Talbot D.B. Frequency acquisition techniques for phase locked loops. (Hoboken, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTalbot D.B. Frequency acquisition techniques for phase locked loops. - Hoboken: IEEE press: Wiley, 2012. - xii, 212 p., [12] p. ill.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.205-207. - Ind.: p.209-212. - ISBN 978-1-118-16810-3
Шифр: (И/З.84-Т17) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xi
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
2  A Review of PLL Fundamentals ................................. 3
   2.1  What is a PLL? .......................................... 3
   2.2  Second-Order PLL ........................................ 7
   2.3  Second-Order PLL Type One ............................... 7
   2.4  Second-Order PLL Type Two ............................... 7
   2.5  Higher-Order PLL's ...................................... 8
   2.6  Disturbances ............................................ 8
   2.7  Frequency Steering and Capture .......................... 9
   2.8  Effect of DC Offsets or Noise Prior to the Loop
        Filter ................................................. 10
   2.9  Injection-Locked Oscillations .......................... 15
3  Simulating the PLL Linear Operation Mode .................... 17
   3.1  Linear Model ........................................... 17
   3.2  A Word About Damping ................................... 19
4  Sideband Suppression Filtering .............................. 21
   4.1  Reference Sidebands and VCO Pushing .................... 21
   4.2  Superiority of the Cauer (or Elliptical) Filter ........ 22
5  Pros and Cons of Sampled Data Phase Detection ............... 25
   5.1  What are the Forms of Sampled Data Phase Detectors? .... 25
   5.2  A. Ramp and Sample Analog Phase Detector ............... 25
   5.3  B. The RF Sampling Phase Detector ...................... 28
   5.4  C. Edge-Triggered S-R Flip-Flop ........................ 29
   5.5  D. Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop Ensemble ................... 31
   5.6  E. Sample and Hold as a Phase Detector ................. 31
6  Phase Compression ........................................... 33
7  Hard Limiting of a Signal Plus Noise ........................ 35
8  Phase Noise and Other Spurious Interferers .................. 39
   8.1  The Mechanism for Phase Noise in an Oscillator ......... 42
   8.2  Additive Noise in an FM Channel and the Bowtie ......... 42
   8.3  Importance of FM Theory to Frequency Acquisition ....... 45
9  Impulse Modulation and Noise Aliasing ....................... 47
   9.1  Impulse Train Spectrum ................................. 47
   9.2  Sampling Phase Detector Noise .......................... 47
   9.3  Spur Aliasing .......................................... 50
10 Time and Phase Jitter, Heterodyning, and Multiplication ..... 53
   10.1 Heterodyning and Resulting Time Jitter ................. 53
   10.2 Frequency Multiplication and Angle Modulation Index .... 54
   10.3 Frequency Multiplication's Role in Carrier Recovery .... 54
11 Carrier Recovery Applications and Acquisition ............... 57
   11.1 Frequency Multiplier Carrier Recovery in General ....... 57
   11.2 The Simplest Form of Costas PLL ........................ 59
   11.3 Higher Level Quadrature Demodulation Costas PLL ........ 61
   11.4 False Lock in BPSK Costas PLL .......................... 62
   11.5 Additional Measures for Prevention of False Locking .... 65
   11.6 False Lock Prevention Using DC Offset .................. 72
12 Notes on Sweep Methods ...................................... 73
   12.1 Sweep Waveform Superimposed Directly on VCO Input ...... 73
   12.2 Maximum Sweep Rate (Acceleration) ...................... 74
   12.3 False Lock due to High-Order Filtering ................. 77
   12.4 Sweep Waveform Applied Directly to PLL Loop
        Integrator ............................................. 79
   12.5 Self-Sweeping PLL ...................................... 79
13 Nonsweep Acquisition Methods ................................ 85
   13.1 Delay Line Frequency Discriminator ..................... 85
   13.2 The Fully Unbalanced Quadricorrelator .................. 87
   13.3 The Fully Balanced Quadricorrelator .................... 88
   13.4 The Multipulse Balanced Quadricorrelator ............... 89
   13.5 Conclusion Regarding Pulsed Frequency Detection ........ 91
   13.6 Quadricorrelator Linearity ............................. 92
   13.7 Limiter Asymmetry due to DC Offset ..................... 97
   13.8 Taylor Series Demonstrates Second-Order-Caused DC
        Offset ................................................ 100
   13.9 Third-Order Intermodulation Distortion and Taylor
        Series ................................................ 101
14 AM Rejection in Frequency Detection Schemes ................ 105
   14.1 AM Rejection with Limiter and Interferer .............. 105
   14.2 AM Rejection of the Balanced Limiter/
        Quadricorrelator Versus the Limiter/Discriminator
        in the Presence of a Single Spur ...................... 106
   14.3 Impairment due to Filter Response Tilt (Asymmetry) .... 110
   14.4 Bandpass Filter Geometric and Arithmetic Symmetry ..... 114
   14.5 Comments on Degree of Scrutiny ........................ 117
15 Interfacing the Frequency Discriminator to the PLL ......... 119
   15.1 Continuous Connection: Pros and Cons .................. 119
   15.2 Connection to PLL via a Dead Band ..................... 120
   15.3 Switched Connection ................................... 121
16 Actual Frequency Discriminator Implementations ............. 125
   16.1 Quadricorrelator, Low-Frequency Implementation ........ 125
   16.2 Frequency Ratio Calculating Circuit for Wide-
        Bandwidth Use ......................................... 128
   16.3 Dividing the Frequency and Resultant Implementation ... 131
   16.4 Marriage of Both Frequency and Phaselock Loops ........ 135
   16.5 Comments on Spurs' Numerical Influence on the VCO ..... 141
   16.6 Frequency Compression ................................. 143
17 Clock Recovery Using a PLL ................................. 145
   17.1 PLL Only .............................................. 145
   17.2 PLL with Sideband Crystal Filter(s) ................... 152
   17.3 PLL with Sideband Cavity Filter ....................... 153
   17.4 The Hogge Phase Detector .............................. 161
   17.5 Bang-Bang Phase Detectors ............................. 162
18 Frequency Synthesis Applications ........................... 165
   18.1 Direct Frequency Synthesis with Wadley Loop ........... 166
   18.2 Indirect Frequency Synthesis with PLLs ................ 173
   18.3 Simple Frequency Acquisition Improvement for a PLL .... 175
   18.4 Hybrid Frequency Synthesis with DDS and PLL ........... 176
   18.5 Phase Noise Considerations ............................ 181
   18.6 Pros and Cons of DDS-Augmented Synthesis .............. 185
   18.7 Multiple Loops ........................................ 185
   18.8 Reference Signal Considerations and Filtering ......... 186
   18.9 SNR of Various Phase Detectors ........................ 187
   18.10 Phase Detector Dead Band (Dead Zone) and
         Remediation .......................................... 187
   18.11 Sideband Energy due to DC Offset Following Phase
         Detector ............................................. 191
   18.12 Brute Force PLL Frequency Acquisition via Speedup .... 193
   18.13 Short-Term and Long-Term Settling .................... 193
   18.14 N-over-M Synthesis ................................... 193
19 Injection Pulling of Multiple VCO's as in a Serdes ......... 195
   19.1 Allowable Coupling Between any Two VCOs Versus Q and
        BW .................................................... 195
   19.2 Topology Suggestion for Eliminating the Injection
        Pulling ............................................... 195
20 Digital PLL Example ........................................ 199
21 Conclusion ................................................. 203
References .................................................... 205
Index ......................................................... 209

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