Buddhism, modernity, and the state in Asia: forms of engagement / ed. by J.Whalen-Bridge, P.Kitiarsa. (New York, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBuddhism, modernity, and the state in Asia: forms of engagement / ed. by J.Whalen-Bridge, P.Kitiarsa. - New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - viii, 277 p. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.269-277. - ISBN 978-1-137-33294-3
Шифр: ((И/Э3-В92) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Introduction: "Buddhist Politics" as Emptiness: History
and the Forms of Engagement in Asia ............................. 1
John Whalen-Bridge and Pattana Kitiarsa

Part I   Dependent Originations and Changing Destinations
1  Buddhists Confront the State ................................ 17
   Charles F. Keyes
2  "Foremost among Religions": Theravada Buddhism's
   Affairs with the Modern Sri Lankan State .................... 41
   Mahinda Deegalle
3  Schools, Ritual Economies, and the Expanding State: The 
   Changing Roles of Lao Buddhist Monks as "Traditional 
   Intellectuals" .............................................. 63
   Patrice Ladwig

Part II  The Political Role of Sacred Things
4  Post-Pol Pot Cambodia and the Building of a New Stupa ....... 95
   John Amos Marston
5  The Relic and the Rule of Righteousness: Reflections on 
   U Nu's Dhammavijaya ........................................ 115
   Tilman Frasch
6  Sacred Site or Public Space? The Shwedagon Pagoda in 
   Colonial Rangoon ........................................... 139
   Donald M. Seekins

Part III  Monks, Nuns, and... Trees
7  Angry Monk Syndrome on the World Stage: Tibet, Engaged
   Buddhism, and the Weapons of the Weak ...................... 163 
   John Whalen-Bridge
8  Rebirth Control: Contemporary Inner Mongolian Buddhism 
   and the Religious Authority of the Chinese State ........... 209
   Jonathan Mair
9  Do Buddhist "Nuns" Need the Thai Sangha? ................... 229
   Monica Lindberg Falk
10 Sacred Protests and Buddhist Environmental Knowledge ....... 245
   Susan M. Darlington

Notes on Contributors ......................................... 263
Index ......................................................... 269

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