Perspectives and challenges in statistical physics and complex systems for the next decade (Singapore, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPerspectives and challenges in statistical physics and complex systems for the next decade / ed. G.M.Viswanathan, E.P.Raposo, M.G.Eleutério da Luz. - Singapore: World scientiific, 2014. - xiii, 331 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - Auth. ind.: p.331. - ISBN 978-981-4590-13-6
Шифр: (И/В31-P47) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v

Part A  Further advances in the analysis of traditional
problems in statistical physics ................................. 1
Comparing methods and Monte Carlo algorithms at phase
transition regimes: A general overview .......................... 3
C.E. Fiore
Density of states of the Ising model in the field .............. 21
B.D. Stošić
A renormalization group study of the three-color Ashkin-Teller
model on a Wheatstone hierarchical lattice ..................... 36
R. Teodoro, C.G. Bezerra, A.M. Mariz, F.A. da Costa and
J.M. de Araújo
Applying Virial theorem in continuous potential of two scales .. 48
N.M. Barraz Jr. and M.C. Barbosa
Elementary statistical models for nematic transitions in
liquid-crystalline systems ..................................... 64
D.B. Liarte and S.R. Salinas
Phase diagram and layer-thinning transitions in free-
standing liquid crystal films .................................. 83
M.S.S. Pereira, I.N. de Oliveira and M.L. Lyra
On some experimental reasons for an inhomogeneous structure
of ambient water on the nanometer length scale ................ 107
F. Mallamace, C. Corsaro and C. Vasi
Polyamorphism and polymorphism of a confined water
monolayer: liquid-liquid critical point, liquid-crystal and
crystal-crystal phase transitions ............................. 126
V. Bianco, O. Vilanova and G. Franzese

Part В  New insights into traditional problems in statistical
physics ....................................................... 151
Topological and geometrical aspects of phase transitions ...... 153
F.A.N. Santos, J.A. Rehn and M.D. Coutinho-Filho
Pacman percolation and the glass transition ................... 181
R. Pastore, M.P. Ciamarra and A. Coniglio
Exact solution for a diffusive process on a backbone
structure: Green function approach and external force ......... 196
E.K. Lenzi, L.R. da Silva, A.A. Tateishi, M.K. Lenzi and
H.V. Ribeiro
Multifractal surfaces: Lucena and Stanley approaches .......... 208
G.	Cor so and D.A. Moreira

Part С  Applications to biological problems ................... 219
Nanoelectronics of a DNA molecule ............................. 221
E.L. Albuquerque, U.L. Fulco, E.W.S. Caetano, V.N. Freire,
M.L. Lyra and F.A.B.F. Moura
Magic trees in mammalians respiration or when evolution
selected clever physical systems .............................. 245
B. Sapoval and M. Filoche
Social distancing strategies against disease spreading ........ 257
L.D. Valdez, C. Buono, P.A. Macri and L.A. Braunstein

Part D  Non-traditional problems related to complex systems ... 285
Thermodynamics and kinetic theory of granular materials ....... 287
G.M. Kremer
Continuous and first-order jamming transition in crossing
pedestrian traffic flows ...................................... 300
H.J. Hilhorst, J. Cividini and C. Appert-Rolland
Multiplicative processes in visual cognition .................. 314
H.F. Credidio, E.N. Teixeira, S.D.S. Reis, A.A. Moreira and
J.S. Andrade Jr.
Search strategy: Hedging your bet ............................. 324
M.F. Shlesinger

Author Index .................................................. 331

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