Public relations and communication management: current trends and emerging topics (New York; London, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPublic relations and communication management: current trends and emerging topics / ed.: K.Sriramesh, A.Zerfass, J.-N.Kim. - New York; London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2013. - xxxix, 389 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Auth., sub. ind.: p.375-389. - ISBN 978-0-415-63089-4
Шифр: (И/С55-Р97) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
List of Figures ................................................ ix
List of Tables ................................................. xi
About the Editors ............................................ xiii
Notes on Contributors .......................................... xv
Notes on the Grunigs ........................................ xxiii

Introduction ................................................. xxxi
   Krishnamurthy Sriramesh, Ansgar Zerlass, and Jeong-Nam
1  Furnishing the Edifice: Ongoing Research on Public
   Relations as a Strategic Management Function ................. 1
   James E. Grunig
2  Feminist Phase Analysis in Public Relations: Where Have
   We Been? Where Do We Need to Be? ............................ 27
   Larissa A. Grunig
3  The Relationship Between Public Relations and Marketing
   in Excellent Organizations: Evidence from the IABC Study .... 53
   James E. Grunig and Larissa A. Grunig
4  Refurnishing the Grunig Edifice: Strategic Public
   Relations Management, Strategic Communication and
   Organizational Leadership ................................... 79
   Nigel M. de Bussy
5  Symmetry, Social Media, and the Enduring Imperative of
   Two-Way Communication ....................................... 93
   Sandra Duhé and Donald K. Wright
6  Aligning Public Relations with the Demands of
   Globalization: Conceptual Foundations for a Theory of
   Global Public Relations .................................... 108
   Krishnamurthy Sriramesh, Yunna Rhee, and Minjung Sung
7  Conceptualizing Publics and Constructing Public Relations
   Theory: The Situational Theory of Problem Solving and Its
   New Research ............................................... 126
   Jeong-Nam Kim and Lan Ni
8  Measuring the Edifice: Public Relations Measurement and
   Evaluation Practices Over the Course of 40 Years ........... 143
   Fraser Likely and Tom Watson
9  Strategic Communication and Conflict Resolution:
   Contributions to Institutionalization in Public Relations .. 163
   Kenneth D. Plowman and Robert I. Wakefield
10 Power and Influence in Public Relations .................... 178
   Bruce K. Berger and Bryan H. Reber
11 A Philosophy of Reflective Ethical Symmetry:
   Comprehensive Historical and Future Moral Approaches in
   the Excellence Theory ...................................... 193
   Shannon A. Bowen and Tiffany Derville Gallicano
12 Globalization, Public Relations, and Activism for Social
   Change: A Culture-Centered Approach ........................ 210
   Mohan J. Dutta
13 The Effects of Organization—Public Relationship Types and
   Quality on Crisis Attributes ............................... 225
   Chun-ju Flora Hung-Baesecke and Yi-Ru Regina Chen
14 Public Relations Historiography: Perspectives of
   a Functional-Integrative Stratification Model .............. 244
   Günter Bentele
15 Organizational Contexts and Strategic Impacts: On Power
   and Mediation .............................................. 260
   Dejan Verčič and Ana Tkalac Verčič
16 Institutionalization, Organizations, and Public Relations:
   A Dual Process ............................................. 268
   Anne Gregory, Emanuele Invernizzi, and Stefania Romenti
17 Strategic Communication: Pillars and Perspectives of
   an Alternative Paradigm .................................... 283
   Derma R. Holtzhausen and Ansgar Zerfass
18 The Pretoria School of Thought: From Strategy to
   Governance and Sustainability .............................. 303
   Estelle de Beer, Benita Steyn, and Ronél Rensburg
19 The Grunig Legacy to Academic Studies and Professional
   Practice in Latin America .................................. 324
   Maria Aparecida Ferrari
20 The Process of Conducting the Excellence Study:
   A Personal Reconstruction of Leadership .................... 336
   David Dozier and Louis C. Williams, Jr.
21 The Influence of Excellence: A Citation Analysis of
   the Excellence Study in PR Scholarship, 1992-2011 .......... 349
   Yi-Hui Christine Huang and Joanne Chen Lyu

Author Index .................................................. 375
Subject Index ................................................. 384

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