Molecular biophysics for the life sciences (New York, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMolecular biophysics for the life sciences / eds.: N.M.Allewell et al. - New York: Springer Science + Business Media, 2013. - xii, 97 p.: ill. - (Biophysics for the life sciences). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.381-397. - ISBN 978-1-4614-8547-6
Шифр: (И/Е0-M79) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   Norma M. Allewell, Linda О. Narhi, and Ivan Rayment
2  Structural, Physical, and Chemical Principles ............... 17
   Norma M. Allewell, Linda О. Narhi, and Ivan Rayment

Part I  The Experimental Tools of Molecular Biophysics
3  Optical Spectroscopic Methods for the Analysis
   of Biological Macromolecules ................................ 33
   Linda O. Narhi, Cynthia H. Li, Ranjini Ramachander, Juraj
   Svitel, and Yijia Jiang
4  Diffraction and Scattering by X-Rays and Neutrons ........... 91
   Ivan Rayment
5  Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy .................... 113
   Thomas C. Pochapsky and Susan Sondej Pochapsky
6  Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy ............... 175
   John H. Golbeck and Art van der Est
7  Mass Spectrometry .......................................... 215
   Igor A. Kaltashov and Cedric E. Bobst
8  Single-Molecule Methods .................................... 257
   Paul J. Bujalowski, Michael Sherman, and Andres
   F. Oberhauser

Part II Biological Macromolecules as Molecular Machines:
Three Examples
9  Helicase Unwinding at the Replication Fork ................. 291
   Divya Nandakumar and Smita S. Patel
10 Rotary Motor ATPases ....................................... 313
   Stephan Wilkens
11 Biophysical Approaches to Understanding the Action
   of Myosin as a Molecular Machine ........................... 341
   Mihály Kovács and Andrвs Málnási-Csizmadia

Part III  Future Prospects
12 Future Prospects ........................................... 365
   Norma M. Allewell, Igor A. Kaltashov, Linda O. Narhi, and
   Ivan Rayment

Index ......................................................... 381

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