Compound semiconductors: thin-film photovoltaics, LEDs, and smart energy controls:</A> Symp. held Apr. 1-5, 2013, San Francisco, California U.S.A. / eds.: M.Al-Jassim et al. - Cambridge: Cambridge university press; Warrendale: MRS, 2013. - xiv, 416 p.: ill. - (Materials research society symposia proceedings; vol.1538). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Auth. ind.: p.411-414. - Sub. ind.: p.415-416. (Cambridge, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаCompound semiconductors: thin-film photovoltaics, LEDs, and smart energy controls: Symp. held Apr. 1-5, 2013, San Francisco, California U.S.A. / eds.: M.Al-Jassim et al. - Cambridge: Cambridge university press; Warrendale: MRS, 2013. - xiv, 416 p.: ill. - (Materials research society symposia proceedings; vol.1538). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Auth. ind.: p.411-414. - Sub. ind.: p.415-416. - ISBN 978-1-60511-515-3
Шифр: (И/З.2-С73) 02


Место хранения: 02 | Отделение ГПНТБ СО РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
Preface  ..................................................... xiii
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings ............... xv

The Effect of a High Temperature Reaction of Cu-In-Ga
Metallic Precursors on the Formation of Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)2 ........ 3
   Dominik M. Berg, Christopher P. Thompson, and William
   N. Shafarman
Analysis of NaF Precursor Layers During the Different
Stages of the Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Co-evaporation Process ............... 9
   M. Edoff, P.M.P. Salome, A. Hultqvist, and V. Fjällström
Incorporation of Sb, Bi, and Те Interlayers at the
Mo/Cu-In-Ga Interface for the Reaction of Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)2
   Kihwan Kim, Jaesung Han, and William N. Shafarman
First-principles Study on Diffusion of Cd in CuInSe2 ........... 21
   Tsuyoshi Maeda and Takahiro Wada
Characterization of Electron-induced Defects in Cu (In,Ga)
Thin-Aim Solar Cells using Electroluminescence ................. 27
   Shirou Kawakita, Mitsuru Imaizumi, Shogo Ishizuka, Hajime
   Shibata, Shigeru Niki, Shuichi Okuda, and Hiroaki Kusawake
Impact of Maximum Copper Content During the 3-stage
Process on CdS Thickness Tolerance in Cu(In,Ga)Se2-based
Solar Cell ..................................................... 33
   Thomas Lepetit, Ludovic Arzel, and Nicolas Barreau
Effects of Additives on the Improved Growth Rate and
Morphology of Chemical Bath Deposited Zn(S,O,OH) Buffer
Layer for Cu(In,Ga)Se2- based Solar Cells ...................... 39
   Thibaud Hildebrandt, Nicolas Loones, Nathanaelle
   Schneider, Muriel Bouttemy, Jackie Vigneron, Arnaud 
   Etcheberry, Daniel Liticot, and Negar Naghavi
A Low Temperature, Single Step, Pulsed d.c Magnetron
Sputtering Technique for Copper Indium Gallium Dlselenide
Photovoltaic Absorber Layers ................................... 45
   Sreejith Karthikeyan, Kushagra Nagaich, Arthur E. Hill,
   Richard D. Pilkington, and Stephen A. Campbell
Effect of Location of Sodium Precursor on the Morphological
and Device Properties of CIGS Solar Cells ...................... 51
   Neelkanth G. Dhere, Ashwani Kaul, and Helio Moutinho
Observation of Sodium Diffusion in CIGS Solar Cells with
Mo/TCO/Mo Hybrid Back Contacts ................................. 61
   Yukiko Kamikawa, Hironori Komaki, Shigenori Furae, Akimasa 
   Yamada, Shogo Ishizuka, Koji Matsubara, Hajime Shibata, 
   and Shigeru Niki
Formation of Ga2O3 Barrier Layer in Cu(InGa)Se2 Superstrate
Devices with ZnO Buffer Layer .................................. 67
   Jes K. Larsen, Peipei Xin, and William N. Shafarman

Effects of Growth Conditions on Secondary Phases in CZTSe
Thin Films Deposited by Co-evaporation ......................... 75
   Douglas M. Bishop, Brian E. McCandless, Thomas C. Mangan,
   Kevin Dobson, and Robert Birkmire
Is it Possible to Grow Thin Films of Phase Pure Kesterite
Semiconductor? A ZnSe Case Study ............................... 83
   Phillip J. Dale, Monika Arasimowicz, Diego Colombara,
   Alexandre Crossay, Erika Robert, and Aidan A. Taylor
Polarization Dependent Raman Spectroscopy Characterization
of Kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4 Single Crystals ......................... 95
   D.O. Dumcenco, Y.P. Wang, S. Levcenco, K.K. Tiong, and 
   Y.S. Huang
Influence of Sodium-containing Substrates on Kesterite
CZTSSe Thin Films Based Solar Cells ........................... 103
   Giovanni Altamura, Charles Roger, Louis Grenet, Joël 
   Bleuse, Helene Fournier, Simon Perraud, and Henri Mariette
Air-stable Solution Processed Cu2ZnSn(Sx,Se(1-x)4 Thin
Film Solar Cells: Influence of Ink Precursors and 
Preparation Process ........................................... 107
   Xianzhong Lin, Jaison Kavalakkatt, Martha Ch.
   Lux-Steiner, and Ahmed Ennaoui
Fabrication and Characterization of Low-cost, Large-area
Spray Deposited Cu2ZnSnS4 Thin Films for Heterojunction
Solar Cells ................................................... 115
   Sandip Das, Kelvin J. Zavalla, M.A. Mannan, and Krishna 
   С. Mandal
The Effect of Soft Pre-annealing of Differently Stacked
Cu-Sn-Zn Precursors on the Quality of Cu2ZnSnSe4 Absorbers .... 123
   Monika Arasimowicz, Maxime Thevenin, and Phillip J. Dale

Electroluminescence of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells and Modules ... 133
   U. Rau, T.C.M. Müller, T.M.H. Tran, B.E. Pieters, and 
   A. Gerber
Impact of the Deposition Conditions of Window Layers on
Lowering the Metastability Effects in Cu(In,Ga)Se2/CBD
ZnS-based Solar Cell .......................................... 145
   N. Naghavi, T. Hildebrandt, G. Renou, S. Temgoua, 
   J.F. Guillemoles, and D. Lincot
The Research and Development of the Third Generation
of Photovoltaic Modules ....................................... 151
   Tingkai Li
Using Dilute Nitrides to Achieve Record Solar Cell
Efficiencies .................................................. 161
   Rebecca Jones-Albertus, Emily Becker, Robert Bergner,
   Taner Bilir, Daniel Derkacs, Onur Fidaner, David Jory,
   Ting Liu, Ewelina Lucow, Pranob Misra, Evan Pickett,
   Ferran Suarez, Arsen Sukiasyan, Ted Sun, Lan Zhang,
   Vijit Sabnis, Mike Wiemer, and Homan Yuen
Over 20% Efficiency Mechanically Stacked Multi-junction 
Solar Cells Fabricated by Advanced Bonding Using Conductive
Nanoparticle Alignments ....................................... 167
   Kikuo Makita, Hidenori Mizuno, Hironori Komaki, Takeyoshi
   Sugaya, Ryuji Oshima, Hajime Shibata, Koji Matsubara, and 
   Shigera Niki
MoO3 Back Contact for CuInSe2-based Thin Film Solar Cells ..... 173
   Hamed Simchi, Brian E. McCandless, T. Meng, Jonathan H.
   Boyle, and William N. Shafarman
Fabrication of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Solar Cells by Printing and
High-pressure Sintering Process ............................... 179
   Feng Gao, Tsuyoshi Maeda, and Takahiro Wada
Cupric Oxide Thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications ......... 185
   Patrick J.M. Isherwood, Biancamaria Maniscalco, Fabiana 
   Lisco, Piotr M. Kaminski, Jake W. Bowers, and John
   M. Walls
Spectral Calibrated and Confocal Photoluminescence of Cu2S
Thin-film Absorber ............................................ 191
   Hendrik Sträter, Rudolf Brüggemann, Sebastian Siol, 
   Andreas Klein, Wolfram Jaegermann, and Gottfried H. Bauer
CuO and Cu2O Nanoparticles for Thin Film Photovoltaics ........ 197
   Jan Flohre, Maurice Nuys, Christine Leidinger, Florian
   Köhler, and Reinhard Carius
Optimising The Parameters For The Synthesis of Culn-
nanoparticles By Chemical Reduction Method For Chalcopyrite 
Thin Film Precursors .......................................... 203
   Matthias Schuster, Stefan A. Möckel, Rachmat Adhi Wibowo,
   Rainer Hock, and Peter J. Wellmann
Moisture Resistant Ga-doped ZnO Films with Highly
Transparent Conductivity for Use in Window Layers
of Thin-film Solar Cells ...................................... 209
H.-P. Song, H. Makino, S. Kishimoto, and T. Yamamoto
Effective Electrochemical n-type Doping of ZnO Thin Films
for Photovoltaic Window Applications .......................... 215
   B. Mari-Soucase, P. Cembrero-Coca, M. Mollar, and 
   M.E. Calixto
Study of Optical Losses in Mechanically Stacked 
Dye-sensitized/CdTe Tandem Solar Cells ........................ 221
   Vincent Barrioz, Simon Hodgson, Peter Holliman, Arthur
   Connell, Giray Kartopu, Andrew J. Clayton, Stuart
   J.C. Irvine, Shafiul Monir, and Matthew L. Davies
Point Contact Admittance Spectroscopy of Thin Film
Solar Cells ................................................... 227
   Anthony Vasko, Kristopher Wieland, and Victor Karpov
Ternary Сu3ВіY3 (Y = S, Se, and Те) for Thin-film Solar
Cells ......................................................... 235
   Mukesh Kumar and Clas Persson

Development of CdTe on Si Heteroepilayers for Controlled
PV Material and Device Studies ................................ 243
   T.A. Gessert, R. Dhere, D. Kuciauskas, J. Moseley,
   H. Moutinho, M.J. Romero, M. Al-Jassim, E. Colegrove,
   R. Kodama, and S. Sivananthan
CdTe Solar Cells: Processing Limits and Defect Chemistry
Effects on Open Circuit Voltage ............................... 249
Brian E. McCandless
Low-temperature Photoluminescence Studies of CdTe Thin
Films Deposited on CdS/ZnO/Glass Substrates ................... 261
   Corneliu Rotaru, Sergiu Vatavu, Christoph Merschjann, 
   Chris Ferekides, Vladimir Fedorov, Tobias Tyborski, 
   Mihail Caraman, Petra Gasin, Martha Ch. Lux-Steiner, and
   Marin Rusu
Metal Chloride Passivation Treatments for CdTe Solar Cells .... 269
   Jennifer Drayton, Russell Geisthardt, John Raguse, and
   James R. Sites
Developing Monolithically Integrated CdTe Devices Deposited
by AP-MOCVD ................................................... 275
   S.L. Rugen-Hankey, V. Barrioz, A.J. Clayton, G. Kartopu,
   S.J.C. Irvine, C. White, G. Rutterford, and 
   G. Foster-Turner

Integration of GaAs on Ge/Si Towers by MOVPE .................. 283
   A.G. Taboada, T. Kreiliger, C.V. Falub, M. Richter,
   F.	Isa, E. Müller, E. Uccelli, P. Niedermann, A. Neels,
   G.	Isella, J. Fompeyrine, A. Dommann, and H. von Känel
Development of High k/III-V (InGaAs, InAs, InSb) Structures
for Future Low Power, High Speed Device Applications .......... 291
   Edward Yi Chang, Hai-Dang Trinh, Yueh-Chin Lin, Hiroshi
   Iwai, and Yen-Ku Lin
Growth and Characteristics of a-Plane GaN/ZnO/GaN
Heterostructure ............................................... 303
   Chiao-Yun Chang, Huei-Min Huang, Yu-Pin Lan, Tien-Chang 
   Lu, Hao-Chung Kuo, Shing-Chung Wang, Li-Wei Tu, and 
   Wen-Feng Hsieh

Nickel Foam as a Substrate for Ш-nitride Nanowire Growth ...... 311
   Michael A. Mastro, Neeraj Nepal, Fritz Kub, Jennifer K.
   Hite, Jihyun Kim, and Charles R. Eddy
Non Radiative Recombination Centers in ZnO Nanorods ........... 317
   D. Montenegro, V. Hortelano, O. Martinez, M.C. Martinez-
   Tomas, V. Sallet, V. Muñoz, and J. Jimenez
Assessment of Homogeneity of Extruded Alumina-SiC
Composite Rods Used in Microwave Heating Applications
by Impedance Spectroscopy ..................................... 323
   Justin R. Brandt and Rosario A. Gerhardt
Improvement of Minority Carrier Lifetime in Thick 4H-SiC
Epi-layers by Multiple Thermal Oxidations and Anneals ......... 329
   Lin Cheng, Michael J. O'Loughlin, Alexander V. Suvorov, 
   Edward R. Van Brunt, Albert A. Burk, Anant K. Agarwal,
   and John W. Palmour 
Impact of Gate Metal on Surface States Distribution and 
Effective Surface Barrier Height in AlGaN/GaN
Heterostructures .............................................. 335
   Nitin Goyal and Tor A. Fjeldly
Effect of Growth Pressure and Gas-phase Chemistry on the
Optical Quality of InGaN/GaN Multi-quantum Wells .............. 341
   E.A. Annour, D. Byrnes, R.A. Arif, S.M. Lee, 
   E.A. Berkman, G.D. Papasouliotis, C. Li, E.B. Stokes,
   R. Hefti, and P. Moyer
Hexagonal Pyramids Shaped GaN Light Emitting Diodes Array
by N-polar Wet Etching ........................................ 353
   Jun Ma, Liancheng Wang, Zhiqiang Liu, Guodong Yuan, 
   Xiaoli Ji, Ping Ma, Junxi Wang, Xiaoyan Yi, Guohong Wang,
   and Jinmin Li

Hybrid III-V-on-silicon Microring Lasers ...................... 363
   Di Liang, Géza Kurczveil, Marco Fiorentino, Sudharsanan 
   Srinivasan, David A. Fattal, Zhihong Huang, John E. 
   Bowers, and Raymond G. Beausoleil
Improved Yellow Light Emission in the Achievement of
Dichromatic White Light Emitting Diodes ....................... 371
   Zhao Si, Tongbo Wei, Jun Ma, Ning Zhang, Zhe Liu, 
   Xuecheng Wei, Xiaodong Wang, Hongxi Lu, Junxi Wang, 
   Jinmin Li

Modification of the Optical and Electrical Properties CdS
Films by Annealing in Neutral and Reducing Atmospheres ........ 377
   J. Pantoja Enriquez, G. Perez Hernandez, X. Mathew, G. 
   Ibáñiez Duharte, J. Moreira, J.A. Reyes Nava, 
   J.J. Barrionuevo, L.A. Hernandez, R. Castillo, and 
   P.J. Sebastian
Carrier Density in p-type ZnTe with Nitrogen and Copper
Doping ........................................................ 383
   Maryam Abazari, Faisal R. Ahmad, Kamala C. Raghavan, 
   James R. Cournoyer, Jae-Hyuk Her, Robert Davis, John
   Chera, Vince Smentkowski, and Bas A. Korevaar
Electrical Properties of Photoconductor Using Ga2O3/CuGaSe2
Heterojunction ................................................ 391
   Kenji Kikuchi, Shigeyuki Imura, Kazunori Miyakawa, Misao
   Kubota, and Eiji Ohta

The Wide Band p-type Material Formed by the Thin Film
with ZnO-NiO Mixed Crystal System ............................. 399
   Mikihiko Nishitani, Masahiro Sakai, and Yukihiro Morita
A Novel Technique for Growth of Lithium-free ZnO Single
Crystals ...................................................... 405
   Shaoping Wang, Aneta Kopec, and Andrew G. Timmerman

Author Index .................................................. 411
Subject Index ................................................. 415

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