The Cambridge handbook of cognitive science (Cambridge, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe Cambridge handbook of cognitive science / ed. by K.Frankish, W.M.Ramsey. - Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2012. - xiii, 333 p. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.322-333. - ISBN 978-0-521-69190-1

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Оглавление / Contents
List of figures and tables .................................... vii
Notes on contributors ix Acknowledgments ..................... xili

Introduction .................................................... 1
Keith Frankish and William M. Ramsey

Part I  Foundations
1  History and core themes ...................................... 9
   Adele Abrahamsen and William Bechtel
2  The representational theory of mind ......................... 29
   Barbara Von Eckardt
3  Cognitive architectures ..................................... 50
   Paul Thagard

Part II  Aspects of cognition
4  Perception .................................................. 73
   Casey O'Callaghan
5  Action ...................................................... 92
   Elisabeth Pacherle
6  Human learning and memory .................................. 112
   Charan Ranganath, Laura A., Libby, and Ling Wong
7  Reasoning and decision making .............................. 131
   Mike Oaksford, Nick Chater, and Nell Stewart
8  Concepts ................................................... 151
   Gregory L. Murphy and Aaron B. Hoffman
9  Language ................................................... 171
   Ray Jackendoff
10 Emotion .................................................... 193
   Jesse Prinz
11 Consciousness .............................................. 212
   William G. Lycan

Part III  Research programs
12  Cognitive neuroscience .................................... 235
    Dominic Standage and Thomas Trappenberg
13  Evolutionary psychology ................................... 257
    H. Clark Barrett
14  Embodied, embedded, and extended cognition ................ 275
    Andy Clark
15  Animal cognition .......................................... 292
    Sara J. Shettieworth

Glossary ...................................................... 313
Index ......................................................... 322

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