkhauser, 2015. - 309 p.: ill. - (Pageoph topical volumes). - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - ISBN 978-3-0348-0849-1
Шифр: (И/Д-S24) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Satellite Technologies in Geoinformation Science: Introduction .. 1
T. Niedzielski
Global, Regional and National Geodetic Reference Frames for
Geodesy and Geodynamics ......................................... 5
J. Bosy
Modelling the Velocity Field in a Regular Grid in the Area of
Poland on the Basis of the Velocities of European Permanent
Stations ....................................................... 31
J. Bogusz, A. Klos, P. Grzempowski, B. Kontny
LiDAR and 2D Electrical Resistivity Tomography as
a Supplement of Geomorphological Investigations in Urban
Areas: a Case Study from the City of Wrocław (SW Poland) ....... 57
M. Kasprzak, A. Traczyk
Aerial Orthophoto and Airborne Laser Scanning as Monitoring
Tools for Land Cover Dynamics: A Case Study from the Milicz
Forest District (Poland) ....................................... 79
M. Szostak, P. Wezyk, P. Tompalski
Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of Soil Erosion
Risk in Malopolska (Poland), Supported by an Object-Based
Analysis of High-Resolution Satellite Images ................... 89
W. Drzewiecki, P. Wężyk, M. Pierzchalski, В. Szafrańska
Assessment of the Accuracy of SRTM C- and X-Band High
Mountain Elevation Data: a Case Study of the Polish Tatra
Mountains ..................................................... 119
N. Kolecka, J. Kozak
Land Surface Temperature Patterns in the Urban Agglomeration
of Krakow (Poland) Derived from Landsat-7/ETM+ Data ........... 135
J.P. Walawender, M. Szymanowski, M.J. Hajto, A. Bokwa
Remote Sensing Data in Wind Velocity Field Modelling: a Case
Study from the Sudetes (SW Poland) ............................ 163
K. Jancewicz
Determination of Ventilation Channels In Urban Area: A Case
Study of Wroclaw (Poland) ..................................... 187
A. Suder, M. Szymanowski
Geospatial Investigation into Groundwater Pollution and
Water Quality Supported by Satellite Data: A Case Study from
the Evros River (Eastern Mediterranean) ....................... 199
D. Elias, M. Angeliki, M. Vasiliki, T. Maria, Z. Christina
Application of Integrated GNSS/Hydroacoustic Measurements
and GIS Geodatabase Models for Bottom Analysis of Lake
Hancza: the Deepest Inland Reservoir in Poland ................ 219
D. Popielarczyk, T. Templin
Biogeography of the Oceans: a Review of Development of
Knowledge of Currents, Fronts and Regional Boundaries from
Sailing Ships in the Sixteenth Century to Satellite Remote .... 235
Sensing I.G. Priede
Use of Remotely-Derived Bathymetry for Modelling Biomass in
Marine Environments ........................................... 251
M.M. Wieczorek, W.A. Spallek, T. Niedzielski, J.A. Godbold,
I.G. Priede
Prototypes of Orthoimage Maps as Tools for Geophysical
Application ................................................... 269
L. Bĕlka, V. Voženílek
Towards a More Realistic Depiction of the Earth's
Surface on Maps ............................................... 283
J. Drachal, A. Dębowska
Satellite-Based Technologies in Use for Extreme Nocturnal
Mountain Rescue Operations: a Synergetic Approach Applying
Geophysical Principles ........................................ 299
M.F. Buchroithner, G. Ehlert, B. Hetze, H. Kohlschmidt,
N. Prechtel

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