The Oxford handbook of pricing management / ed. by Ö.Özer, R.Phillips. (Oxford, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe Oxford handbook of pricing management / ed. by Ö.Özer, R.Phillips. - Oxford: Oxford university press, 2012. - xxiv, 952 p.: ill., tab. - (Oxford handbooks in finance). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.921-952. - ISBN 978-0-19-871481-1
Шифр: (И/У5-О.97) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
List of Figures ................................................ ix
List of Tables ............................................... xiii
List of Boxes .................................................. xv
List of Contributors ......................................... xvii

Part I Introduction

1  Introduction ................................................. 3
   Özalp Özer and Robert Phillips

Part II Pricing in selected industries

2  Why Are Prices Set the Way They Are? ........................ 13
   Robert Phillips
3  Airline Pricing ............................................. 45
   Brenda A. Barnes
4  Electric Power Pricing ...................................... 93
   Robert Wilson
5  Health Care Pricing in the United States: The Case of
   Hospitals ................................................... 99
   E. Andrew Boyd
6  Pricing in Restaurants ..................................... 106
   Sheryl E. Kimes, Robert Phillips, and Lisabet Summa
7  Pricing of On-line Display Advertising ..................... 121
   Madhu Vudali and Andy Ather-ton
8  Consumer Credit Pricing .................................... 138
   Simon Caufield
9  Wireless Services Pricing in the United States ............. 154
   Jon Zimmerman
10 For What IT's Worth: Pricing Internal IT Services .......... 171
   Diogo Rau and Paul Willmott
11 Television Advertisement Pricing in the United States ...... 181
   Robert Phillips and Graham Young
12 Pricing in the Cruise Line Industry ........................ 199
   Warren H. Lieberman
13 Less-than-Truckload Pricing ................................ 217
   Edward Kintz
14 Pricing in the North American Protein Industry ............. 230
   Michael Neal, Robert D. Pierce, Michael Freimer,
   and Sushil Verma
15 Wine Pricing in the United States .......................... 250
   Warren Bidmead
16 Pricing and Sales Practices at the Grand Bazaar of
   İstanbul ................................................... 261
   Yosun Denizeri

Part III Pricing fundamentals

17 Price Theory in Economics .................................. 281
   Thomas A. Weber
18 Models of Demand ........................................... 340
   Garrett J. van Ryzin
19 Game Theory Models of Pricing .............................. 381
   Praveen K. Kopalle and Robert A. Shumsky
20 Behavioral Issues in Pricing Management .................... 415
   Özalp Özer and Yanchong Zheng

Part IV Pricing tactics

21 Customized Pricing ......................................... 465
   Robert Phillips
22 Nonlinear Pricing ..........................................
   Shmuel S. Oren
23 Dynamic List Pricing ....................................... 522
   Yossi Aviv and Gustavo Vulcano
24 Sales Promotions ........................................... 585
   Robert C. Blattberg and Richard A. Briesch
25 Markdown Management ........................................ 620
   Rama Ramakrishnan
26 Revenue Management ......................................... 655
   Kalyan Talluri
27 Auction Pricing ............................................ 679
   Richard Steinberg
28 Services Engineering: Design and Pricing of Service
   Features ................................................... 713
   Guillermo Gallego and Catalina Stefanescu
29 Pricing in Business-to-Business Contracts: Sharing Risk,
   Profit, and Information .................................... 738
   Murat Kaya and Özalp Özer
30 Pricing and Inventory Management ........................... 784
   Xin Chen and David Simchi-Levi

Part V Organization and processes

31 Structuring and Managing an Effective Pricing
   Organization ............................................... 825
   Mike Simonetto, Larry Montan, Julie Meehan, and Junko Kaji
32 Global Pricing Strategy .................................... 854
   Greg Cudahy, Thomas G. Jacobson, Tiago Salvador,
   and Julian Short
33 Using Lean Six Sigma to Improve Pricing Execution .......... 875
   ManMohan S. Sodhi and Navdeep S. Sodhi
34 Mastering your Profit Destiny in Business-to-Business
   Settings ................................................... 893
   Thomas G. Jacobson, Tiffany Gilbert, Michelle Mahoney,
   and Tiago Salvador

Part VI Current challenges and future prospects

35 Current Challenges and Future Prospects for Pricing
   Management ................................................. 913
   Özalp Özer and Robert Phillips

Index ......................................................... 921

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