Dee Ph. Building a successful career in scientific research: a guide for Ph.D. students and post-docs (Cambridge; New York, 2006). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDee Ph. Building a successful career in scientific research: a guide for Ph.D. students and post-docs / with cartoons by Ch.McLeod. - Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006. - xii, 130 p.: ill. - Ind.: p.127-130. - ISBN 978-0-521-61740-6
Шифр: (И/Ч21-D30) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
   Foreword .................................................... ix
   Preface ..................................................... xi

PART I The first couple of years
1  Choosing and handling your Ph.D. adviser ..................... 3
2  Motivation, time management, and multitasking ............... 10
3  Handling the literature ..................................... 17
4  Report writing .............................................. 23
5  Powerful presentations ...................................... 26

PART II The end of the beginning
6  Writing papers and abstracts ................................ 31
7  Conferences and poster presentations ........................ 43
8  Writing and defending your thesis ........................... 52
9  Coping with pressure and stress ............................. 59

PART III The transition to post-doctoral research
10 From graduate student to post-doc ........................... 67
11 Collaboration and visiting other labs ....................... 75
12 Supervising students in the lab ............................. 85
13 Teaching .................................................... 91
14 Writing grant proposals and fellowship applications ......... 97

PART IV Making it in science
15  Culturing your image ...................................... 103
16  You and your big ideas .................................... 109
17  Planning for a permanent job .............................. 114
18  Do you have principal investigator (PI) potential? ........ 120

   Epilogue ................................................... 124
   Web-links .................................................. 125
   Index ...................................................... 127

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