Matthews J.R. Successful scientific writing: a step-by-step guide for the biological and medical sciences (Cambridge; New York, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMatthews J.R. Successful scientific writing: a step-by-step guide for the biological and medical sciences / J.R.Matthews, R.W.Matthews. - 3rd ed. - Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. - xii, 240 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.232-235. - Ind.: p.236-240. - ISBN 978-0-521-69927-3
Шифр: (И/Ч21-М40) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix
Preface to the third edition .................................... x
1  PREPARING TO WRITE ........................................ 1-30
   Search and research .......................................... 1
      Conducting a comprehensive literature review
      Using the Internet wisely and well
      Tapping other informal and formal communication channels
      Your research: the big picture
   Choose a communication venue ................................ 13
      Formal publication: the message determines the medium
      Other ways to publish
   Plan to succeed ............................................. 21
      Organize and plan your message
      Avoid plagiarism
      Use the Process Approach to take charge
      Exercise 1.1. Search strategy and Boolean logic
      Exercise 1.2. Message, format, and audience
      Exercise 1.3. Organizing ideas
2  COMPOSING A FIRST DRAFT .................................. 31-55
   Deal with matters of authorship ............................. 31
   Productivity tools and pitfalls ............................. 33
      Use word processing to write more efficiently
      Master the tools that will make your writing life simpler 
      Spellcheckers, grammar and style analysis programs
   Follow standard structure ................................... 42
      Materials and methods
      Discussion and conclusions 
      Abstracts and summaries
      The title
      Other title page items
   Use tense to show the status of work ........................ 48
   Build momentum - and keep it! ............................... 50
      Exercise 2.1. Spelling and grammar programs
      Exercise 2.2. Title choices
      Exercise 2.3. Tense use
3  VISUAL SUPPORT FOR THE WRITTEN WORD ...................... 56-78
   Choosing and using visual aids .............................. 56
      Photographs and other documentary illustrations 
      Explanatory artwork
   Examining your choices ...................................... 75
      Exercise 3.1. Table and figure choices
4  VISUAL SUPPORT FOR THE SPOKEN WORD ...................... 79-102
   Oral presentations .......................................... 80
      Media choices for oral presentations
      Developing a traditional text-based oral presentation
      Visual elements of text, tables, and figures
      The PowerPoint controversy
   Speaking in public: the human factor ........................ 91
      Control nervousness
      Delivering the speech or presentation
      Handling questions
   Poster presentations: a happy hybrid ........................ 97
      Preparing a poster
      Presenting a poster
      Exercise 4.1. Slide presentation format
      Exercise 4.2. Answering questions
5  REVISING TO INCREASE COHERENCE ......................... 103-124
   Work efficiently ........................................... 103
      Start with organization and logic
      Use the power at your command
   Improve the big picture .................................... 105
      Rework for clarity
      Rewrite for readability
      Condense for brevity   
   When short might be too short .............................. 118
      Abbreviations, acronyms, and other shortened forms
      Noun clusters and strings of pearls
      Exercise 5.1. Person and point of view
      Exercise 5.2. Readability
      Exercise 5.3. Shortened forms
      Exercise 5.4. Clarity and brevity
6  IMPROVING WORD CHOICE, AND SYNTAX STYLE ................ 125-152
   Choose a better word ....................................... 126
      Recognize and minimize jargon
      Use bias-free, inclusive language
      Choose the right word
      Focus fuzzy nouns and qualifiers
   Check the verbs ............................................ 139
      Choose livelier verbs
      Unmask disguised verbs
      Active and passive voice
      Subject-verb agreement
   Beware of strange links .................................... 145
      Ambiguous antecedents and misplaced modifiers
      Dangling participles
   The mischief of multiples .................................. 148
      Collective nouns and noun phrases
      The grammar of comparisons and lists
      Exercise 6.1. Jargon
      Exercise 6.2. Handling language sensitively 
      Exercise 6.3. Devil pairs 
      Exercise 6.4. Which and that 
      Exercise 6.5. Fuzzy words and disguised verbs 
      Exercise 6.6. Active and passive voice 
      Exercise 6.7. Subject-verb agreement
      Exercise 6.8. Dangling participles and  other 
                    misplaced modifiers
      Exercise 6.9. Collective nouns, comparisons, and lists
   Tweak the text ............................................. 153
      Punctuate for clarity
      Capitalize consistently
      Treat scientific names properly
      Use foreign words and phrases to inform, not impress   
   Fine-tune number use ....................................... 170
      Numerals versus written numbers
      The SI metric system for measurements and weights
      Very large and very small numbers
   Practicing mixed corrections ............................... 179
      Exercise 7.1. Punctuation
      Exercise 7.2. Capitalization
      Exercise 7.3. Scientific names and other foreign words
                    and phrases
      Exercise 7.4. Number use and interpretation
      Exercise 7.5. Practicing mixed corrections   
8  the rest of the story .................................. 182-208
   Preparing to publish ....................................... 182
      Double-check references and attributions
      Verify submission format
      Submit the document
      Remember Murphy's Laws
   Back and forth: editorial review ........................... 188
      Correct galley proof conscientiously
      Celebrate - You have published!
   Tips for international publication ......................... 192
      Address second-language English readers effectively
      Choose an effective approach when writing English as 
      a second language
      Usage and grammar pitfalls for nonnative writers
   Ethical issues ............................................. 198
      Respect your data - and your readers
      Check again for plagiarism
      Protect yourself from potential libel and slander
   Legal matters .............................................. 202
      Trade names
Appendix 1: Suggested responses to exercises .................. 209
Appendix 2: Excerpts from "Uniform requirements for
            manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals: 
            Writing and editing for biomedical publication" ... 221
Selected resources ............................................ 232
Index ......................................................... 236

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