All about science: philosophy, history, sociology & communication (Singapore, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAll about science: philosophy, history, sociology & communication / eds.: M.Burguete, L.Lam. - Singapore: World scientific, 2014. - xx, 434 p.: ill. - (Science matters series; N 3). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.415-434. - ISBN 978-981-4472-92-0
Шифр: (И/Ю25-А38) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v
1  About Science 1: Basics—Knowledge, Nature, Science and 
   Scimat ....................................................... 1
   Lui Lam
2  About Science 2: Philosophy, History,Sociology and 
   Communication ............................................... 50
   Lui Lam

PART I PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE .................................. 101
3  Towards a Phenomenological Philosophy of Science ........... 103
   Guo-Sheng Wu
4  The Predicament of Scientific Culture in Ancient China ..... 116
   Hong-Sheng Wang
5  What Do Scientists Know! ................................... 137
   Nigel Sanitt
6  How to Deal with the Whole: Two Kinds of Holism in 
   Methodology ................................................ 147
   Jin-Yang Liu

PART II HISTORY OF SCIENCE .................................... 175
7  Helicobacter. The Ease and Difficulty of a New Discovery ... 177
   Robin Warren
8  Science in Victorian Era: New Observations on Two Old 
   Theses ..................................................... 185
   Dun Liu
9  Medical Studies in Portugal around 1911 .................... 193
   Maria Burguete
10 The Founding of the International Liquid Crystal Society ... 209
   Lui Lam

PART III SOCIOLOGY OF SCIENCE ................................. 241
11 Three Waves of Science Studies ............................. 243
   Harry Collins
12 Solitons and Revolution in China: 1978-1983 ................ 253
   Lui Lam
13 Scientific Culture in Contemporary China ................... 290
   Bing Liu and Mei-Fang Zhang

PART IV COMMUNICATION OF SCIENCE .............................. 305
14 Science Communication: A History and Review ................ 307
   Peter Broks
15 Popular-Science Writings in Early Modern China ............. 330
   Lin Yin

PART V OTHER SCIENCE MATTERS .................................. 347
16 Understanding Art through Science: From Socrates to the 
   Contextual Brain ........................................... 349
   Kajsa Berg
17 Spy Video Games after 9/11: Narrative and Pleasure ......... 371
   Ting-Ting Wang
18 Statistical Physics for Humanists: A Tutorial .............. 383
   Dietrich Stauffer

Acknowledgments ............................................... 407
Contributors .................................................. 409
Index ......................................................... 415

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