Philosophy of mind: the key thinkers (London; New York, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPhilosophy of mind: the key thinkers / ed. by A.Bailey. - London; New York: Bloomsbury, 2014. - x, 318 p. - (Key thinkers). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.315-318. - ISBN 978-1-4411-9537-1
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Оглавление / Contents
Notes on Contributors ......................................... vii
1  Introduction: 90 years of philosophy of mind
   Andrew Bailey ................................................ 1
2  Decoding Descartes' 'myth' of mind
   Patricia Easton ............................................. 17
3  Edmund Husserl and phenomenology
   Dermot Moran ................................................ 37
4  A Merleau-Ponty: A phenomenological philosophy of mind and
   Sara Heinämaa ............................................... 59
5  Gilbert Ryle and logical behaviourism
   William Lyons ............................................... 85
6  The contributions of U.T. Place, H. Feigl and J.J.C. 
   Smart to the identity theory of consciousness Brian
   P. McLaughlin and Ronald Planer ............................ 103
7  David Lewis, David Armstrong and the causal theory of the
   David Braddon-Mitchell ..................................... 129
8  Hilary Putnam and computational functionalism Oron 
   Shagrir .................................................... 147
9  Jerry Fodor and the representational theory of mind 
   Matthew Katz ............................................... 169
10 Donald Davidson, Daniel Dennett and the origins of the 
   normative model of the mind
   Andrew Brook ............................................... 189
11 Tracking representationalism: William Lycan, Fred Dretske 
   and Michael Туе
   David Bourget and Angela Mendelovici ....................... 209
12 The neurophilosophies of Patricia and Paul Churchland 
   John Bickle ................................................ 237
13 Andy Clark, Antonio Damasio and embodied cognition
   Monica Cowart .............................................. 259
14 David Chalmers on mind and consciousness Richard Brown ..... 283
15 Postscript: Philosophy of mind - the next ten years 
   Andrew Bailey .............................................. 303
Index ......................................................... 315

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