Revil A. The self-potential method: theory and applications in environmental geosciences (Cambridge, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRevil A. The self-potential method: theory and applications in environmental geosciences / A.Revil, A.Jardani. - Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2013. - xiv, 369 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.348-366. - Ind.: p.367-369. - ISBN 978-1-107-01927-0
Шифр: (И/Д44-R48) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Foreword by Susan S. Hubbard ................................... ix
Preface ........................................................ xi
1  Fundamentals of the self-potential method .................... 1
   1.1  Measurements ............................................ 1
   1.2  The electrical double layer ............................ 11
   1.3  Brief history .......................................... 14
   1.4  The Poisson equation ................................... 16
   1.5  Sources of noise ....................................... 17
   1.6  Conclusions ............................................ 19
   Exercises ................................................... 19
2  Development of a fundamental theory ......................... 23
   2.1  Non-equilibrium thermodynamic .......................... 23
   2.2  Upscaling: from local to macroscopic equations ......... 44
   2.3  The geobattery and biogeobattery concepts .............. 68
   2.4  Conclusions ............................................ 75
   Exercises ................................................... 77
3  Laboratory investigations ................................... 82
   3.1  Analyzing low-frequency electrical properties .......... 82
   3.2  Investigating the geobattery concept in the 
        laboratory ............................................. 99
   3.3  Conclusions ........................................... 104
   Exercises .................................................. 105
4  Forward and inverse modeling ............................... 110
   4.1  Position of the problem ............................... 110
   4.2  Gradient-based approaches and their limitations ....... 114
   4.3  Fully coupled inversion ............................... 131
   4.4  Conclusions ........................................... 148
   Exercises .................................................. 149
5  Applications to geohazards ................................. 154
   5.1  Landslides and flank stability ........................ 154
   5.2  Sinkhole detection .................................... 160
   5.3  Detection of cavities ................................. 167
   5.4  Leakages in dams and embankments ...................... 171
   5.5  Conclusion ............................................ 191
6  Application to water resources ............................. 192
   6.1  Pumping tests ......................................... 192
   6.2  Flow in the vadose zone ............................... 209
   6.3  Catchments hydrogeology ............................... 219
   6.4  Contaminant plumes .................................... 232
   6.5  Conclusions ........................................... 243
   Exercises .................................................. 243
7  Application to hydrothermal systems ........................ 245
   7.1  Stochastic inversion of temperature and self-
        potential data ........................................ 245
   7.2  The Cerro Prieto case study ........................... 261
   7.3  Gradient-based approach applied to hydrothermal 
        fields ................................................ 268
   7.4  Conclusions ........................................... 282
   Exercises .................................................. 282
8  Seismoelectric coupling .................................... 284
   8.1  Position of the problem ............................... 284
   8.2  Seismoelectric theory in saturated media .............. 286
   8.3  Numerical modeling .................................... 291
   8.4  Application in saturated conditions ................... 293
   8.5  Seismoelectric theory in unsaturated media ............ 298
   8.6  Application in two-phase flow conditions .............. 319
   8.7  Localization of hydromechanical events ................ 326
   8.8  Seismic beamforming and the formation of electrical
        bursts ................................................ 335
   8.9  Conclusions ........................................... 338
   Exercises .................................................. 339
Appendix A  A simple model of the Stern layer ................. 342
Appendix В  The u-p formulation of poroelasticity ............. 345
References .................................................... 348
Index ......................................................... 367
The color plate section can be found between pages 178 and 179.

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