Vertebrate Photoreceptors: functional molecular bases / ed.: T.Furukawa, J.B.Hurley, S.Kawamura. (Tokyo, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаVertebrate Photoreceptors: functional molecular bases / ed.: T.Furukawa, J.B.Hurley, S.Kawamura. - Tokyo: Springer, 2014. - viii, 349 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.343-349. - ISBN 978-4-431-54879-9
Шифр: (И/Е6-V51) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
1  Evolution and Diversity of Visual Pigments in Connection
   with Their Functional Differences ............................ 1
   Keita Sato and Yoshinori Shichida
2  Phototransduction in Rods and Cones ......................... 23
   Satoru Kawamura and Shuji Tachibanaki
3  Regeneration of ll-cis-Retinal in Visual Systems with
   Monostable and Bistable Visual Pigments ..................... 47
   John C. Saari
4  Molecular Mechanism of Adaptation in Vertebrate Rods ........ 73
   Ala Morshedian and Gordon L. Fain
5  Energy Metabolism in the Vertebrate Retina .................. 91
   James B. Hurley, Andrei O. Chertov, Ken Lindsay, Michelle
   Giamarco, Whitney Cleghorn, Jianhai Du, and Susan 
6  Role and Mechanism of Ciliary Transport .................... 139
   Dusanka Deretic
7  Molecular Mechanisms of Photoreceptor Synaptic
   Transmission ............................................... 167
   Matthew J. Van Hook and Wallace B. Thoreson
8  Structure and Development of the Photoreceptor
   Ribbon Synapse ............................................. 199
   Yoshihiro Omori and Takahisa Furukawa
9  Cell Fate Determination of Photoreceptor Cells ............. 217
   Constance Cepko
10 Cell Polarity in Differentiation and Patterning
   of Photoreceptors .......................................... 245
   Jarema J. Malicki
11 Photoreceptor Degeneration: Molecular Mechanisms
   of Photoreceptor Degeneration .............................. 275
   Jerome E. Roger and Anand Swaroop
12 Photoreceptor Transplantation and Regeneration ............. 309
   Valeria Mango and Simona Casarosa
13 Molecular Mechanisms of the Function of Pineal Organs ...... 327
   Daisuke Kojima and Yoshitaka Fukada

Index ......................................................... 343

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