Brennan K.F. Introduction to semiconductor devices for computing and telecommunications (Cambridge, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBrennan K.F. Introduction to semiconductor devices for computing and telecommunications. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. - 316 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.300-302. - Ind.303-316. - ISBN 978-0-521-15361-4
Шифр: (И/З.85-В85) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
   Preface ..................................................... xi
   List of physical constants .................................. xv
   List of materials parameters for important semiconductors,
   Si and GaAs ................................................ xvi

1  Semiconductor fundamentals ................................... 1
   1.1  Definition of a semiconductor ........................... 2
   1.2  Equilibrium carrier concentrations and intrinsic
        material ................................................ 7
   1.3  Extrinsic material ..................................... 16
   Problems .................................................... 21
2  Carrier action .............................................. 23
   2.1  Drift and diffusion .................................... 23
   2.2  Generation-recombination ............................... 28
   2.3  Continuity equation and its solution ................... 33
   Problems .................................................... 36
3  Junctions ................................................... 38
   3.1  p-n homojunction in equilibrium ........................ 38
   3.2  p-n homojunctions under bias ........................... 47
   3.3  Deviations from ideal diode behavior ................... 57
   3.4  Carrier injection, extraction, charge control
        analysis, and capacitance .............................. 61
   3.5  Schottky barriers ...................................... 68
   Problems .................................................... 75
4  Bipolar junction transistors ................................ 78
   4.1  ВJT operation .......................................... 78
   4.2  Secondary effects in BJTs .............................. 92
        4.2.1  Drift in the base region ........................ 92
        4.2.2  Base narrowing or the Early Effect .............. 94
        4.2.3  Avalanche breakdown ............................. 95
   4.3  High frequency operation of a BJT ...................... 97
   Problems .................................................... 99
5  JFETS and MESFETS .......................................... 101
   5.1  JFET operation ........................................ 10l
   5.2  MESFET and MODFET operation ........................... 104
   5.3  Quantitative description of JFETs and MESFETs ......... 112
   5.4  Small signal model for a JFET ......................... 121
   Problems ................................................... 124
6  Metal-insulator-semiconductor structures and MOSFETS ....... 127
   6.1  MIS systems in equilibrium ............................ 127
   6.2  MIS systems under bias ................................ 133
   6.3  Basic theory of MOSFET operation ...................... 144
   6.4  Small signal operation of MESFETs and MOSFETs ......... 155
   6.5  CMOS circuits ......................................... 160
   Problems ................................................... 165
7  Short-channel effects and challenges to CMOS ............... 169
   7.1  Short-channel effects ................................. 169
   7.2  Scaling theory ........................................ 176
   7.3  Processing challenges to further CMOS
        miniaturization ....................................... 183
   Problems ................................................... 186
8  Beyond cmos ................................................ 188
   8.1  Evolutionary advances beyond CMOS ..................... 188
   8.2  Carbon nanotubes ...................................... 195
   8.3  Conventional vs. tactile computing, molecular and
        biological computing .................................. 197
   8.4  Moletronics - molecular diodes and diode-diode logic .. 201
   8.5  Defect tolerant computing ............................. 206
   8.6  Quantum dot cellular automata ......................... 210
   Problems ................................................... 219
9  Telecommunications systems - an overview ................... 220
   9.1  Fiber transmission .................................... 220
   9.2  Amplifiers and repeaters .............................. 223
   9.3  Mobile cellular telecommunications systems ............ 225
   9.4  Device types for cellular systems ..................... 228
10 Optoelectronic devices - emitters, light amplifiers, and
   detectors .................................................. 230
   10.1 LEDs .................................................. 230
   10.2 Stimulated emission ................................... 238
   10.3 Laser operation ....................................... 244
   10.4 Types of semiconductor lasers ......................... 248
   10.5 EDFAs ................................................. 255
   10.6 SOAs .................................................. 258
   10.7 p-i-n photodetectors .................................. 260
   10.8 Avalanche photodiodes ................................. 265
        Problems .............................................. 273
11 Transistors for high frequency, high power amplifiers for
   wireless systems ........................................... 275
   11.1 Transistor figures of merit for wireless systems ...... 275
   11.2 Heterostructures ...................................... 281
   11.3 MODFET devices ........................................ 286
   11.4 HBTs .................................................. 290
   11.5 Wide band gap semiconductors .......................... 294
        Problems .............................................. 298

   References ................................................. 300
   Index ...................................................... 303

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