Solar and astrophysical dynamos and magnetic activity: proc. of the 294th Symp. of the Intern. astron. union held in Beijing, China, Aug. 27-31, 2012 / ed. by A.G.Kosovichev et al. (Cambridge, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаSolar and astrophysical dynamos and magnetic activity: proc. of the 294th Symp. of the Intern. astron. union held in Beijing, China, Aug. 27-31, 2012 / ed. by A.G.Kosovichev et al. - Cambridge: Cambridge university press/International astronomical union, 2013. - xvi, 599 p.: ill. - (IAU symposium proceedings series; N 294). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Auth. ind.: p.597-599. - ISBN 978-1-107-03383-2; ISSN 1743-9213
Шифр: (И/В6-S70) 02


Место хранения: 02 | Отделение ГПНТБ СО РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... xiii

Organizing committee .......................................... xvi

Helioseismic measurements of differential rotation and
meridional flow ................................................. 3
   J. Zhao
Observations of magnetic and kinetic helicity proxies .......... 13
   H. Zhang
How much more can sunspots tell us about the solar dynamo? ..... 25
   A.A. Norton, E.H. Jones, Y. Liu, K. Hayashi, J.T. Hoeksema
   & J. Schou
Flux-transport and mean-field dynamo theories of solar
cycles ......................................................... 37
   A.R. Choudhuri
Solar-cycle precursors and predictions ......................... 49
   J. Jiang
Phase relationship between polar faculae and sunspot
numbers ........................................................ 61
   L.H. Deng
Digitization of Spörer's sunspot drawings ...................... 63
   A. Diercke, R. Arlt & C. Denker
Comparison of solar activity during last two minima on turn
of Activity Cycles 22/23 and 23/24 ............................. 65
   M. Gryciuk, S. Gburek, M. Siarkowski, P. Podgorski,
   J. Sylwester & F. Farnik
Modeling the solar cycles 12-20 with a Babcock-Leighton flux
transport dynamo ............................................... 67
   J. Jiang
On the extended 23rd solar cycle ............................... 69
   V.N. Krivodubskij
Dependence of solar cycles duration on the magnitude of the
annual module of the sunspots magnetic field ................... 71
   V.N. Krivodubskij & N.I. Lozitska
Solar cycle and quasï-biennial variations in helioseismic
frequencies .................................................... 73
   S.C. Tripathy, K. Jain, R. Simoniello, F. Hill &
   S. Turck-Chièze
On the role of asymmetries in the reversal of the solar
magnetic field ................................................. 75
   A.S. Brun, M.L. Derosa & J.T. Hoeksema
Peculiar behavior of solar polar fields during solar cycles
21-23: Correlation with meridional flow speed .................. 81
   S.K. Bisoi & P. Janardhan
Interplanetary scintillation signatures in the inner
heliosphere of the deepest solar minimum in the past 100
years .......................................................... 83
   S.K. Bisoi & P. Janardhan
Asymmetry in the periodicities of solar photospheric fields:
A probe to the unusual solar minimum prior to cycle 24 ......... 85
   S.K. Bisoi & P. Janardhan
Model of poleward magnetic field streams from sunspot
butterflies .................................................... 87
   N.V. Zolotova & D.I. Ponyavin

 Solar magneto-convection ...................................... 95
   M. Schüssler
Spectropolarimetric diagnostics of unresolved magnetic
fields in the quiet solar photosphere ......................... 107
   N.G. Shchukina & J.T. Buerw
Nature of the solar dynamo at small scales .................... 119
   O. Stenflo
Magnetic network elements in solar cycle 23 ................... 131
   C. Jin & J. Wang
Convective mechanism of amplification and structuring of
magnetic fields ............................................... 137
   A.V. Getting, V.V. Kolmychkov & O.S. Mazhorova
Origin of quiet-Sun magnetic fields revealed with Hinode ...... 143
   R. Ishikawa
Solar cycle variation of helicity characteristics indicated
by SP/Hinode .................................................. 149
   J. Hao & M. Zhang
The variations of solar magnetic networks over the solar
cycle 23 ...................................................... 151
   C. Huang, Y. Yan & Y. Deng
The escape of trapped electrons in the decay phase of solar
flare ......................................................... 153
   J. Huang
Evolution of magnetic field corresponding to X-ray
brightening events in coronal holes and quiet Sun ............. 155
   Z. Huang, M. Madjarska, G. Doyle & D. Lamb
Large scale magnetic helicity fluxes estimated from MDI
magnetic synoptic charts ...................................... 157
   S. Yang & H. Zhang
Self-cancellation of solar ephemeral regions observed by
SDO ........................................................... 159
   S. Yang, J. Zhang, T. Li & Y. Liu

Mechanisms of planetary and stellar dynamos ................... 163
   E. Dormy, L. Petitdemange & M. Schrinner
Role of longitudinal activity complexes for solar and
stellar dynamos ............................................... 175
   M.J. Mantere, P.J. Käpylä & J. Pelt
Magnetic field in accretion disk of close binary star ......... 187
   D.V. Bisikalo & A.G. Zhilkin
The gap of differential rotation in early F-type stars ........ 193
   M. Ammler-von Eiff & A. Reiners
On the behavior of stellar rotation in the solar
neighbourhood ................................................. 195
   D.B. de Freitas & J.R. De Medeiros
A nonextensive approach for the angular momentum loss rate
in low-mass stars ............................................. 197
   D.B. de Freitas & J.R. De Medeiros
CoRot observation of a young Sun-like star .................... 199
   P. Gondoin, D. Gandolfi, M. Fridlund, E.W. Guenther &
   A. Hatzes
Effect of magnetic fields on Lithium depletion of
solar-type stars .............................................. 201
   T. Li & S. Bi
Fundamental properties and seismological analysis of three
Kepler stars .................................................. 203
   K. Liu & S.L. Bi
Magnetic activity and solar-like pulsations of X-ray
sources in the Kepler field of view ........................... 205
   J. Molenda-Zakowicz, A. Frasca & H.-E. Fröhlich
Chemical composition of photospheres in RS CVn stars .......... 207
   G. Tautvaišienė, G. Barisevicius, S. Berdyugina,
   I. Ilyin & Y. Chorniy
Chromospheric activity of late-type stars based on
Guoshoujing Telescope ......................................... 209
   L. Zhang, J. Shi, J. Zhao, A. Luo, G. Zhang, Q. Pi, the
   Guoshoujing Telescope Collaboration

Magnetic fields in our Milky Way Galaxy and nearby
galaxies ...................................................... 213
   J.L. Han
Interstellar and intergalactic dynamos ........................ 225
M. Hanasz, D. Woltanski & K. Kowalik
Small-scale dynamo action in primordial halos ................. 237
   J. Schober, D. R. G. Schleicher, R. S. Klessen,
   C. Federrath, S. Bovino, S. Glover & R. Banerjee
Galactic spiral patterns and dynamo action .................... 249
   L. Chamandy, K. Subramanian & A. Shukurov
Growth rate of magnetic field during starburst phase in
a galaxy ...................................................... 251
   C.-M. Ко
NIR polarimetry as a probe of the large-scale structure of
the galactic magnetic field ................................... 253
   M.D. Pavel

Starspot detection and properties ............................. 257
   I.S. Savanov
Mechanisms of formation of solar pores and sunspots ........... 269
   I.N. Kitiashvili
Flux concentrations in turbulent convection ................... 283
   P.J. Käpylä, A. Brandenburg, N. Kleeorin, M.J. Mantere &
   I. Rogachevskii
Fractal multi-scale nature of solar/stellar magnetic fields ... 289
   V.I. Abramenko
Magnetic helicity as a probe of magnetic flux-tube
dynamics in the solar interior ................................ 301
   T. Sakurai, Y. Gao & K. Kuzanyan
Solar-like differential rotation and equatorward migration
in a convective dynamo with a coronal envelope ................ 307
   J. Warnecke, P.J. Käpylä, M.J. Mantere &
   A. Brandenburg
Current helicity constraints in solar dynamo models ........... 313
   D. Sokoloff, H. Zhang, D. Moss, N. Kleeorin, K. Kuzanyan,
   I. Rogachevski, Y. Gao & H. Xu
Magnetic helicity transported by flux emergence and
shuffling motions ............................................. 319
   Y. Zhang, R. Kitai & K. Takizawa
Statistical characteristics of horizontal proper motions in
the vicinity of pores ......................................... 321
   M. Verma & C. Denker

Astrophysical MHD turbulence: confluence of observations,
simulations, and theory ....................................... 325
   B. Burkhart & A. Lazarian
Turbulence and dynamo interlinks .............................. 337
   E.M. de Gouveia Dal Pino, R. Santos-Lima, G. Kowal &
   D. Falceta-Gongalve
On magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and angular momentum
transport in accretion disk boundary layers ................... 349
   C.-K. Chan & M.E. Pessah
Topological constraints on magnetic field relaxation .......... 353
   S. Candelaresi & A. Brandenburg
The flow helicity in quasi-ordered cellular convection ........ 359
   A.V. Getling
Toward understanding the multiscale spatial spectrum of
solar convection .............................................. 361
   A.V. Getling, O.S. Mazhorova & О.V. Shcheritsa
Saturation of the magnetorotational instability by stable
magnetoacoustic modes ......................................... 365
   E. Liverts, Y. Shtemler, M. Mond, О.M. Umurhan &
   D.V. Bisikalo
Helicity-vorticity turbulent pumping of magnetic fields in
the solar dynamo .............................................. 367
   V.V. Pipin
Knotty invariants: structure and evolution of magnetized
fluids ........................................................ 369
   I. Roth
On the magnetic flux conservation in the partially ionized
plasma ........................................................ 371
   Y. Tsap

Advances in mean-field dynamo theories ........................ 375
   V.V. Pipin
Non-linear and chaotic dynamo regimes ......................... 387
   A. Brandenburg
Theory of differential rotation and meridional circulation .... 399
   L.L. Kitchatinov
Experimental realization of dynamo action: present status
and prospects ................................................. 411
   A. Giesecke, F. Stefani, T. Gundrum, G. Gerbeth, C. Nore
   & J. Leorat
Solar differential rotation: hints to reproduce
a near-surface shear layer in global simulations .............. 417
   G. Guerrero, P. Smolarkiewicz, A.G. Kosovichev &
   N. Mansour
Flux transport dynamo coupled with a fast tachocline
scenario ...................................................... 427
   B.В. Karak & K. Petrovay
Solar dynamo model with nonlocal alpha-effect and
diamagnetic pumping ........................................... 429
   L.L. Kitchatinov & S.V. Olemskoy
Modelling stellar activity cycles using deep-seated dynamos
and surface flux transport .................................... 431
   E. Işik, D. Schmitt & M. Schüssler
Modelling grand minima of solar activity using a flux
transport dynamo model ........................................ 433
   В.B. Karak & A.R. Choudhuri
Forecasting the solar activity cycle: new insights ............ 439
   D. Nandy & В.B. Karak

Observational methods for stellar magnetism: from detection
to cartography ................................................ 447
   K.G. Strassmeier, T.A. Carroll, I. Ilyin & S. Järvinen
Prospect on intergalactic magnetic field measurements
with gamma-ray instruments .................................... 459
   H. Sol, A. Zech, C. Boisson, H. Krawczynski, L. Fallon,
   E. de Gouveia Dal Pino, J. Hinton, S. Inoue, A. Neronov
   & R. White
How the planetary research helps to the stellar dynamo
understanding ................................................. 471
   I. Boisse, M. Oshagh, C. Lovis, N.C. Santos,
   X. Dumusque, X. Bonfils, M. Montalto & G. Boue
CrH molecule: New diagnostic tool for measuring magnetic
fields of cool dwarfs ......................................... 477
   O. Kuzmychov & S.V. Berdyugina
Solar initiative at Oukaimeden Observatory .................... 479
   Z. Benkaldoun, J.J. Makela & J.W. Meriwether
Development and first year of results from the Heliometer
of Observatório Nacional ...................................... 481
   A.H. Andrei, V.A. D'Ávila, E. Reis Neto, J.L. Penna,
   S.C. Boscardin, A. Coletti, L.C. Oliveira & C. Sigismondi
Geometrical information on the solar shape: high precision
results with SDO/HMI .......................................... 483
   X. Wang & C. Sigismondi
Venus transit, aureole and solar diameter ..................... 485
   W. Xie, C. Sigismondi, X. Wang & P. Tanga
Observations of interplanetary scintillation in China ......... 487
   L.-J. Liu & B. Peng
Radio imaging-spectroscopy observations of the Sun in
decimetric and centimetric wavelengths ........................ 489
   Y. Yan, W. Wang, F. Liu, L. Geng, Z. Chen & J. Zhang
Calibration and data analysis for Chinese Spectral
Radioheliograph ............................................... 495
   W. Wang, Y.H. Yan, D.H. Liu, Z.J. Chen, F. Liu, L.H. Geng,
   L.J. Chen & C. Su
Five-element Digital Corrector Receiver for the Chinese
Spectral Radioheliograph ...................................... 497
   A. Zhao, Y. Yan, W. Wang, L. Chen, J. Zhang & F. Liu
Microwave observations of the Chinese Solar Broadband Radio
Spectrometer at Huairou ....................................... 499
   C. Tan, B. Tan, Y. Yan & Y. Liu
A simulation of imaging capabilities for the Chinese Spectral
Radioheliograph ............................................... 501
   J. Du, Y. Yan & W. Wang
An intelligent method for solar flare observation ............. 503
   J.B. Lin, J. Guo & Y.Y. Deng

Helicity transport from solar convection zone to
interplanetary space .......................................... 507
   M. Zhang
Magnetic helicity ejections and coronal activity .............. 519
   A. Nindos
Connections between photospheric current helicity, flares
and solar subsurface kinetic helicity ......................... 531
   Y. Gao, J. Zhao & H. Zhang
Space environment during Solar Minimum of SC-23 ............... 533
   A.A. Hady
Helicity, induced electric field and Poynting flux of AR
11158 and their relationship with the X-class flare ........... 535
   J. Liu, J. Su & H. Zhang
Magnetic helicity injection in NOAA 11261 associated with
flares ........................................................ 537
   H. Xu, H. Z, J. Su, G. Ruan & J. Liu
Probing the solar origin of energy build-up and release in
solar energetic particles ..................................... 539
   A.K. Awasthi, R. Jain & N.J. Bhatt
Generalization of the Neupert effect over the solar flare
plasma cooling ................................................ 541
   A.K. Awasthi & R. Jain
Observations of a geomagnetic SI+ - SI- pair and associated
solar wind fluctuations ....................................... 543
   S.K. Bisoi & P. Janardhan
Radiative hydrodynamic simulations of He I 10830 Å ............ 545
   J.X. Cheng, M.D. Ding & С. Fang
Coordinate flares observed by TRACE ........................... 547
   D. Kong, X. Yan & Z. Xue
Polar jet kinetics and energetics analysed from STEREO/COR
data .......................................................... 549
   L. Feng & W. Q. Can
A statistical study on solar soft X-ray flare and the
sources ....................................................... 551
   J. Guo
Tests and applications of nonlinear force-free field
extrapolations in spherical geometry .......................... 553
   Y. Guo & M.D. Ding
A small-scale EUV jet in the quiet Sun region ................. 555
   J. Hong, Y. Jiang, R. Zheng & Y. Bi
Changing photospheric vector magnetic fields associated with
a B4.2-class solar flare ...................................... 561
   J. Su, Y. Liu & Y. Shen
Observational evidence of unwinding and chirality changing
in penumbral filaments by Hinode .............................. 565
   J. Su & Y. Liu
SDO/AIA and Hinode/EIS observations of interaction between
an EUV wave and active region loops ........................... 567
   L. Yang, J. Zhang, T. Li & W. Liu
Accuracy analysis and application of extrapolation of
force-free fields in solar active and quiet regions ........... 569
   S. Liu, H. Zhang, J. Su & M. Song
Solar flares observed simultaneously with SphinX, GOES and
RHESSI ........................................................ 571
   T. Mrozek, S. Gburek, M. Siarkowski, B. Sylwester,
   J. Sylwester, A. Kepa & M. Gryciuk
Flares and non-potentiality of AR 11158 ....................... 573
   Q. Song, J. Zhang, S. Yang & Y. Liu
Numerical simulations of the CME on 2010 April 8 .............. 575
   Y. Su, B. Kliem, A. van Ballegooijen & E. Deluca
Peculiar microwave quasi-periodic pulsations with zigzag
pattern in a CME-related flare on 2005-01-15 .................. 577
   B. Tan
Nonlinear force-free magnetic field extrapolation in AR 11158
by GPU-DBIE ................................................... 579
   R. Wang & Y. Yan
Frequency and time properties of decimeter narrowband spikes
in solar flares ............................................... 581
   S. Wang
Simulation of a CME-driven shock by anisotropic scattering
angular distributions ......................................... 583
   X. Wang & Y. Yan
Study of ribbon separation and magnetic reconnection rates .... 585
   W. Xie, H. Zhang, J. Lin & H. Wang
A statistical study on photospheric active-region magnetic
nonpotentiality and associated flares during solar cycles
22 - 23 ....................................................... 587
   X. Yang, H. Zhang, G. Lin, Y. Gao & J. Guo
Relaxation of magnetic field relative to plasma density
during solar flares ........................................... 589
   S. Yu, Y. Yan & B. Tan
Reflection and refraction of an extreme ultraviolet wave at
boundary of coronal hole ...................................... 591
   Z. Xue, Z. Qu, X. Yan & L. Zhao
Formation and disappearance of a filament ..................... 593
   G.P. Zhou, J.X. Wang & S. Tsuneta
Waldmeier relations and the solar cycle dynamics by the mean-
field dynamos ................................................. 595
   V.V. Pipin, D.D. Sokoloff & I.G. Usoskin

Author index .................................................. 597

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