Le Bellac M. The quantum world (Singapore, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLe Bellac M. The quantum world / M.Le Bellac; Foreword by A.Aspect. - Singapore: World scientific, 2014. - xvii, 238 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.231-234. - Ind.: p.235-238. - ISBN 978-981-4579-50-6
Шифр: (И/В31-L44) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v
Foreword ....................................................... ix
1  An Inconvenient Principle .................................... 1
   1.1  Waves in classical physics .............................. 2
   1.2  The Mach-Zehnder interferometer ......................... 6
   1.3  Photons ................................................. 8
   1.4  Photons in the Mach-Zehnder interferometer ............. 15
   1.5  The Mach-Zehnder interferometer revisited .............. 18
   1.6  Quantum particles .....................................  21
   1.7  Delayed choice and interaction-free measurement ........ 24
   1.8  Further reading ........................................ 28
2  Secure Communications ....................................... 29
   2.1  Classical cryptography: Secret key and public key ...... 29
   2.2  Light polarization ..................................... 33
   2.3  Photon polarization .................................... 35
   2.4  The BB84 protocol of quantum cryptography .............. 39
   2.5  Further reading ........................................ 43
3  Einstein, Bohr, and Bell .................................... 45
   3.1  Superluminal communications? ........................... 46
   3.2  A remarkable inequality ................................ 48
   3.3  Quantum physics and entanglement ....................... 50
   3.4  Bell's non-locality and experiment ..................... 54
   3.5  Further reading ........................................ 59
4  Atoms, Light, and Lasers .................................... 61
   4.1  Classical particles and classical waves on a line ...... 62
   4.2  A quantum particle in a potential well ................. 65
   4.3  Heisenberg inequalities and energy levels .............. 67
   4.4  Atoms .................................................. 71
   4.5  Lasers ................................................. 74
   4.6  Further reading ........................................ 80
5  Cold Atoms .................................................. 81
   5.1  What is temperature? ................................... 82
   5.2  Cooling atoms .......................................... 86
   5.3  Bose-Einstein condensates .............................. 97
   5.4  Further reading ....................................... 104
6  The Kingdom of Semiconductors .............................. 105
   6.1  Conductors and insulators ............................. 106
   6.2  Semiconductors ........................................ 112
   6.3  Interaction with an electromagnetic field ............. 116
   6.4  Heterojunctions ....................................... 118
   6.5  Further reading ....................................... 123
7  Relativistic Quantum Physics ............................... 125
   7.1  Relativistic quantum field theory ..................... 125
   7.2  The standard model of particle physics ................ 135
   7.3  Quantum gravity ....................................... 142
   7.4  Further reading ....................................... 147
8  Towards a Quantum Computer? ................................ 149
   8.1  Bits and quantum logic gates .......................... 150
   8.2  Quantum algorithms .................................... 156
   8.3  Quantum algorithms and algorithmic complexity ......... 161
   8.4  Physical realizations ................................. 163
   8.5  Further reading ....................................... 165
9  The Environment is Watching ................................ 167
   9.1  Decoherence: An elementary example .................... 168
   9.2  Environment and decoherence ........................... 172
   9.3  Further reading ....................................... 179
10 Interpretations ............................................ 181
   10.1 The Copenhagen interpretation ......................... 182
   10.2 von Neumann's theory .................................. 188
   10.3 The measuring apparatus is macroscopic ................ 193
   10.4 Non-standard interpretations .......................... 196
   10.5 Conclusion ............................................ 200
   10.6 Further reading ....................................... 201
11 Appendices ................................................. 203
   References ................................................. 231

Index ......................................................... 235

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