Active plasmonics and tuneable plasmonic metamaterials (Hoboken, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаActive plasmonics and tuneable plasmonic metamaterials / ed. A.V.Zayats. - Hoboken: Wiley, 2013. - xviii, 316 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-1-118-09208-8
Шифр: (И/Ж-A19) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... xiii
Contributors ................................................. xvii

1    Spaser, Plasmonic Amplification, and Loss Compensation ..... 1
     Mark I. Stockman
1.1  Introduction to Spasers and Spasing ........................ 1
1.2  Spaser Fundamentals ........................................ 2
     1.2.1  Brief Overview of the Latest Progress in Spasers .... 5
1.3  Quantum Theory of Spaser ................................... 7
     1.3.1  Surface Plasmon Eigenmodes and Their Quantization ... 7
     1.3.2  Quantum Density Matrix Equations (Optical Bloch
            Equations) for Spaser ............................... 9
     1.3.3  Equations for CW Regime ............................ 11
     1.3.4  Spaser operation in CW Mode ........................ 15
     1.3.5  Spaser as Ultrafast Quantum Nanoamplifier .......... 17
     1.3.6  Monostable Spaser as a Nanoamplifier in Transient
            Regime ............................................. 18
1.4  Compensation of Loss by Gain and Spasing .................. 22
     1.4.1  Introduction to Loss Compensation by Gain .......... 22
     1.4.2  Permittivity of Nanoplasmonic Metamaterial ......... 22
     1.4.3  Plasmonic Eigenmodes and Effective Resonant
            Permittivity of Metamaterials ...................... 24
     1.4.4  Conditions of Loss Compensation by Gain and
            Spasing ............................................ 25
     1.4.5  Discussion of Spasing and Loss Compensation by
            Gain ............................................... 27
     1.4.6  Discussion of Published Research on Spasing and
            Loss Compensations ................................. 29
     Acknowledgments ........................................... 33
     References ................................................ 33

2    Nonlinear Effects in Plasmonic Systems .................... 41
     Pavel Ginzburg and Meir Orenstein
2.1  Introduction .............................................. 41
2.2  Metallic Nonlinearities—Basic Effects and Models .......... 43
     2.2.1  Local Nonlinearity—Transients by Carrier Heating ... 43
     2.2.2  Plasma Nonlinearity—The Ponderomotive Force ........ 45
     2.2.3  Parametric Process in Metals ....................... 46
     2.2.4  Metal Damage and Ablation .......................... 48
2.3  Nonlinear Propagation of Surface Plasmon Polaritons ....... 49
     2.3.1  Nonlinear SPP Modes ................................ 50
     2.3.2  Plasmon Solitons ................................... 50
     2.3.3  Nonlinear Plasmonic Waveguide Couplers ............. 54
2.4  Localized Surface Plasmon Nonlinearity .................... 55
     2.4.1  Cavities and Nonlinear Interactions Enhancement .... 56
     2.4.2  Enhancement of Nonlinear Vacuum Effects ............ 58
     2.4.3  High Harmonic Generation ........................... 60
     2.4.4  Localized Field Enhancement Limitations ............ 60
2.5  Summary ................................................... 62
     Acknowledgments ........................................... 62
     References ................................................ 62

3    Plasmonic Nanorod Metamaterials as a Platform for
     Active Nanophotonics ...................................... 69
     Gregory A. Wurtz, Wayne Dickson, Anatoly V. Zayats,
     Antony Murphy, and Robert J. Pollard
3.1  Introduction .............................................. 69
3.2  Nanorod Metamaterial Geometry ............................. 71
3.3  Optical Properties ........................................ 72
     3.3.1  Microscopic Description of the Metamaterial
            Electromagnetic Modes .............................. 72
     3.3.2  Effective Medium Theory of the Nanorod
            Metamaterial ....................................... 76
     3.3.3  Epsilon-Near-Zero Metamaterials and Spatial
            Dispersion Effects ................................. 79
     3.3.4  Guided Modes in the Anisotropic Metamaterial Slab .. 82
3.4  Nonlinear Effects in Nanorod Metamaterials ................ 82
     3.4.1  Nanorod Metamaterial Hybridized with Nonlinear
            Dielectric ......................................... 84
     3.4.2  Intrinsic Metal Nonlinearity of Nanorod
            Metamaterials ...................................... 85
3.5  Molecular Plasmonics in Metamaterials ..................... 89
3.6  Electro-Optical Effects in Plasmonic Nanorod
     Metamaterial Hybridized with Liquid Crystals .............. 97
3.7  Conclusion ................................................ 98
     References ................................................ 99

4    Transformation Optics for Plasmonics ..................... 105
     Alexandre Aubry and John B. Pendry
4.1  Introduction ............................................. 105
4.2  The Conformal Transformation Approach .................... 108
     4.2.1  A Set of Canonic Plasmonic Structures ............. 109
     4.2.2  Perfect Singular Structures ....................... 110
     4.2.3  Singular Plasmonic Structures ..................... 114  Conformal Mapping of Singular Structures ...... 114  Conformal Mapping of Blunt-Ended Singular
                Structures .................................... 118
     4.2.4  Resonant Plasmonic Structures ..................... 119
4.3  Broadband Light Harvesting and Nanofocusing .............. 121
     4.3.1  Broadband Light Absorption ........................ 121
     4.3.2  Balance between Energy Accumulation and
            Dissipation ....................................... 123
     4.3.3  Extension to 3D ................................... 125
     4.3.4  Conclusion ........................................ 126
4.4  Surface Plasmons and Singularities ....................... 127
     4.4.1  Control of the Bandwidth with the Vertex Angle .... 127
     4.4.2  Effect of the Bluntness ........................... 129
4.5  Plasmonic Hybridization Revisited with Transformation
     Optics ................................................... 130
     4.5.1  A Resonant Behavior ............................... 131
     4.5.2  Nanofocusing Properties ........................... 132
4.6  Beyond the Quasi-Static Approximation .................... 133
     4.6.1  Conformal Transformation Picture .................. 134
     4.6.2  Radiative Losses .................................. 135
     4.6.3  Fluorescence Enhancement .......................... 137  Fluorescence Enhancement in the Near-Field
                of Nanoantenna ................................ 138  The CT Approach ............................... 139
4.7  Nonlocal effects ......................................... 142
     4.7.1  Conformal Mapping of Nonlocality .................. 142
     4.7.2  Toward the Physics of Local Dimers ................ 143
4.8  Summary and Outlook ...................................... 145
     Acknowledgments .......................................... 145
     References ............................................... 145

5    Loss Compensation and Amplification of Surface
     Plasmon Polaritons ....................................... 153
     Pierre Berini
5.1  Introduction ............................................. 153
5.2  Surface Plasmon Waveguides ............................... 154
     5.2.1  Unidimensional Structures ......................... 154
     5.2.2  Bidimensional Structures .......................... 156
     5.2.3  Confinement-Attenuation Trade-Off ................. 156
     5.2.4  Optical Processes Involving SPPs .................. 157
5.3  Single Interface ......................................... 157
     5.3.1  Theoretical ....................................... 157
     5.3.2  Experimental ...................................... 158
5.4  Symmetric Metal Films .................................... 160
     5.4.1  Gratings .......................................... 160
     5.4.2  Theoretical ....................................... 160
     5.4.3  Experimental ...................................... 161
5.5  Metal Clads .............................................. 163
     5.5.1  Theoretical ....................................... 164
     5.5.2  Experimental ...................................... 164
5.6  Other Structures ......................................... 164
     5.6.1  Dielectric-Loaded SPP Waveguides .................. 164
     5.6.2  Hybrid SPP Waveguide .............................. 165
     5.6.3  Nanostructures .................................... 166
5.7  Conclusions .............................................. 166
     References ............................................... 167

6    Controlling Light Propagation with Interfacial Phase
     Discontinuities .......................................... 171
     Nanfang Yu, Mikhail A. Kats, Patrice Genevet, Francesco
     Aieta, Remain Blanchard, Guillaume Aoust, Zeno Gaburro,
     and Federico Capasso
6.1  Phase Response of Optical Antennas ....................... 172
     6.1.1  Introduction ...................................... 172
     6.1.2  Single Oscillator Model for Linear Optical
            Antennas .......................................... 174
     6.1.3  Two-Oscillator Model for 2D Structures
            Supporting Two Orthogonal Plasmonic Modes ......... 176
     6.1.4  Analytical Models for V-Shaped Optical Antennas ... 179
     6.1.5  Optical Properties of V-Shaped Antennas:
            Experiments and Simulations ....................... 183
6.2  Applications of Phased Optical Antenna Arrays ............ 186
     6.2.1  Generalized Laws of Reflection and Refraction:
            Meta-Interfaces with Phase Discontinuities ........ 186
     6.2.2  Out-of-Plane Reflection and Refraction of Light
            by Meta-Interfaces ................................ 192
     6.2.3  Giant and Tuneable Optical Birefringence .......... 197
     6.2.4  Vortex Beams Created by Meta-Interfaces ........... 200
     References ............................................... 213

7    Integrated Plasmonic Detectors ........................... 219
     Pieter Neutens and Paul Van Dorpe
7.1  Introduction ............................................. 219
7.2  Electrical Detection of Surface Plasmons ................. 221
     7.2.1  Plasmon Detection with Tunnel Junctions ........... 221
     7.2.2  Plasmon-Enhanced Solar Cells ...................... 222
     7.2.3  Plasmon-Enhanced Photodetectors ................... 225
     7.2.4  Waveguide-Integrated Surface Plasmon Polariton
            Detectors ......................................... 232
7.3  Outlook .................................................. 236
     References ............................................... 237

8    Terahertz Plasmonic Surfaces for Sensing ................. 243
     Stephen M. Hanham and Stefan A. Maier
8.1  The Terahertz Region for Sensing ......................... 244
8.2  THz Plasmonics ........................................... 244
8.3  SPPs on Semiconductor Surfaces ........................... 245
     8.3.1  Active Control of Semiconductor Plasmonics ........ 247
8.4  SSPP on Structured Metal Surfaces ........................ 247
8.5  THz Plasmonic Antennas ................................... 249
8.6  Extraordinary Transmission ............................... 253
8.7  THz Plasmons on Graphene ................................. 255
     References ............................................... 256

9    Subwavelength Imaging by Extremely Anisotropic Media ..... 261
     Pavel A. Belov
9.1  Introduction to Canalization Regime of Subwavelength
     Imaging .................................................. 261
9.2  Wire Medium Lens at the Microwave Frequencies ............ 264
9.3  Magnifying and Demagnifying Lenses with Super-
     Resolution ............................................... 269
9.4  Imaging at the Terahertz and Infrared Frequencies ........ 272
9.5  Nanolenses Formed by Nanorod Arrays for the Visible
     Frequency Range .......................................... 276
9.6  Superlenses and Hyperlenses Formed by Multilayered
     Metal-Dielectric Nanostructures .......................... 279
     References ............................................... 284

10   Active and Tuneable Metallic Nanoslit Lenses ............. 289
     Satoshi Ishii, Xingjie Ni, Vladimir P. Drachev, Mark
     D. Thoreson, Vladimir M. Shalaev, and Alexander
     V. Kildishev
10.1 Introduction ............................................. 289
10.2 Polarization-Selective Gold Nanoslit Lenses .............. 290
     10.2.1 Design Concept of Gold Nanoslit Lenses ............ 291
     10.2.2 Experimental Demonstration of Gold Nanoslit
            Lenses ............................................ 292
10.3 Metallic Nanoslit Lenses with Focal-Intensity
     Tuneability and Focal Length Shifting .................... 295
     10.3.1 Liquid Crystal-Controlled Nanoslit Lenses ......... 295
     10.3.2 Nonlinear Materials for Controlling Nanoslit
            Lenses ............................................ 300
10.4 Lamellar Structures with Hyperbolic Dispersion Enable
     Subwavelength Focusing with Metallic Nanoslits ........... 301
     10.4.1 Active Lamellar Structures with Hyperbolic
            Dispersion ........................................ 302
     10.4.2 Subwavelength Focusing with Active Lamellar
            Structures ........................................ 307
     10.4.3 Experimental Demonstration of Subwavelength
            Diffraction ....................................... 308
10.5 Summary .................................................. 313

Acknowledgments ............................................... 313
References .................................................... 313

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