The art of wireless sensor networks</A> / ed. by H.M.Ammari (Пекин, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe art of wireless sensor networks / ed. by H.M.Ammari. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Vol.2: Advanced topics and applications. - 2014. - xvi, 696 p.: ill. - (Signals and communication technology). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 973-3-642-40056-0; ISSN 1860-4862
    Шифр: (И/З.96-А22/2) 02

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  • Оглавление / Contents
    Part I  Introduction and Stochastic Modeling
    1  Introduction ................................................. 3
       Habib M. Ammari
    2  Stochastic Modeling of Delay, Energy Consumption and
       Lifetime .................................................... 11
       Yunbo Wang, Mehmet С. Vuran and Steve Goddard
    Part II  Barrier and Spatiotemporal Coverage
    3  Barrier Coverage: Foundations and Design .................... 59
       Anwar Saipulla, Jun-Hong Cui, Xinwen Fu, Benyuan Liu and
       Jie Wang
    4  Spatiotemporal Coverage in Fusion-Based Sensor Networks .... 117
       Rui Tan and Guoliang Xing
    Part III   Tracking, Estimation, and Counting
    5  Probabilistic Indoor Tracking of Mobile Wireless Nodes
       Relative to Landmarks ...................................... 169
       Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis, Keyong Li, Dong Guo and Yingwei
    6  Protocol Design for Real-Time Estimation Using
       Wireless Sensors ........................................... 201
       Yaser P. Fallah and Raja Sengupta
    7  Target Counting in Wireless Sensor Networks ................ 235
       Dengyuan Wu, Bowu Zhang, Hongjuan Li and Xiuzhen Cheng
    Part IV  Coverage and Localization in Three-Dimensional
    Wireless Sensor Networks
    8  Coverage and Connectivity in 3D Wireless Sensor Networks ... 273
       Usman Mansoor and Habib M. Amman
    9  Localization in Three-Dimensional Wireless Sensor
       Networks ................................................... 325
       Usman Mansoor and Habib M. Amman
    Part V  Topology Control and Routing in Three-Dimensional
    Wireless Sensor Networks
    10 Three-Dimensional Wireless Sensor Networks: Geometric
       Approaches for Topology and Routing Design ................. 367
       Yu Wang
    11 Routing in Three-Dimensional Wireless Sensor Networks ...... 411
       Anne Paule Yao and Habib M. Ammari
    Part VI  Underground and Underwater Sensor Networks
    12 The Future of Wireless Underground Sensing Networks
       Considering Physical Layer Aspects ......................... 451
       Agnelo Rocha da Silva, Mahta Moghaddam and Mingyan Liu
    13 A Communication Framework for Networked Autonomous
       Underwater Vehicles ........................................ 485
       Baozhi Chen and Dario Pompiii
    Part VII   Multimedia and Body Sensor Networks
    14 Low-Complexity Video Streaming for Wireless
       Multimedia Sensor Networks ................................. 529
       Scott Pudlewski and Tommaso Melodia
    15 Body Sensor Networks for Activity and Gesture Recognition .. 567
       Narayanan C. Krishnan and Sethuraman Panchanathan
    16 Analytic Challenges in Social Sensing ...................... 609
       Tarek Abdelzaher and Dong Wang
    17 Behavior-Aware Mobile Social Networking .................... 639
       Wei-Jen Hsu and Ahmed Helmy
    18 Emerging Applications of Wireless Sensing in
       Entertainment, Arts and Culture ............................ 665
       Jeffrey A. Burke
    Editor Biography .............................................. 695

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