Nagourney W. Quantum electronics for atomic physics and telecommunication (Oxford; New York, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаNagourney W. Quantum electronics for atomic physics and telecommunication. - 2nd ed. - Oxford; New York: Oxford university press, 2014. - xv, 475 p.: ill. - (Oxford graduate texts). - Bibliogr.: p.466-470. - Ind.: p.471-475. - ISBN 978-0-19-966548-8
Шифр: (И/З.86-N 16) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
1  Gaussian beams ............................................... 1
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 1
   1.2  The paraxial wave equation .............................. 1
   1.3  Gaussian beam functions and the complex beam
        parameter, q ............................................ 2
   1.4  Some Gaussian beam properties ........................... 3
   1.5  The phase term: Gouy phase .............................. 5
   1.6  Simple transformation properties of the complex beam
        parameter ............................................... 6
   1.7  Matrix formulation of paraxial ray optics: ABCD rule .... 8
   1.8  Further reading ........................................ 10
   1.9  Problems ............................................... 11
2  Optical resonators - geometrical properties ................. 12
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 12
   2.2  The two-mirror standing-wave cavity .................... 12
   2.3  Stability .............................................. 14
   2.4  Solution for an arbitrary two-mirror stable cavity ..... 16
   2.5  Higher-order modes ..................................... 18
   2.6  Resonant frequencies ................................... 20
   2.7  The traveling-wave (ring) cavity ....................... 21
   2.8  Astigmatism in a ring cavity ........................... 25
   2.9  Mode matching .......................................... 29
   2.10 Beam quality characterization: the M2 parameter ........ 31
   2.11 Further reading ........................................ 33
   2.12 Problems ............................................... 34
3  Energy relations in optical cavities ........................ 35
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 35
   3.2  Reflection and transmission at an interface ............ 35
   3.3  Reflected fields from standing-wave cavity ............. 36
   3.4  Internal (circulating) field in a standing-wave
        cavity ................................................. 37
   3.5  Reflected and internal intensities ..................... 38
   3.6  The resonant character of the reflected and
        circulating intensities ................................ 39
   3.7  Impedance matching ..................................... 40
   3.8  Fields and intensities in ring cavity .................. 43
   3.9  A novel "reflective" coupling scheme using a tilted
        wedge .................................................. 44
   3.10 Photon lifetime ........................................ 45
   3.11 The quality factor, Q .................................. 46
   3.12 Relation between Q and finesse ......................... 46
   3.13 Alternative representation of cavity loss .............. 47
   3.14 Experimental determination of cavity parameters ........ 47
   3.15 Further reading ........................................ 50
   3.16 Problems ............................................... 50
4  Optical cavity as frequency discriminator ................... 52
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 52
   4.2  A simple example ....................................... 52
   4.3  Side of resonance discriminant ......................... 54
   4.4  The manipulation of polarized beams: the Jones
        calculus ............................................... 55
   4.5  The polarization technique ............................. 57
   4.6  Frequency modulation ................................... 60
   4.7  The Pound-Drever-Hall approach ......................... 62
   4.8  Frequency response of a cavity-based discriminator ..... 66
   4.9  Further reading ........................................ 69
   4.10 Problems ............................................... 69
5  Laser  gain and some of its consequences .................... 71
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 71
   5.2  The wave equation ...................................... 71
   5.3  The interaction term ................................... 72
   5.4  The rotating-wave approximation ........................ 73
   5.5  Density matrix of two-level system ..................... 74
   5.6  The classical Bloch equation ........................... 76
   5.7  Connection between two-level atom and spin-1/2 system .. 79
   5.8  Radiative and collision-induced damping ................ 82
   5.9  The atomic susceptibility and optical gain ............. 87
   5.10 The Einstein A and В coefficients ...................... 91
   5.11 Doppler broadening: an example of inhomogeneous
        broadening ............................................. 95
   5.12 Comments on saturation ................................. 97
   5.13 Further reading ....................................... 101
   5.14 Problems .............................................. 101
6  Laser  oscillation and pumping mechanisms .................. 103
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 103
   6.2  The condition for laser oscillation ................... 103
   6.3  The power output of a laser ........................... 104
   6.4  Pumping in three-level and four-level laser systems ... 106
   6.5  Laser oscillation frequencies and pulling ............. 109
   6.6  Inhomogeneous broadening and multimode behavior ....... 110
   6.7  Spatial hole burning .................................. 112
   6.8  Some consequences of the photon model for laser
        radiation ............................................. 113
   6.9  The photon statistics of laser radiation .............. 115
   6.10 The ultimate linewidth of a laser ..................... 121
   6.11 Further reading ....................................... 122
   6.12 Problems .............................................. 122
7  Descriptions of specific CW laser systems .................. 124
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 124
   7.2  The He-Ne laser ....................................... 124
   7.3  The argon-ion laser ................................... 126
   7.4  The continuous-wave organic dye laser ................. 129
   7.5  The titanium-sapphire laser ........................... 133
   7.6  The CW neodymium-yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG)
        laser ................................................. 135
   7.7  The YAG non-planar ring oscillator: a novel ring
        laser geometry ........................................ 137
   7.8  Diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) YAG lasers ............ 138
   7.9  Further reading ....................................... 139
8  Laser gain in a semiconductor .............................. 140
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 140
   8.2  Solid-state physics background ........................ 140
   8.3  Optical gain in a semiconductor ....................... 151
   8.4  Further reading ....................................... 160
   8.5  Problems .............................................. 160
9  Semiconductor diode lasers ................................. 162
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 162
   9.2  The homojunction semiconductor laser .................. 162
   9.3  The double heterostructure laser ...................... 165
   9.4  Quantum-well lasers ................................... 170
   9.5  Distributed feedback lasers ........................... 176
   9.6  The rate equations and relaxation oscillations ........ 182
   9.7  Diode laser frequency control and linewidth ........... 190
   9.8  External cavity diode lasers (ECDLs) .................. 195
   9.9  Semiconductor laser amplifiers and injection locking .. 205
   9.10 Miscellaneous characteristics of semiconductor
        lasers ................................................ 211
   9.11 Further reading ....................................... 213
   9.12 Problems .............................................. 213
10 Guided-wave devices and fiber lasers ....................... 215
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 215
   10.2 Slab waveguide: preliminary analysis .................. 215
   10.3 Wave propagation in a slab waveguide .................. 219
   10.4 Wave propagation in a fiber - ray theory .............. 230
   10.5 Wave propagation in a fiber - wave theory ............. 233
   10.6 Dispersion in fibers and waveguides ................... 241
   10.7 Coupling into optical fibers .......................... 245
   10.8 Fiber-optic components ................................ 249
        10.8.1 Directional coupler ............................ 250
        10.8.2 The loop reflector ............................. 253
        10.8.3 Fiber Bragg gratings ........................... 256
        10.8.4 Optical isolators and circulators .............. 259
        10.8.5 Amplitude and phase modulation ................. 261
        10.8.6 Polarization-preserving fibers ................. 263
        10.8.7 Polarization controller ........................ 267
   10.9 The physics of rare earth ions in glasses ............. 269
   10.10 Some specific fiber lasers ........................... 280
        10.10.1 Fiber laser resonators ........................ 280
        10.10.2 Erbium and erbium/ytterbium lasers ............ 283
        10.10.3 Neodymium lasers .............................. 284
        10.10.4 Ytterbium lasers .............................. 285
        10.10.5 Thulium lasers ................................ 286
   10.11 Further reading ...................................... 287
   10.12 Problems ............................................. 287
11 Mode-locked lasers and frequency metrology ................. 289
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 289
   11.2 Theory of mode locking ................................ 289
   11.3 Mode-locking techniques ............................... 294
   11.4 Dispersion and its compensation ....................... 298
   11.5 The mode-locked Ti-sapphire laser ..................... 302
   11.6 Mode-locked fiber lasers .............................. 305
   11.7 Frequency metrology using a femtosecond laser ......... 309
   11.8 The carrier envelope offset ........................... 313
   11.9 Comb generation in a microresonator ................... 315
   11.10 Further reading ...................................... 321
   11.11 Problems ............................................. 321
12 Laser frequency stabilization and control systems .......... 323
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 323
   12.2 Laser frequency stabilization - a first look .......... 323
   12.3 The effect of the loop filter ......................... 325
   12.4 Elementary noise considerations ....................... 326
   12.5 Some linear system theory ............................. 329
   12.6 The stability of a linear system ...................... 333
   12.7 Negative feedback ..................................... 335
   12.8 Some actual control systems ........................... 344
   12.9 Temperature stabilization ............................. 350
   12.10 Laser frequency stabilization ........................ 354
   12.11 Optical-fiber phase noise and its cancellation ....... 363
   12.12 Characterization of laser frequency stability ........ 365
   12.13 Frequency locking to a noisy resonance ............... 371
   12.14 Further reading ...................................... 373
   12.15 Problems ............................................. 373
13 Atomic and molecular discriminants ......................... 375
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 375
   13.2 Sub-Doppler saturation spectroscopy ................... 375
   13.3 Sub-Doppler dichroic atomic vapor laser locking and
        polarization spectroscopy ............................. 381
   13.4 An example of a side-of-line atomic discriminant ...... 386
   13.5 Further reading ....................................... 387
   13.6 Problems .............................................. 387
   14 Nonlinear optics ........................................ 389
   14.1 Introduction .......................................... 389
   14.2 Anisotropic crystals .................................. 389
   14.3 Second-harmonic generation ............................ 397
   14.4 Birefringent phase matching ........................... 402
   14.5 Quasi-phase matching .................................. 408
   14.6 Second-harmonic generation using a focused beam ....... 413
   14.7 Second-harmonic generation in a cavity ................ 420
   14.8 Sum-frequency generation .............................. 425
   14.9 Periodically poled optical waveguides ................. 426
   14.10 Parametric interactions .............................. 430
   14.11 Further reading ...................................... 443
   14.12 Problems ............................................. 443
15 Frequency and amplitude modulation ......................... 444
   15.1 Introduction .......................................... 444
   15.2 The linear electro-optic effect ....................... 444
   15.3 Bulk electro-optic modulators ......................... 446
   15.4 Traveling-wave electro-optic modulators ............... 451
   15.5 Acousto-optic modulators .............................. 452
   15.6 Further reading ....................................... 464
   15.7 Problems .............................................. 464
   References ................................................. 466

Index ......................................................... 471

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