Bashford A. Global population history, geopolitics, and life on Earth (New York, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBashford A. Global population history, geopolitics, and life on Earth. - New York: Columbia university press, 2014. - xii, 466 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.366-446. - Ind.: p.447-466. - ISBN 978-0-231-14766-8
Шифр: (И/С7-В29) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Acknowledgments ................................................ ix
Introduction: Life and Earth .................................... 1

PART I  The Long Nineteenth Century
1  Confined in Room: A Spatial History of Malthusianism ........ 29

PART II  The Politics of Earth, 1920s and 1930s
2  War and Peace: Population, Territory, and Living Space ...... 55
3  Density: Universes with Definite Limits ..................... 81
4  Migration: World Population and the Global Color Line ...... 107
5  Waste Lands: Sovereignty and the Anticolonial History
   of World Population ........................................ 133

PART III The Politics of Life, 1920s and 1930s
6  Life on Earth: Ecology and the Cosmopolitics of
   Population ................................................. 157
7  Soil and Food: Agriculture and the Fertility of the Earth .. 181
8  Sex: The Geopolitics of Birth Control ...................... 211
9  The Species: Human Difference and Global Eugenics .......... 239

PART IV Between One World and Three Worlds, 1940s to 1968
10 Food and Freedom: A New World of Plenty? ................... 267
11 Life and Death: The Biopolitical Solution to a
   Geopolitical Problem ....................................... 305
12 Universal Rights? Population Control and the Powers
   of Reproductive Freedom .................................... 328
Conclusion: The Population Bomb in the Space Age .............. 355

Notes ......................................................... 365
Archival Collections .......................................... 445
Index ......................................................... 447

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