Redeeming philosophy: from metaphysics to aesthetics (Washington, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRedeeming philosophy: from metaphysics to aesthetics / ed. J.J.Conley. - Washington: American Maritain association, 2014. - xii, 342 p. - Bibliogr. in Text. - Ind.: p.337-342. - ISBN 978-0-9827119-6-5
Шифр: (И/Ю3(0)-R32) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Introduction: Disputed Questions of Redemption
John J. Conley, S.J. .......................................... vii

Being and the Twenty-First Century Thomist
John F.X. Knasas ................................................ 3
Natural Mysticism - Gateway or Detour? Aquinas, Maritain, and
the Core/Contextualist Debate 
Heather M. Erb ................................................. 23
Simon and Maritain on the Vocation of Species in Medio 
Daniel D. De Haan .............................................. 54
Incarnate Spirit: Proper Thomistic Definition of the Human
Being or Merely a Description of the Human Soul?
James Capehart ................................................. 83
Maritain on the Void
Michael Novak .................................................. 99

Christ's Esse and Filiation: Interpreting St. Thomas
on the Metaphysical Status of Christ's Human Nature
Roger W. Nutt ................................................. 115
The Proper Role of Credibility in the Work of Theology
James F. Keating .............................................. 130
Jacques Maritain, Charles Journet, and Humanae Vitae
Bernard Doering ............................................... 150
Sign, Symbol, Initiatory Sacrament
John J. Conley, S.J. .......................................... 163

Hope and History
Randall В. Smith .............................................. 173

Spiritual Expressionism: Léon Bloy, the Maritains, and the
Mystery of Israel
C.A. Tsakiridou ............................................... 203
Maritains Influence on American Literature
John Marson Dunaway ........................................... 226
The Sound and the Fury, Symbolizing Something:
Maritain and Percy on the Paradoxical Miracle at the
Limits of Language
Joshua Hren ................................................... 235

Maritain on Education
Anne M. Wiles ................................................. 253
Aristotle's Gentleman: A Good and Noble Philosophy
of Education 
Samantha Bertrand ............................................. 263
Two False Theories of Human Equality Identified by
Jacques Maritain: Applied to Feminist Issues
Bernadette E. O'Connor ........................................ 280
Philosophy and the Search for Peace
Nikolaj Zunic ................................................. 297
Moral Problems in Economic Organization in the Work
of Yves R. Simon: Unequal Exchange and Man as the
Principle of Integration
Thomas R. Rourke .............................................. 313

About the Authors ............................................. 333
Index ......................................................... 337

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