Compressed sensing & sparse filtering (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCompressed sensing & sparse filtering / eds.: A.Y.Carmi, L.S.Mihaylova, S.J.Godsill. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2014. - xii, 502 p.: ill., tab. - (Signals and communication technology). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-3-642-38397-7; ISSN 1860-4862
Шифр: (И/З.81-C73) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction to Compressed Sensing and Sparse Filtering ...... 1
   Avishy Y. Carmi, Lyudmila S. Mihaylova and Simon J. Godsill
2  The Geometry of Compressed Sensing .......................... 25
   Thomas Blumensath
3  Sparse Signal Recovery with Exponential-Family Noise ........ 77
   Irina Rish and Genady Grabarnik
4  Nuclear Norm Optimization and Its Application
   to Observation Model Specification .......................... 95
   Ning Hao, Lior Horesh and Misha E. Kilmer
5  Nonnegative Tensor Decomposition ........................... 123
   N. Hao, L. Horesh and M. Kilmer
6  Sub-Nyquist Sampling and Compressed Sensing in Cognitive
   Radio Networks ............................................. 149
   Hongjian Sun, Arumugam Nallanathan and Jing Jiang
7  Sparse Nonlinear MIMO Filtering and Identification ......... 187
   G. Mileounis and N. Kalouptsidis
8  Optimization Viewpoint on Kalman Smoothing with
   Applications to Robust and Sparse Estimation ............... 237
   Aleksandr Y. Aravkin, James V. Burke and Gianluigi
9  Compressive System Identification .......................... 281
   Avishy Y. Carmi
10 Distributed Approximation and Tracking Using
   Selective Gossip ........................................... 325
   Deniz üstebay, Rui Castro, Mark Coates and Michael Rabbat
11 Recursive Reconstruction of Sparse Signal Sequences ........ 357
   Namrata Vaswani and Wei Lu
12 Estimation of Time-Varying Sparse Signals
   in Sensor Networks ......................................... 381
   Manohar Shamaiah and Haris Vikalo
13 Sparsity and Compressed Sensing in Mono-Static
   and Multi-Static Radar Imaging ............................. 395
   Ivana Stojanović, Müjdat Çetin and W. Clem Karl
14 Structured Sparse Bayesian Modelling for Audio
   Restoration ................................................ 423
   James Murphy and Simon Godsill
15 Sparse Representations for Speech Recognition .............. 455
   Tara N. Sainath, Dimitri Kanevsky, David Nahamoo, Bhuvana
   Ramabhadran and Stephen Wright

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