Philosophy of technology: the technological condition: an anthology (Chichester, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPhilosophy of technology: the technological condition: an anthology / ed. by R.C.Scharff, V.Dusek. - 2nd ed. - Chichester: Wiley: Blackwell, 2014. - xv, 719 p. - (Blackwell philosophy anthologies; 33). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - ISBN 978-1-118-54725-0
Шифр: (И/Ж-P57) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Source Acknowledgments ......................................... ix
Introduction to the Second Edition ........................... xiii

Part I  The Historical Background ............................... 1

   Introduction ................................................. 3
1  On Dialectic and "Technē" .................................... 9
2  On "Technē" and "Epistēmē" .................................. 19
3  The Greek Concepts of "Nature" and "Technique" .............. 25
   Wolfgang Schadewaldt
4  On the Idols, the Scientific Study of Nature, and the
   Reformation of Education .................................... 33
   Francis Bacon
5  Idea for a Universal History from a Cosmopolitan Point of
   View ........................................................ 47
   Immanuel Kant
6  The Nature and Importance of the Positive Philosophy ........ 54
   Auguste Comte
7  On the Sciences and Arts .................................... 68
   Jean-Jacques Rousseau
8  Capitalism and the Modern Labor Process ..................... 74
   Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Part II  Philosophy, Modern Science, and Technology ............ 89

Positivist and Postpositivist Philosophies of Science .......... 91
9  The Scientific Conception of the World: The Vienna Circle .. 101
   Rudolf Carnap, Hans Hahn, and Otto Neurath
10 Paradigms and Anomalies in Science ......................... 111
   Thomas Kuhn
11 Experimentation and Scientific Realism ..................... 121
   Ian Hacking
12 Hermeneutical Philosophy and Pragmatism: A Philosophy of
   Science .................................................... 131
   Patrick A. Heelan and Jay Schulkin
13 What are Cultural Studies of Science? ...................... 147
   Joseph Rouse
14 Revaluing Science: Starting from the Practices of Women .... 161
   Nancy Tuana
15 Is Science Multicultural? .................................. 171
   Sandra Harding
16 On Knowledge and the Diversity of Cultures: Comment on
   Harding .................................................... 183
   Shigehisa Kuriyama

   The Task of a Philosophy of Technology ..................... 187
17 Philosophical Inputs and Outputs of Technology ............. 191
   Mario Bunge
18 Analytic Philosophy of Technology .......................... 201
   Maarten Franssen
19 On the Aims of a Philosophy of Technology .................. 205
   Jacques Ellul
20 Toward a Philosophy of Technology .......................... 210
   Hans Jonas
21 The Technology Question in Feminism: A View from Feminist
   Technology Studies ......................................... 224
   Wendy Faulkner

Part III  Defining Technology ................................. 239

   Introduction ............................................... 241
22 Conflicting Visions of Technology .......................... 249
   Mary Tiles and Hans Oberdiek
23 The Mangle of Practice ..................................... 260
   Andrew Pickering
24 The Social Construction of Facts and Artifacts ............. 266
   Trevor J. Pinch and Wiehe E. Bijker
25 Actor-Network Theory (ANT) ................................. 278
   Bruno Latour
26 Actor-Network Theory: Critical Considerations .............. 289
   Sergio Sismondo

Part IV  Heidegger on Technology .............................. 297

   Introduction ............................................... 299
27 The Question Concerning Technology ......................... 305
   Martin Heidegger
28 On Philosophy's "Ending" in Technoscience: Heidegger
   vs. Comte .................................................. 318
   Robert C. Scharff
29 Focal Things and Practices ................................. 329
   Albert Borgmann
30 Heidegger and Borgmann on How to Affirm Technology ......... 350
   Hubert L. Dreyfus and Charles Spinosa
31 Philosophy of Technology at the Crossroads: Critique of
   Heidegger and Borgmann ..................................... 362
   Andrew Feenberg

Part V Technology and Human Ends .............................. 375

   Human Beings as "Makers" or "Tool-Users"? .................. 377
32 Tool Users vs. Homo Sapiens and the Megamachine ............ 381
   Lewis Mumford
33 The "Vita Activa" and the Modern Age ....................... 389
   Hannah Arendt
34 Putting Pragmatism (especially Dewey's) to Work ............ 406
   Larry Hickman
35 Buddhist Economics ......................................... 421
   E.F. Schumacher
   Is Technology Autonomous? .................................. 426
36 The "Autonomy" of the Technological Phenomenon ............. 430
   Jacques Ellul
37 Do Machines Make History? .................................. 442
   Robert L. Heilbroner
38 The New Forms of Control ................................... 449
   Herbert Marcuse
39 Technological Determinism Is Dead; Long Live Technological
   Determinism ................................................ 456
   Sally Wyatt
   Technology, Ecology, and the Conquest of Nature ............ 467
40 Mining the Earth's Womb .................................... 471
   Carolyn Merchant
41 The Deep Ecology Movement .................................. 482
   Bill Devall
42 Deeper than Deep Ecology.The Eco-Feminist Connection ....... 491
   Ariel Salleh
43 In Defense of Posthuman Dignity ............................ 495
   Nick Bostrom

Part VI Technology as Social Practice ......................... 503

   Technology and the Lifeworld ............................... 505
44 Cultural Climates and Technological Advance in the Middle
   Ages ....................................................... 511
   Lynn White, Jr.
45 Three Ways of Being-With Technology ........................ 523
   Carl Mitcham
46 A Phenomenology of Technics ................................ 539
   Don Ihide
47 Postphenomenology of Technology ............................ 561
   Peter-Paul Verbeek
48 Technoscience Studies after Heidegger? Not Yet ............. 573
   Robert C. Scharff

   Technology and Cyberspace .................................. 582
49 Consciousness in Human and Robot Minds ..................... 588
   Daniel C. Dennett
50 Why Heideggerian AI Failed and How Fixing It Would
   Require Making It More Heideggerian ........................ 597
   Hubert L. Dreyfus
51 A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist
   Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century ..................... 610
   Donna Haraway
52 A Moratorium on Cyborgs: Computation, Cognition, and
   Commerce ................................................... 631
   Evan Selinger and Timothy Engström
53 Anonymity versus Commitment: The Dangers of Education on
   the Internet ............................................... 641
   Hubert L. Dreyfus

   Technology, Knowledge, and Power ........................... 648
54 Panopticism ................................................ 654
   Michel Foucault
55 Do Artifacts Have Politics? ................................ 668
   Langdon Winner
56 The Social Impact of Technological Change .................. 680
   Emmanuel G. Mesthene
57 Technology: The Opiate of the Intellectuals, with the
   Author's 2000 Retrospective ................................ 693
   John McDermott
58 Democratic Rationalization: Technology, Power, and
   Freedom .................................................... 706
   Andrew Feenberg

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