Responsive materials and methods: state-of-the-art stimuli-responsive materals and their applications (Hoboken, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаResponsive materials and methods: state-of-the-art stimuli-responsive materals and their applications / ed.: A.Tiwari, H.Kobayashi. - Hoboken: Wiley; Salem: Scrivener publishing, 2014. - xv, 439 p.: ill. - (Advance materials series). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.429-439. - ISBN 978-1-118-68622-5
Шифр: (И/Е-R45) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... XIII

PART 1  Stimuli-Responsive Polymeric Materials .................. 1

1  Smart Thermoresponsive Biomaterials .......................... 3
   Mohammed Yaseen and Jian R. Lu
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 3
   1.2  Temperature-Responsive Polymers ......................... 5
        1.2.1  Thermoresponsive Polymers Based on LCST .......... 5
        1.2.2  Biopolymers and Artificial Polypeptides .......... 8
        1.2.3  Temperature Sensitivity of Polymers .............. 8
   1.3  Development of Thermoresponsive Surfaces ............... 10
        1.3.1  Surface Modifications Using Energetic
               Oxidation ....................................... 10
        1.3.2  Surface Grafting of Polymers .................... 13
        1.3.3  Graft Polymerization ............................ 14
   1.4  Surface Characterization ............................... 15
   1.5  Cell Culture and Tissue Engineering Applications ....... 16
   1.6  Chromatography ......................................... 20
   1.7  Conclusion ............................................. 22
        References ............................................. 22
2  Light-Triggered Azobenzenes: From Molecular
   Architecture to Functional Materials
   Jaume Garcia-Amorós and Dolores Velasco ..................... 27
   2.1  Why Light-Triggered Materials? ......................... 28
   2.2  Azobenzene-Based Light-Activatable Materials ........... 29
   2.3  Photoswitchable Azobenzene-Based Materials ............. 31
        2.3.1  Photochromic Switches Based on Azobenzene-
               Doped Liquid Crystals ........................... 31
        2.3.2  Photochromic Oscillators Based on Fast Thermal
               Isomerizing Azo Dyes ............................ 37
        2.3.3  Fast Isomerizing Azobenzenes and Their
               Potential Use for Biological Applications ....... 39
        2.3.4  Photoelectronic Switches Based on Azo Dyes ...... 43
   2.4  Photodeformable Azobenzene-Based Materials:
        Artificial Muscle-like Actuation ....................... 47
   2.5  Conclusion and Perspectives ............................ 53
   Acknowledgements ............................................ 54
   References .................................................. 54
3  Functionalization with Interpenetrating Smart Polymer
   Networks by Gamma Irradiation for Loading and Delivery of
   Drags ....................................................... 59
   Franklin Muñoz-Muñoz and Emilio Bucio
   Abbreviations ............................................... 60
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 61
   3.2  General Concepts ....................................... 63
        3.2.1  Graft Copolymers and Ionizing Radiation ......... 63
        3.2.2  Methods of Radiation for Preparing Grafts ....... 65
   3.3  Radiation Synthesis and Modification of Polymers
        (Approaches) ........................................... 74
        3.3.1  Thermosensitive Networks ........................ 75
        3.3.2  pH-Sensitive Networks ........................... 76
        3.3.3  IPNs ............................................ 77
        3.3.4  Graft Copolymers ................................ 80
   Acknowledgements ............................................ 88
   References .................................................. 88
4  Biomedical Devices Based on Smart Polymers ................. 105
   Angel Contreras-García and Emilio Bucio
   4.1  Introduction .......................................... 106
   4.2  Stimuli Responsive Polymers ........................... 107
   4.3  Sensitive Hydrogels ................................... 108
   4.4  Responsive Materials for Drug Delivery Systems ........ 109
   4.5  Intelligent Polymers for Tissue Engineering ........... 112
   4.6  Types of Medical Devices .............................. 113
   Acknowledgements ........................................... 117
   References ................................................. 117
5  Stimuli-Responsive Polymers as Adjuvants and Carriers for
   Antigen Delivery ........................................... 123
   Akhilesh Kumar Shakya and Kutty Selva Nandakumar
   Abbreviations .............................................. 124
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 124
   5.2  Responsive Polymers as Antigen Carriers ............... 129
        5.2.1  Charge Responsive Carrier ...................... 129
        5.2.2  Oxidation Responsive Carrier ................... 129
        5.2.3  pH-Responsive Carrier .......................... 130
        5.2.4  Temperature-Responsive Carrier ................. 131
   5.3  Factors Affecting Adjuvant Potential of Stimuli-
        Responsive Polymeric Adjuvant ......................... 135
   Acknowledgements ........................................... 136
   References ................................................. 136
6  Cyclodextrins as Advanced Materials for Pharmaceutical
   Applications ............................................... 141
   Vesna D. Nikolic, Ljubisa B. Nikolic, Ivan M. Savic, and
   Ivana M. Savic
   6.1  Inclusion Complexes ................................... 142
   6.2  Preparation of Inclusion Complexes .................... 143
   6.3  Historical Development of Cyclodextrins ............... 145
   6.4  Equilibrium ........................................... 149
   6.5  Confirmation of Formed Inclusion Complexes ............ 152
   6.6  Application of Cyclodextrins in the Pharmacy .......... 153
   6.7  Cyclodextrins as a Drug Delivery System ............... 154
   6.8  Cyclodextrin as Solubilizers .......................... 157
   6.9  Pharmaceutical Formulation Containing Cyclodextrin .... 158
   6.10 Conclusion ............................................ 160
   References ................................................. 161

PART 2  Smart Nano-Engineered Materials ....................... 167

7  Advances in Smart Wearable Systems ......................... 169
   Rajesh Kumar Saini, Jaya Bajpai, and A.K. Bajpai
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 170
   7.2  Classification of Smart Polymers ...................... 172
        7.2.1  Shape-Memory Polymers .......................... 173
        7.2.2  Conducting Polymers ............................ 175
        7.2.3  Stimuli-Responsive Hydogels .................... 177
        7.2.4  Nanomaterials .................................. 179
   7.3  Applications .......................................... 181
        7.3.1  Smart Fabrics .................................. 182
        7.3.2  Smart Skin ..................................... 185
        7.3.3  Biosensors ..................................... 189
   7.4  Current Features of Wearable Systems .................. 192
   7.5  Conclusions ........................................... 194
   7.6  Challenges and Future Prospects ....................... 194
   References ................................................. 195
8  Functionalization of Smart Nanomaterials ................... 201
   Sharda Sundaram Sanjay and Avinash C. Pandey
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 202
        8.1.1  Importance of Functionalization ................ 203
        8.1.2  Advantages of Surface Functionalization ........ 204
   8.2  Functionalizing Agents ................................ 205
        8.2.1  Mode/Ways to Surface Functionalization ......... 206
        8.2.2  Strategy for the Conjugation ................... 206
        8.2.3  Classification of Surface Functionalization
               of Nanomaterials ............................... 207
        8.2.4  Methodology .................................... 210
        8.2.5  Conditions Favorable for Biofunctionalization .. 213
   8.3  Carbon Nanomaterials .................................. 217
        8.3.1  Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes .......... 218
   8.4  Silica Nanoparticles .................................. 224
   8.5  Confirmation of Functionalization ..................... 225
        8.5.1  Confirmation through Infrared Spectral
               Analysis ....................................... 225
        8.5.2  Confirmation through Optical / Colorimetric
               Assay .......................................... 227
        8.5.3  Confirmation through Contact Angle
               Measurement .................................... 228
        8.5.4  Confirmation with the Help of Metathesis
               Reactions ...................................... 228
   Acknowledgements ........................................... 229
   References ................................................. 229
9  Role of Smart Nanostructured Materials in Cancers .......... 237
   Rizwan Wahab, Farheen Khan, Javed Musarrat, and
   Abdulaziz A.Al-Khedhairy
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 238
        9.1.1  What is cancer? ................................ 238
        9.1.2  Types of Cancers ............................... 239
        9.1.3  Importance of Nanostructures ................... 244
   9.2  Experimental .......................................... 246
        9.2.1  Nanomaterials Synthesis ........................ 246
        9.2.2  Characterizations of Synthesized
               Nanomaterials .................................. 247
        9.2.3  Biological Characterizations for the
               Identification of Cancers ...................... 251
   9.3  Results Related to Use of Smart Nanostructured
        Materials to Control Cancers Cells .................... 258
   9.4  Summary and Future Direction .......................... 265
   Acknowledgement ............................................ 266
   References ................................................. 266
10 Quantum Cutter and Sensitizer-Based Advanced Materials
   for their Application in Displays, Fluorescent Lamps and
   Solar Cells ................................................ 273
   Raghvendra Singh Yadav, Jarotnir Havlica, and Avinash
   Chandra Pandey
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 274
   10.2 Quantum Cutter and Sensitizer-Based Advanced
        Materials ............................................. 275
        10.2.1 Visible Quantum Cutting ........................ 277
        10.2.2 Near-Infra Red Quantum Cutting ................. 284
   10.3 Conclusion ............................................ 297
   Acknowledgement ............................................ 297
   References ................................................. 298
11 Nanofibers of Conducting Polymer Nanocomposites ............ 303
   Subhash B. Kondawar and Shikha P. Agrawal
   11.1 Conducting Polymers ................................... 304
   11.2 Nanostructure Conducting Polymers ..................... 311
        11.2.1 Conducting Polymer Nanocomposites .............. 315
        11.2.2 Nanofibers of Conducting Polymer
               Nanocomposites ................................. 319
        11.2.3 Electrospinning ................................ 326
        11.2.4 Theoretical Modeling of Electrospun
               Nanofibers ..................................... 328
        11.2.5 Electrospun Nanofibers of Conducting Polymer
               Nanocomposites ................................. 333
   11.3 Electrical Conductive Properties of Nanofibers
        of Conducting Polymer Nanocomposites .................. 337
   11.4 Applications of Nanofibers of Conducting Polymers
        Nanocomposites ........................................ 341
        11.4.1 Supercapacitors ................................ 341
        11.4.2 Rechargeable Batteries ......................... 343
        11.4.3 Sensors ........................................ 344
   11.5 Concluding Remarks .................................... 347
   References ................................................. 348

PART 3  Smart Biosystems Engineering .......................... 357

12 Stimuli-Responsive Redox Biopolymers ....................... 359
   Sudheesh K. Shukla and Ashutosh Tiwari
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 359
   12.2 Method of Synthesis, Characterization and Mechanism ... 363
   12.3 Stimuli-Responsive Redox and Electrical Conductive
        Behavior .............................................. 367
   12.4 Biosensor Applications ................................ 372
   12.5 Conclusion ............................................ 373
   References ................................................. 374
13 Commodity Thermoplastics with Bespoken Properties using
   Metallocene Catalyst Systems ............................... 377
   Nikhil Prakash
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 378
   13.2 Metallocene Catalyst Systems .......................... 379
        13.2.1 Evolution of the Metallocenes .................. 381
        13.2.2 Categories of Metallocene Catalysts ............ 382
        13.2.3 Cocatalysts .................................... 383
   13.3 Metallocene Thermoplastics ............................ 385
        13.3.1 Polyethylene: Manufacture, Structure and
               Properties ..................................... 385
        13.3.2 Polypropylene: Manufacture, Structure
               and Properties ................................. 387
        13.3.3 Polystyrene .................................... 391
   13.4 Conclusions and Future Prospects ...................... 393
   References ................................................. 393

PART 4  Theory and Modeling ................................... 397

14 Elastic Constants, Structural Parameters and Elastic
   Perspectives of Thorium Mono-Chalcogenides in Temperature
   Sensitive Region ........................................... 399
   Krishna Murti Raju
   Nomenclature ............................................... 400
   14.1 Introduction .......................................... 400
        14.1.1 Primer of the Field ............................ 401
        14.1.2 Overview ....................................... 402
   14.2 Formulation ........................................... 404
   14.3 Evaluation ............................................ 410
   14.4 Results and Discussions ............................... 414
        14.4.1 Higher Order Elastic Constants ................. 415
        14.4.2 Pressure Derivatives ........................... 419
   14.5 Conclusions ........................................... 424
   Acknowledgment ............................................. 424
   References ................................................. 424

Index ......................................................... 429

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