Atakan B. Molecular communications and nanonetworks (New York, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAtakan B. Molecular communications and nanonetworks. - New York: Springer, 2014. - xiii, 184 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.181-184. - ISBN 978-1-4939-0738-0
Шифр: (И/Е0-А90) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
1    Molecular Communication Among Nanomachines ................. 1
1.1  Nanomachines, Nanorobots, and Genetically Engineered
     Machines ................................................... 1
     1.1.1  Nanomachines and Molecular Machines ................. 1
     1.1.2  Nanorobots .......................................... 4
     1.1.3  Synthetic Biology-Based Genetically Engineered
            Machines ............................................ 6
1.2  Nature-Made Molecular Communications Among Cells ........... 8
1.3  Molecular Communications Among Nanomachines ............... 14
1.4  Molecular Communication Architectures ..................... 17
1.5  Organization of the Book .................................. 21
     References ................................................ 21

2    Passive Molecular Communication Through Absorbers ......... 25
2.1  A Communication Architecture for PMC ...................... 25
2.2  Emission of Molecule ...................................... 26
2.3  Diffusion of Molecules .................................... 29
     2.3.1  Random Walk ........................................ 30
     2.3.2  Statistical Characterization of Random Walk ........ 32
     2.3.3  Fick's Equations ................................... 35
     2.3.4  Example Solutions for Diffusion Equation ........... 38
2.4  Reception of Molecules .................................... 45
     2.4.1  Reception Rate of Molecules with a Perfect
            Absorber ........................................... 45
     2.4.2  Capture Probability of Molecules with a Perfect
            Absorber ........................................... 47
     2.4.3  Mean Time to Capture ............................... 49
     2.4.4  Accuracy of Concentration Sensing with
            a Perfectly Absorbing Sphere and a Perfectly
            Monitoring Sphere .................................. 51
     2.4.5  Accuracy of Gradient Sensing with Perfectly
            Absorbing and Perfectly Monitoring Spheres ......... 54
2.5  Unified Models for PMC with Perfect Absorber .............. 59
     2.5.1  Unified Model with Reaction-Rate Equations ......... 59
     2.5.2  Unified Model with Reaction-Diffusion Equations .... 67
2.6  Communication Theories and Techniques for PMC
     Through Absorbers ......................................... 70
     2.6.1  Communication Rate in PMC Through Absorbers ........ 70
     2.6.2  Communication Rate of Concentration Channel
            in PMC Through Absorbers ........................... 71
     2.6.3  Communication Rate of Timing Channel in PMC with
            Perfect Absorber ................................... 75
     2.6.4  Binary Modulation in PMC Through Absorbers ......... 78
     2.6.5  Binary Modulation Based on Single Molecule ......... 78
     2.6.6  Binary Modulation Based on Multiple Molecules ...... 85
     2.6.7  M-ary Modulation Based on Different Types
            of Molecules ....................................... 87
     2.6.8  Binary Modulation Based on Molecular Arrays ........ 93
     References ............................................... 103

3    Passive Molecular Communication Through Ligand-Receptor
     Binding .................................................. 105
3.1  Communication Architecture for Passive Molecular
     Communication ............................................ 105
     3.1.1  Reception of Molecules Through Surface Receptors .. 106
     3.1.2  Probabilistic Aspects of Ligand-Receptor Binding .. 110
     3.1.3  A Modified Diffusion Equation for Ligand-
            Receptor Binding in PMC ........................... 114
     3.1.4  Effects of Diffusion on Ligand-Receptor Binding ... 115
     3.1.5  Accuracy of Concentration Sensing with Surface
            Receptors ......................................... 119
     3.1.6  Accuracy of Gradient Sensing with Surface
            Receptors ......................................... 125
     3.1.7  PMC in Gene Regulatory Networks ................... 128
     3.1.8  Modulation Techniques in PMC Through Surface
            Receptors ......................................... 132
     3.1.9  Estimation of Gradient Direction in PMC ........... 139
     3.1.10 PMC Rate in Gene Regulatory Networks .............. 141
     References ............................................... 142

4    Active Molecular Communication ........................... 145
4.1  Active Molecular Communication with Molecular Motors ..... 145
4.2  Modeling Approaches for the First Scenario ............... 147
     4.2.1  Messenger Molecules ............................... 147
     4.2.2  Interface Molecules ............................... 148
     4.2.3  Guide and Transport Molecules ..................... 148
     4.2.4  Continuum Ratchet Models for Molecular Motor
            Moving Along a Filament to Carry a Cargo .......... 149
     4.2.5  A Discrete Stochastic Model for Molecular
            Motor Moving Along a Filament to Carry a Cargo .... 150
4.3  Modeling Approaches for the Second Scenario .............. 152
4.4  Communication Theories and Techniques for Active MC
     with Molecular Motors .................................... 155
4.5  Active Molecular Communication with Gap Junction
     Channels ................................................. 159
4.6  Active Molecular Communication with Motile Bacteria ...... 163
     4.6.1  Encoding and Releasing Phase ...................... 164
     4.6.2  Propagation Phase ................................. 165
     4.6.3  Reception and Decoding Phase ...................... 173
4.7  Active Molecular Communication Through Contact
     of Nanomachines .......................................... 173
     4.7.1  Collision of Nanomachines ......................... 174
     4.7.2  Adhesion of Nanomachines .......................... 175
     References ............................................... 177

Index ......................................................... 181

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