Cognitive phenomenology (Oxford, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCognitive phenomenology / ed. by T.Bayne, M.Montague. - Oxford: Oxford university press, 2014. - vi, 378 p. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - Auth. ind.: p.373-375. - Sub. ind.: p.376-378. - ISBN 978-0-19-870803-2
Шифр: (И/Ю2-С67) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
List of Contributors .......................................... vii

Cognitive Phenomenology: An Introduction ........................ 1
   Tim Bayne and Michelle Montague
The Case Against Cognitive Phenomenology ....................... 35
   Peter Carmthers and Benidicte Veillet
From Agentive Phenomenology to Cognitive Phenomenology:
A Guide for the Perplexed ...................................... 57
   Terry Horgan
Cognitive Phenomenology as the Basis of Unconscious Content .... 79
   Uriah Kriegel
On the Phenomenology of Thought ............................... 103
   Joseph Levine
The Phenomenology of Particularity ............................ 121
   Michelle Montague
Introspection, Phenomenality, and the Availability of
Intentional Content ........................................... 141
   David Pitt
The Sensory Basis of Cognitive Phenomenology .................. 174
   Jesse J. Prinz
A Frugal View of Cognitive Phenomenology ...................... 197
   William S. Robinson
On Behalf of Cognitive Qualia ................................. 215
   Christopher Shields
Phenomenal Thought ............................................ 236
   Charles Siewert
Disagreement about Cognitive Phenomenology .................... 268
   Maja Spener
Cognitive Phenomenology: Real Life ............................ 285
   Galen Strawson
Is There a Phenomenology of Thought? .......................... 326
   Michael Тyе and Briggs Wright
The Phenomenology of Consciously Thinking ..................... 345
   David Woodruff Smith

Author Index .................................................. 373
Subject Index ................................................. 376

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