International trade statistics yearbook (New York, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаInternational trade statistics yearbook. - New York: United Nations.
2014, Vol.1: Trade by country. - 2015. - xxiv, 398 p.: ill., tab.
- ISBN 978-92-1-161598-2
Шифр: (И/У5-I.69/2014-1) 02


Место хранения: 02 | Отделение ГПНТБ СО РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
Introduction .................................................. vii
   Concepts and definitions of International Merchandise
   Trade Statistics .......................................... viii
   Concepts and definitions of Statistics of International 
   Trade in Services ............................................ x
   Description of world trade tables in part 1 (Tables A 
   and D) ..................................................... xiv
   Description of tables and graphs of Country profiles in 
   part 2 ...................................................... xv
   Sources ................................................... xvii
   Method of Estimation ...................................... xvii
   Conversion of classification ............................. xviii
   Currency conversion and Period ............................. xix
   Country Nomenclature and Country Grouping .................. xix
Abbreviations and Explanation of symbols .................... xxiii
Disclaimer ................................................... xxiv
Contact ...................................................... xxiv
Part 1 : World Trade Tables ..................................... 1
   Total merchandise trade by regions and countries or areas 
   (Table A) .................................................... 2
   World merchandise exports by provenance and destination 
   (Table D) ................................................... 20
Part 2: Country Trade Profiles ................................. 57
   Countries (or areas) ........................................ 58
   European Union ............................................. 396

                  Part 2: COUNTRY TRADE PROFILES
Afghanistan ................. 58
Albania ..................... 60
Algeria ..................... 62
Antigua and Barbuda ......... 64
Argentina ................... 66
Armenia ..................... 68
Aruba ....................... W
Australia ................... 72
Austria ..................... 74
Azerbaijan .................. 76
Bahamas ..................... 78
Bahrain ..................... 80
Bangladesh .................. 82
Barbados .................... 84
Belarus ..................... 86
Belgium ..................... 88
Belize ...................... 90
Benin ....................... 92
Bermuda ..................... 94
Bhutan ...................... 96
Bolivia (Plurinational
State of) ................... 98
Bosnia and Herzegovina . 100
Botswana ................... 102
Brazil ..................... 104
Brunei Darussalam .......... 106
Bulgaria ................... 108
Burkina Faso ............... 110
Burundi .................... 112
Cabo Verde ................. 114
Cambodia ................... 116
Cameroon ................... 118
Canada ..................... 120
Central African 
Republic ................... 122
Chile ...................... 124
China ...................... 126
China, Hong Kong  
Special Administrative
Region ..................... 128
China, Macao Special 
Administrative Region ...... 130 
Colombia ................... 132
Congo ...................... 134
Cook Islands ............... 136
Costa Rica ................. 138
Côte d'Ivoire .............. 140
Croatia .................... 142
Cyprus ..................... 144
Czech Republic ............. 146
Denmark .................... 148
Dominica ................... 150
Dominican Republic ......... 152
Ecuador .................... 154
Egypt ...................... 156
El Salvador ................ 158
Estonia .................... 160
Ethiopia ................... 162
Fiji ....................... 164
Finland .................... 166
France including
Monaco ..................... 168
French Polynesia ........... 170 
Gambia ..................... 172
Georgia .................... 174
Germany .................... 176
Ghana ...................... 178
Greece ..................... 180
Greenland .................. 182
Guatemala .................. 184
Guyana ..................... 186
Honduras ................... 188
Hungary .................... 190
Iceland .................... 192

India ...................... 194
Indonesia .................. 196
Iran (Islamic Republic
of) ........................ 198
Ireland .................... 200
Israel ..................... 202
Italy ...................... 204
Jamaica .................... 206
Japan ...................... 208
Jordan ..................... 210
Kazakhstan ................. 212
Kenya ...................... 214
Kiribati ................... 216
Korea, Republic of ......... 218
Kuwait ..................... 220
Kyrgyzstan ................. 222
Latvia ..................... 224
Lesotho .................... 226
Lebanon .................... 228
Libya ...................... 230
Lithuania .................. 232
Luxembourg ................. 234
Madagascar ................. 236
Malawi ..................... 238
Malaysia ................... 240
Maldives ................... 242
Mali ....................... 244
Malta ...................... 246
Mauritania ................. 248
Mauritius .................. 250
Mexico ..................... 252
Micronesia, Federated ...... 254
States of Mongolia ......... 256
Montenegro ................. 258
Montserrat ................. 260
Morocco .................... 262
Mozambique ................. 264
Myanmar .................... 266
Namibia .................... 268
Nepal ...................... 270
Netherlands ................ 272
New Caledonia .............. 274
New Zealand ................ 276
Nicaragua .................. 278
Niger ...................... 280
Nigeria .................... 282
Norway, including .......... 284
Svalbard and Jan Mayen 
Islands Oman ............... 286
Pakistan ................... 288
Panama ..................... 290
Papua New Guinea ........... 292
Paraguay ................... 294
Peru ....................... 296
Philippines ................ 298
Poland ..................... 300
Portugal ................... 302
Qatar ...................... 304
Republic of Moldova ........ 306
Romania .................... 308
Russian Federation ......... 310
Rwanda ..................... 312
Saint Kitts and Nevis ...... 314
Saint Vincent and the
Grenadines ................. 316
Grenadines Samoa............ 318
Sao Tome and Principe ...... 320
Saudi Arabia ............... 322
Senegal .................... 324
Serbia ..................... 334
Singapore .................. 336
Slovakia ................... 338
Slovenia ................... 340
Solomon Islands ............ 334
South Africa ............... 336
Spain ...................... 338

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