Cressler J.D. Silicon Earth: introduction to the microelectronics and nanotechnology revolution (New York, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCressler J.D. Silicon Earth: introduction to the microelectronics and nanotechnology revolution. - New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. - xvi, 491 p., [16] p. of plates: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.469-491. - ISBN 978-0-521-70505-9
Шифр: (И/З.84-С88) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xi
About the Author ............................................... xv
1  The Communications Revolution ................................ 1
   1.1  The big picture ......................................... 1
   1.2  The evolution of human communications ................... 4
   1.3  Doomsday scenarios ...................................... 7
   1.4  Global information flow ................................ 11
   1.5  Evolutionary trends: Moore's law ....................... 15
   1.6  Silicon: The master enabler ............................ 20
   1.7  Micro/nanoelectronics at the state-of-the-art: 90-nm
        complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor technology ..... 24
   1.8  A parting shot ......................................... 27
2  A Matter of Scale ........................................... 29
   2.1  The tyranny of numbers ................................. 29
   2.2  "Seeing" versus "imaging" the infinitesimal ............ 31
   2.3  The distance scale of the universe ..................... 33
   2.4  The micro/nanoelectronics distance scale ............... 35
   2.5  The time and frequency scales of micro/
        nanoelectronics ........................................ 39
   2.6  The temperature and energy scales of micro/
        nanoelectronics ........................................ 44
   2.7  Seeing is believing? ................................... 47
3  Widget Deconstruction #1: Cell Phone ........................ 49
   3.1  With a broad brush ..................................... 49
   3.2  Nuts and bolts ......................................... 52
   3.3  Where are the integrated circuits and what do they
        do? .................................................... 58
4  Innumerable Biographies: A Brief History of the Field ....... 66
   4.1  What history can teach us .............................. 67
   4.2  The uniqueness of microelectronics ..................... 68
   4.3  The shoulders we stand on .............................. 70
   4.4  The invention-discovery of the transistor .............. 79
   4.5  Newsflash! ............................................. 88
   4.6  How the West was won ................................... 89
   4.7  The integrated circuit ................................. 92
   4.8  The rest of the story .................................. 94
5  Semiconductors - Lite! ...................................... 98
   5.1  What are semiconductors? ............................... 98
   5.2  What makes semiconductors so special? ................. 100
   5.3  Types of semiconductors ............................... 101
   5.4  Crystal structure ..................................... 103
   5.5  Energy bands .......................................... 104
   5.6  Electrons and holes ................................... 111
   5.7  Doping ................................................ 119
   5.8  Drift and diffusion transport ......................... 123
   5.9  Generation and recombination .......................... 130
   5.10 Semiconductor equations of state ...................... 134
6  Widget Deconstruction #2: USB Flash Drive .................. 136
   6.1  With a broad brush .................................... 137
   6.2  Nuts and bolts ........................................ 141
   6.3  Where are the integrated circuits and what do they 
        do? ................................................... 153
7  Bricks and Mortar: Micro/Nanoelectronics Fabrication ....... 157
   7.1  The 1С fabrication facility (aka "the cleanroom") ..... 161
   7.2  Crystal growth and epitaxy ............................ 165
   7.3  Doping: Diffusion, implantation, and annealing ........ 173
   7.4  Oxidation and film deposition ......................... 179
   7.5  Etching and polishing ................................. 182
   7.6  Photolithography ...................................... 187
   7.7  Metallization and interconnects ....................... 192
   7.8  Building Mr. Transistor ............................... 196
   7.9  1С packaging: Wirebonds, cans, DIPs, and flip-chips ... 201
   7.10 Reliability ........................................... 207
8  Transistors - Lite! ........................................ 211
   8.1  The semiconductor device menagerie .................... 212
   8.2  Why are transistors so darn useful? ................... 215
   8.3  Thepn junction ........................................ 219
   8.4  The BJT ............................................... 235
   8.5  The MOSFET ............................................ 246
   8.6  X-Men transistors ..................................... 262
9  Microtools and Toys: MEMS, NEMS, and BioMEMS ............... 270
   9.1  Micro-intuition and the science of miniaturization .... 272
   9.2  MEMS classifications .................................. 275
   9.3  A grab bag of MEMS toys ............................... 276
   9.4  Micromachining silicon ................................ 278
   9.5  Cool app #1 - MEMS accelerometers ..................... 289
   9.6  Cool app #2 - MEMS micromirror displays ............... 292
   9.7  Cool app #3 - BioMEMS ................................. 298
10 Widget Deconstruction #3: GPS .............................. 303
   10.1 With a broad brush .................................... 306
   10.2 Nuts and bolts ........................................ 312
   10.3 Where are the integrated circuits and what do they 
        do? ................................................... 320
11 Let There Be Light: The Bright World of Photonics .......... 326
   11.1 Let there be light! ................................... 327
   11.2 Spectral windows ...................................... 330
   11.3 Getting light in and out of semiconductors ............ 333
   11.4 Photodetectors and solar cells ........................ 341
   11.5 CCD imagers, CMOS imagers, and the digital camera ..... 349
   11.6 LEDs, laser diodes, and fiber optics .................. 357
   11.7 CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray ................................ 380
12 The Nanoworld: Fact and Fiction ............................ 387
   12.1 Nanotech, nanobots, and gray goo ...................... 388
   12.2 Say what you mean and mean what you say: Nanotech
        definitions ........................................... 394
   12.3 Darwinian evolution in microelectronics: The end of
        the silicon road ...................................... 396
   12.4 Buckyballs, nanotubes, and graphene ................... 401
   12.5 Emerging nanoapps ..................................... 407
13 The Gathering Storm: Societal Transformations and Some 
   Food for Thought ........................................... 416
   13.1 The Internet: Killer app... with a dark side .......... 418
   13.2 E-addictions: E-mail, cell phones, and PDAs ........... 429
   13.3 Gaming and aggressive behavior: A causal link? ........ 432
   13.4 The human genome, cloning, and bioethics .............. 434
   13.5 The changing face of education ........................ 439
   13.6 The evolution of social media ......................... 441
   13.7 E-activism and e-politics ............................. 443
   13.8 The web we weave: 1С environmental impact ............. 445
1  Properties of Silicon ...................................... 451
2  Some Basic Concepts from Physics and Electrical 
   Engineering ................................................ 452
   2.1  Energy ................................................ 452
   2.2  Force and the theory of everything .................... 453
   2.3  Electrons, quantum mechanics, and Coulomb's law ....... 454
   2.4  Voltage, circuits, field, current, and Ohm's law ...... 455
3  Electronic Circuits, Boolean Algebra, and Digital Logic .... 457
4  A Grab-Bag Glossary of Useful Techno-Geek Terms and 
   Acronyms ................................................... 463
Index ......................................................... 469
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