Information fusion and geographic information systems (IF&GIS 2013): environmental and urban challenges (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаInformation fusion and geographic information systems (IF&GIS 2013): environmental and urban challenges: [collects the papers presented at the Sixth Intern. workshop, 12-15 May, 2013, Saint Petersburg, Russia] / eds.: V.Popovich et al. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2014. - ix, 324 p.: ill. - (Lecture notes in geoinformation and cartography). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-3-642-31832-0; ISSN 1863-2246
Шифр: (И/Д8-I.60) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
                         Part I  Invited Paper

Using Space-Based Technology for Smart Resource Management
during Disaster Early Warnings .................................. 3
Cosimo Stallo, Marina Ruggieri, Sabino Cacucci, and Donatella

                          Part II Editorial

Intelligent GIS Conceptualization .............................. 17
Vasily V. Popovich
Ten Years of the International Workshop "Information
Fusion and Geoinformation Systems" ............................. 45
Rafael Yusupov and Yan Ivakin

               Part III  Ontologies and Modeling in GIS

Semantic Retrieval of Geospatial Datasets Based on 
a Semantic Repository .......................................... 57
Julio Vizcarra, Miguel Torres, and Rolando Quintero

A Semantic Model to Query Spatial-Temporal Data ................ 75
Benjamin Harbelot, Helbert Arenas, and Christophe Cruz

Modeling Concepts for Consistency Analysis of Multiple
Representations and Heterogeneous 3D Geodata ................... 91
Susanne Becker, Volker Walter, and Dieter Fritsch

Modeling of Search Actions Under the Conditions of Variable 
Environment Properties ........................................ 107
Victor Ermolaev

OpenStreetMap-Based Dynamic Ridesharing Service	............... 119
Alexander Smirnov, Nikolay Shilov, Alexey Kashevnik, and 
Nikolay Teslya

         Part IV  Algorithms and Computational Issues for GIS

Application of Sleator-Tarjan Dynamic Trees in a Monitoring 
System for the Arctic Region Based on Remote Sensing Data ..... 137
Philipp Galiano, Mikhail Kharinov, and Sergey Vanurin

A Two-Phase Multiobjective Local Search for GIS Information
Fusion: Spatial Homogeneity and Semantic Information 
Tradeoff ...................................................... 149
Enguerran Grandchamp and Evelin Fonseca-Cruz

Parallel Algorithms of Discrete Fourier Transform
for Earth Surface Modeling .................................... 167
Marina Chicheva

Adaptive Multidimensional Measurement Processing Using
Intelligent GIS Technologies .................................. 179
A. Pankin, A. Vitol, and N. Zhukova

                   Part V  Data Security for GIS

Logical Inference Framework for Security Management in 
Geographical Information Systems .............................. 203
Igor Kotenko, Olga Polubelova, and Igor Saenko

Dynamical Attack Simulation for Security Information
and Event Management .......................................... 219
Igor Kotenko, Andrey Shorov, Andrey Chechulin, and Evgenia

                       Part VI  Urban GIS
A Simulation Model of Urban Growth Driven by the Bosphorus
Bridges ....................................................... 237
Ismail Ercument Ayazli, Fatmagul Kilic, and Hulya Demir

A New Method to Characterize Density Adapted to a Coarse 
City Model .................................................... 249
Rachid Hamaina, Thomas Leduc, and Guillaume Moreau

       Part VII  Marine and Coastal GIS (for the Arctic 
Region) The Skipper's Advisor: An Expert System for Coastal
Navigation .................................................... 267
Ruslan Sorokin

Modeling of Noise and Acoustic Field Calculations in the
Limited Water Area of Beibu Gulf Using Geospatial Data ........ 277
Viktor Ermolaev and Truong Giang Bui

Anomaly Detection for the Security of Cargo Shipments ......... 289
Muriel Pellissier, Evangelos Kotsakis, and Hervé Martin

Atmosphere and Ocean Data Processing in a Decision-Making
Support System for Arctic Exploration ......................... 305
Oksana Smirnova and Nataly Zhukova

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