Zoology in early modern culture: intersections of science, theology, philology, and political and religious education / ed. by K.A.E.Enenkel, P.J.Smith. (Leiden; Boston, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаZoology in early modern culture: intersections of science, theology, philology, and political and religious education / ed. by K.A.E.Enenkel, P.J.Smith. - Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2014. - xxiv, 522 p.: ill., tab. - (Intersections: interdisciplinary studies in early modern culture; vol.32). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.509-522. - ISBN 978-90-04-26823-4; ISSN 1568-1181
Шифр: (И/Е6-Z84) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Acknowledgements ............................................... ix
List of Illustrations ........................................... x
Notes on the Editors ........................................... xx
Notes on the Contributors .................................... xxii

Introduction. Intersections of Science, Theology, Philology,
and Political and Religious Education ........................... 1
Karl A.E. Enenkel

Intersections of Zoology, Religion and Politics in Antiquity

1 Die antike Vorgeschichte der Verankerung der Naturgeschichte
  in Politik und Religion: Plinius' Zoologie und der römische
  With an English Summary ...................................... 15
  Karl A.E. Enenkel

The Order of Nature: Early Modern Views on Classification and
Generation, and Their Theological, Ideological and Empirical

2  The Species and Beyond: Classification and the Place of
   Hybrids in Early Modern Zoology ............................. 57
   Karl A.E. Enenkel
3  Identification of Herring Species (Clupeidae) in Conrad
   Gessner's Ichthyological Works: A Case Study on Taxonomy,
   Nomenclature, and Animal Depiction in the Sixteenth
    Century ................................................... 149
   Sophia Hendrikx
4  Der Wal als Schauobjekt: Thomas Bartholin (1616-1680), die
   dänische Nation und das Ende der Einhörner
   With an English Summary .................................... 172
   Bernd Roling
5  Snakes, Fungi and Insects. Otto Marseus van Schrieck,
   Johannes Swammerdam and the Theory of Spontaneous
   Generation ................................................. 197
   Eric Jorink
6  Insects in John Ray's Natural History and Natural Theology . 235
   Brian W. Ogitvie
7  Exkurs ins Pflanzenreich: Die Rose des Paracelsus. Die
   Idee der Palingenesie und die Debatte um die natürliche
   Auferstehung zwischen Mittelalter und Neuzeit
   With an English Summary .................................... 263
   Bernd Roling

Images of Genesis: Intersections of the Visual Arts, Science, 
and Religion

8  Rereading Düer's Representations of the Fall of Man ........ 301
   Paul J. Smith
9  Pioneers of the Printed Paradise: Maarten de Vos, Jan
   Sadeler I and Emblematic Natural History in the Late
   Sixteenth Century .......................................... 329
   Amanda K. Herrin
10 Exotic Animal Painting by Jan Brueghel the Elder and
   Roelant Savery ............................................. 401
   Marrigje Rikken

Symbolic Use of Animals and Political Education

11 Are Cranes Republicans? A Short Chapter in Political
   Ornithology ................................................ 437
   Sabine Kalff
12 Tierallegorie als ein Mittel der Fürstenerziehung. Die
   Theriobulia des böhmischen Humanisten Johannes Dubravius
   With an English Summary .................................... 460
   Alexander Loose

Physiology and Political Ideology

13 From Physiology to Political Ideology: The Images of Man
   in Early Modern Scotland ................................... 485
   Tomás Demeter

Index Nominum ................................................. 509
Index Animalium—Index of Animals .............................. 516

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